Page 9, line 7 of note. For “Kasan” read “Kusán.”
Page 15, note 1. Add, as a reference, “See p. 23 below.”
Page 36, note 1. Add, as a reference, “And note 3, p. 237 below.”
Page 44, note 2, line 12. For “Marv-i-Sháh Jahán” read “Marv-i-Sháhi Ján.”
Page 44, note 2, line 16. Add after the word “Jahán,” “According to most
writers, Marv-al-Rud was the name of the present town of Maruchák—or
Little Marv.” As a reference add, “See also Price, ii. p. 519, for situation
of Talkán.”
Page 67, note 2, line 5. After the word “Ashikin” add, “Khanikoff gives the
date of his death as 791 H. (See Mém. sur la partie Mérid. de l'Asie Centrale,
p. 76 of English transl.).”

Page 93, line 5 from foot. At name of “Sultan Ahmad Mirza” add footnote 2,
“See Baber, p. 237, &c.; and Erskine's Hist., I., as in Index. Also p. 156
Page 95, line 11. After the word “Kudus” add note 1, “This may possibly be
read, ‘Sar i Khargah rafta Abdul Kudus,’ and in other ways.”
Page 121, note. Omit semi-colon after the words “Tarikh-i-Rashidi.”
Page 131, line 13. Add note at word “[viláyat],” “Perhaps ‘went away to his
home’ would be a better translation.”
Page 133, line 2 from foot. For “encourged” read “encouraged.”
Page 134, line 18. For “or Khitai” read “of Khitai.”
Page 162, line 15 from foot. For “Zádagán” read “Rádkán,” and add note,
“A small town of Khorasán, some fifty-two miles W.N.W. of Meshed. The
ulang, or grazing-ground of Rádkán, is a flat expanse of waste grassy land
lying to the southward of the present town, and near the celebrated ‘mil,’ or
tower, of Rádkán. It always has been, and is still, a favourite place for
turning horses out to grass. In the neighbourhood of the modern town there
are ruins and mounds which show that the site of Rádkán has been shifted
more than once in comparatively modern times—probably since the days of
the Saljuki sultans.”
Page 213, note 3. Add, “corresponding to 1508 A.D.”
Page 216, note 1. Add, as a reference, “See Baber, p. 243.”
Page 221, note 1. For “‘highland, district’” read “‘highland,’ district.”
Page 294, line 24. For “he” read “be.”
Page 401, line 8. For “Faghravi” perhaps “Faghnavi” should be read.
Page 405, line 1 of notes. Instead of, “it is a proper name, and not an adjec-
tive,” read “it is not an adjective, but an Arabic noun, meaning ‘chief,’
‘commander,’ &c.; but is often used as a proper name.”
Page 464, note 1, line 4. For “of” read “off.”
Page 477. Add, at end of chapter, note 1, “An account of the battle from the
Afghan point of view will be found in Elliot, IV. pp. 380-82, translated
from the Tarikh-i-Shir-Sháhi. In its main features it differs very little from
that of Mirza Haidar.”
Page 480, note, line 9 from foot. Insert a comma after word “territory.”


For “Ahmad Mirza, Sultan” read “Ahmad Khan (Alásha Khan), son of
Yunus”; and omit, “son of Husain Mirzá 80 *n.” Add pages “108,
For “Ahmad Khan,” son of Yunus Khan, 108, 109-11” read “Ahmad Sultan,
son of Huláku, 80* n.”
‘Ghar Bálik, see Kara Khitai.” Omit this entry.
Bower. For “124*” read “124.”
Ganhar Shah. For “Ganhar” read “Gauhar.”
Haft Deh. For “Yatikánd” read “Yatikand.”
Hazrat Ishán. Add “p. 372.”
Hazrat Shaháb-ud-Din, &c. Add “(a name for Nura, Khwája, which see).”
Between “Kelát” and “Kerranái” insert “Kenjanfu, 404 n.”
“Khwája Kalán,” pp. 18* and 19*, is separate from “Khwája Kalán” at p. 94.
Khákán. For “30 n.” read “30* n.”
Kila Zafar. Add “p. 220 n.”
Between “Martand” and “Marx” insert “Marv-al-Rud,” 44 n.

For “Orpelion” read “Orpelian”; for “and” read “on.”
“Sháháb-ud-Din,” at p. 8*, is a separate person from “Sháháb-ud-Din,” at p. 57.
Sháh Muhammad, Sultan. Add “p. 381.”
Between “Sultan Ahmad” and “Sultan Ahmad Tambal” insert “Sultan
Ahmad Mirza, son of Abu Said Sultan,” p. 93.
Between “Talás River” and “Táliku” insert “Tálikán, 44 n.”
“Timur” at p. 77 and 78 is a separate person from “Amir Timur.”
“Timur Sultan,” at p. 451, is a separate person from “Timur Sultan, son of
Sháhi Beg.” Also omit words “and killed.”
“Timán” should be placed higher up.
“Ulang-zádagán” should read “Ulang Rádkán.” See Erratum for p. 162.
Yasu. After “33*” should come a full-stop, then a separate entry as follows:—
“Yatikand 180 and note 180-81; given to Yunus Khan 87 and 130.”