Sheikh Bayezīd, who was in Akhsi, now made a show of being devoted to my interests, and sent a confidential messenger earnestly inviting me to repair to that city. The motive of this invitation was a wish to detach me, by any device, from the Khans, being persuaded that after I left them they could no longer maintain themselves in the country. It was done by him on an understanding with his elder brother Tambol. But to separate myself from the Khans, and to unite myself with them, was a thing to me altogether impossible. I let the Khans understand the invitation I had received. The Khans advised me by all means to go, and to seize Sheikh Bayezīd one way or another; but such artifice and underhand dealing were totally abhorrent from my habits and disposition, especially as there must have been a treaty, and I never could bring myself to violate my faith. But I was anxious by one method or another to get into Akhsi, that Sheikh Bayezīd might be detached from his brother Tambol, and unite with me, till some plan should offer, of which I could avail myself with honour. I therefore sent a person to Akhsi, who concluded an agreement with him, when he invited Bābur re-
pairs thi-
me to the place, and I accordingly went. He came out to meet me, bringing my youngest brother Nāsir Mirza along with him, and conducted me into the fort,* where he left me. I alighted at the apartments which had been prepared for me in my father’s palace in the stone fort.*

calls in

Tambol had sent his elder brother, Beg Tīlbeh, to Sheibāni Khan, proffering him his allegiance, and summoning him to his assistance. At this very time he received letters from Sheibāni Khan, by which he was informed that the Khan The two
Khans re-
tire by Kho-
was about to come to join him. As soon as the Khans received this intelligence they were disconcerted and broke up from before Andejān in great alarm. The Little Khan himself had a high character for justice and piety; but the Moghuls whom he had left in Ush, in Marghinān, and the other fortresses of which I had gained possession, instead of protecting, had set about oppressing and tyrannizing over the inhabitants. As soon, therefore, as the Khans raised the siege of Andejān, the men of Ush, Marghinān, and the other fortresses, rose on the Moghuls who were in garrison, seized and plundered them, and drove them out of the towns. The Khans did not immediately cross the river of Kho­jend, but retreated by way of Marghinān and Kandbādām, and passed the river at Khojend. Tambol followed them as far as Marghinān. I was now greatly distracted; I had no great confidence in their adhering staunchly to me, but I did not like to fly off from them without evident necessity.

Miraz flies
from Tam-
bol and

One morning Jehāngīr Mirza came and joined me, having fled from Tambol, whom he had left at Marghinān. I was in the bath when the Mirza arrived, but immediately received and embraced him. At this time Sheikh Bayezīd was in great perturbation, quite unsettled what line of conduct to pursue. The Mirza and Ibrahīm Beg insisted that it was necessary to seize him, and to take possession of the citadel. In truth the proposition was a judicious one. I answered, ‘I have made an agreement, and how can I violate it?’ Sheikh Bayezīd meanwhile entered the citadel. We ought to have placed a guard at the bridge, yet we did not station a single man to defend it. These blunders were Tambol
arrives at
the effects of our inexperience. Before the dawn, Tambol arrived with two or three thousand mailed warriors, passed by the bridge, and entered the citadel. I had but very few men with me from the first, and after I came to Akhsi I had dispatched many of them on different services; some to garrison forts, others to take charge of districts, and others to collect the revenue, so that, at this crisis, I had not with me in Akhsi many more than a hundred. However, having taken to horse with those that remained, I was busy posting them in the entrances to the different streets, and in preparing supplies of warlike stores for their use,* when Sheikh Bayezīd, Kamber Ali, and Muhammed Dost, came galloping from Tambol to propose a pacification. Having ordered such of my men as had stations assigned them to remain steadily at their posts, I went and alighted at my father’s tomb, to hold a conference with them. I also sent to call Jehāngīr Mirza to the meeting. Muhammed Dost returned back, while Sheikh Bayezīd and Kamber Ali remained with me. We were sitting in the southern portico Jehāngīr
of the Mausoleum, engaged in conversation, when Jehāngīr Mirza and Ibrahīm Chāpuk, after consulting together, had come to a resolution to seize them. Jehāngīr Mirza whis­pered in my ear, ‘It is necessary to seize them.’ I answered him, ‘Do nothing in a hurry: the time for seizing them is gone by. Let us try if we can get anything by negotiation, which is much more feasible, for at present they are very numerous, and we are extremely few: besides, their superior force is in possession of the citadel, while our inconsiderable strength only occupies the outer fort.’ Sheikh Bayezīd and Kamber Ali were present while this passed. Jehāngīr Mirza, looking towards Ibrahīm Chāpuk, made a sign to him to desist. I know not whether he misunderstood it, or whether from perversity he acted knowingly; however that may be, he seized Sheikh Bayezīd. The men who were around closed in on every side, and, in an instant, dragged away and rifled these two noblemen. There was now an end of all treaty. We, therefore, delivered them both into custody and mounted for battle.

Bābur at-
tempts to

I entrusted one side of the town to Jehāngīr Mirza; as the Mirza’s followers were very few in number I attached some of my own to him. I first of all went and put his quarter of the town in order, visiting all the posts and assigning each man his station; after which I proceeded to the other quarters.* In the midst of the town there was an open level green, in which I had posted a body of my men, and passed on. They were soon attacked by a much superior number of horse and foot, who drove them from their ground and forced them into a narrow lane. At this instant I arrived, and immediately pushed on my horse to the charge. The enemy did not maintain their ground, but fled. We had driven them out of the narrow lane and were pushing them over the green, sword in hand, when my horse was wounded in the leg by an arrow. He bolted, and springing aside, threw me on the ground in the midst of the enemy. I started up instantly and discharged one arrow. Kāhil, one of my attendants, who was on a sorry sort of steed, dismounted and presented it to me. I got on it, and having posted a party there, proceeded to the foot of another street. Sultan Muhammed Weis, observing what a bad horse I had got, dismounted and gave me his own, which I mounted. At this very instant Kamber Ali Beg, the son of Kāsim Beg, came to me wounded, from Jehāngīr Mirza, with notice that Jehāngīr Mirza had been attacked for some time past in such force that he was reduced to the last extremity, and had been compelled to retreat out of the town and take to flight. While still disconcerted by this accident, Syed Kāsim, who had held the fort of Pāp, arrived. This was a strangely unseasonable time for coming; for, at such an extremity, had I retained possession of a fortress of such strength as Pāp, there had still been some resource. I said to Ibrahīm Beg, ‘What is to be done now?’ He was a little wounded, and I know not whether it was from the irritation of his wound, or from his heart failing him, but he did not Retreats to-
wards the
give me a very distinct answer. An idea struck me, which was to retreat by the bridge, and breaking it down behind us, to advance towards Andejān. Baba Sherzād behaved extremely well in this exigency. He said, ‘Let us attack and force a passage through this nearest gateway.’ According to this suggestion we proceeded towards the gate. Khwājeh Mīr Mirān also spoke and comported himself in a manly manner, in this extremity. While we were entering the street, Syed Kāsim and Dost Nāsir, with Bāki Khīz, main­tained the action, and covered our retreat; I and Ibrahīm Beg, and Mirza Kuli Gokultāsh, had rode on before them. We had no sooner come opposite the gate than we saw Sheikh Bayezīd, with a quilted corslet over his vest, who just then entered the gateway with three or four horsemen, and was proceeding into the town. In the morning, when, contrary to my wish, he was seized along with those who were with him, they had been left with Jehāngīr’s men, who, when forced to retreat, carried off Sheikh Bayezīd with them. They once thought of putting him to death, but fortunately they did not, but set him at liberty. He had just been released, and was entering the gate when I met him. I immediately drew to the head the arrow which was on my notch, and discharged it full at him. It only grazed his neck, but it was a fine shot. The moment he had entered the gate he turned short to the right, and fled by a narrow street in great perturbation. I pursued him. Mirza Kuli Gokultāsh struck down one foot-soldier with his mace, and had passed another, when the fellow aimed an arrow at Ibrahīm Beg, who startled him by exclaiming, ‘hāī! hāī!’ and went forward; after which the man, being about as far off as the porch of a house is from the hall, let fly at me an arrow, which struck me under the arm. I had on a Kalmuk mail; two plates of it were pierced and broken from the blow. After shooting the arrow he fled, and I discharged an arrow after him. At that very moment a foot-soldier happened to be flying along the rampart, and my arrow pinned his cap to the wall, where it remained shot through and through and dangling from the parapet. He took his turban, which he twisted round his arm, and ran away. A man on horseback passed close by me, fleeing up the narrow lane by which Sheikh Bayezīd had escaped. I struck him such a blow on the temples with the point of my sword that he bent over as if ready to fall from his horse, but supporting himself on the wall of the lane he did not lose his seat, but escaped with the utmost hazard. Having dispersed all the horse and foot that were at the gate we which he
took possession of it. There was now no reasonable chance of success; for they had two or three thousand well-armed men in the citadel, while I had only a hundred, or two hundred at most, in the outer stone fort: and, besides, Jehāngīr Mirza, about as long before as milk takes to boil, had been beaten and driven out, and half of my men were with him. In spite of all this, such was my inexperience that, posting myself in the gateway, I dispatched a man to Jehāngīr Mirza to request him to join me if he was near, and that we might make another effort. But, in truth, the business was over. Whether it was that Ibrahīm Beg’s horse was really weak, or whether the Beg was fretful from his wound, I cannot tell; but he said to me, ‘My horse is useless.’ Immediately, Sulemān, a servant of Muhammed Ali Mubashar, dismounted and gave him his horse of his own accord, without anybody suggesting such a thing to him. It was a fine trait of character in the man. While we remained waiting at the gate, Kūchik Ali, who is now collector* of Koel, displayed great bravery. He was then in the service of Sultan Muhammed Weis. He, on another occasion, performed good service at Ush. We continued at the gate, waiting for the return of the messenger whom I had sent to call the Mirza. He did return, and informed us that Jehāngīr Mirza had already been gone some time in his and
retreat. It was no longer a season to tarry, and we also set off. Indeed, my halting so long was very ill advised. Not above twenty or thirty men now remained with me. The moment we moved off in our retreat a great band of the enemy’s troops came smartly after us. We had just passed the drawbridge when they reached the town side of it. Bandeh Ali Beg, the son of Kāsim Beg, who was the maternal grandfather of Hamzah Beg, called aloud to Ibrahīm Beg, ‘You are always boasting and bragging: stop and let us exchange a few sword-cuts.’ Ibrahīm Beg, who was close by me, answered, ‘Come away, then: What hinders us?’ The senseless madcaps! in such a moment of peril and discomfi­ture, to think of adjusting their rival claims. It was no time for a trial of skill, nor for delay nor loss of time. We retreated with all speed, the enemy being in full pursuit of us. They brought down man after man as they overtook us.

Is warmly