§ 11 How Suhráb took White Castle

Whenas the sun rose o'er the mountain-heights
The soldiers of Túrán girt up their loins,
And spear in hand Suhráb the chief bestrode
His swift-paced charger, purposing to capture
The garrison and bind them like a flock;
But having, roaring like a lion, forced
The gates, he saw no man of name within,
For in the night the garrison had fled
With Gazhdaham, because beneath the hold
There was a way not wotted by the foe.

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Those still inside concerned with the defence
Or otherwise came to Suhráb as bidden,
And sought by every means to save their lives.
He looked for Gurdáfríd but found her not.
His heart was fain for love and union with her.
“Woe's me!” he thought, “the bright Moon is be-clouded!”
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Káús received the letter and was grieved.
He called the captains of the host to counsel—
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Tús and Gúdarz son of Kishwád, and Gív,
Gurgín, Bahrám, and brave Farhád—and read
Aloud to them the news about Suhráb.
He said in private: “This will cost us time,
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And Gazhdaham saith naught to comfort us.
What shall we do, and what will cure this smart?
Who in Írán can fight him?”

All agreed

That Gív should go to Rustam at Zábul
To say: “The throne of empire is in danger,”
And summon him to take the field for war,
Because the Íránians looked to him for shelter.
A scribe as they discussed was sitting by
In that the case was one of urgency.