He is too honourable to be placed among the poets and reckoned along with the poets of this age. So to place him is a disgrace to him and a disgrace to me. He is mentioned as a Mullā of good understanding, of pleasant speech, and full of apposite learning. After many vicissitudes he came to India, and having devoted his attention to the successions* of self-styled saints in this country, set most of them by the ears. By the aid of the divine guidance he was led to make a pilgrimage to the sacred house of God,* and the other holy places,* and in the year H. 978 (A.D. 1570-71) he returned and set out for his native country, but Mīrzā Muḥammad Hakīm* desired him to sojourn in Kābul and began to study under him. At present he is living, honoured and respected, in 256 Transoxiana, where he is engaged in teaching and lecturing. He has good taste in poetry and a sublime imagination. He has written a dīvān. These verses are by him:—

“My heart is lost and nobody can tell me whither it is gone,
Thy ruby lip is laughing, my suspicion rests on thee.”

“There is no resting place but thy door for my wandering
I said I would stray from thy door, but my heart would not

“Thou hast returned like the sun from thy journey, O thou
with a face like the moon!
Thou wentest away beautiful, and hast returned most

“O thou with a face like the rose, I desire not to see thee
like the snuff of a candle, in every assembly,
I desire not to see thee inclining, like the rose-branch, in
every direction.”

“My love's mind is like a mirror set before me,
In it I see reflected whatever is in my heart”

“The pain of love, which I kept concealed from thee in my
heart and soul,
Has become manifest from my face, howmuchsoever I
tried to conceal it.”

“That stately cypress* which I cherished in those eyes of
hers which shed tears of blood
I now see in my own eyes, with all its rubbish and splin-

“Come, my tears, what do you hope to gain by thus raining
down from my moist eyes.”
You have disgraced me before the world: what more do you