Tala is a famous quarter of Lāhōr. The Maulānā is a relative of Ḥājī Mahdī, who was one of the most famous Shaikhs. He is now one of the most learned men of the time, and has been appointed as a teacher at Lāhōr. He is a pupil of Mullā Isma‘īl of Ucch, and has also received instruction from other teachers. He is a most expert lapidary, possesses great acumen, and has much store of learning in all branches of know­ledge, both those which call for the exercise of the reasoning faculty and those which depend on the memory. They say that he has been engaged in teaching since he was eight years old. He has a good delivery and speaks unambiguously so that he is able readily to convey to the understanding of his pupils the sense of arguments on knotty points of speculative and traditional science. He is kind-hearted, pious and religious, and has the Qur'ān by heart. He is endowed with noble qualities. The correction and arrangement of the Quranic exegesis* of Shaikh Faiẓī is principally his work. His age is between fifty and sixty.


What of argument regarding knowledge? Though it travel as 106
far as Farqad,*
The mention of the name of Maulānā Jamālu-'d-dīn Muḥam-
mad will accompany it.