Khan ar-
rives before

SHEIBĀNI KHAN, advancing as had been arranged with the princess, halted at the Bāgh-e-meidān.* About noon, Sultan Ali Mirza, without acquainting any of his Begs, officers, cavaliers, or servants with his intention, and without holding any consultation, left the town by the Chārrāheh Sultan Ali
Mirza goes
out and
meets him.
gate,* accompanied only by a few insignificant individuals of his personal attendants, and went to Sheibāni Khan at the Bāgh-e-meidān. Sheibāni did not give him a very flattering reception; and, as soon as the ceremonies of Universal
meeting were over, made him sit down lower than himself. Khwājeh Yahya, on learning that the Mirza had gone out, was filled with alarm; but, seeing no remedy left, also went out of the town, and waited on Sheibāni Khan, who received him without rising, and said some severe things to him. On his rising to go away, however, Sheibāni Khan behaved more courteously, and rose from his seat. Jān Ali, the son of Khwājeh Ali Bai, who was in Rabāt-e-Khwājeh, as soon as he heard that the Mirza had gone out, likewise went and presented himself to Sheibāni Khan; so that the wretched and weak woman, for the sake of getting herself a husband, gave the family and honour of her son to the winds. Nor did Sheibāni Khan mind her a bit, or value her even so much as his other handmaids, concubines, or women. Sultan Ali Mirza was confounded at the condition in which he now found himself, and deeply regretted the step which he had taken. Several young cavaliers about him, per­ceiving this, formed a plan for escaping with him; but he would not consent. As the hour of fate was at hand, he could not shun it. He had quarters assigned him near Taimūr Sultan Ali
Mirza put
to death.
Sultan. Three or four days afterwards, they put him to death in the meadow of Kulbeh. From his over-anxiety to preserve this transitory and mortal life, he left a name of infamy behind him; and, from following the suggestions of a woman, struck himself out of the list of those who have earned for themselves a glorious name. It is impossible to write any more of the transactions of such a personage, and impossible to listen any farther to the recital of such base and dastardly proceedings.

Murder of
Yahya and
his sons.

After the murder of Sultan Ali Mirza, the Khan sent Jān Ali after his prince; and as he entertained suspicions of Khwājeh Yahya, banished him, and sent him off for Khora­sān, with his two sons, Khwājeh Muhammed Zakerīa and Khwājeh Bāki. They were followed by a party of Uzbeks, who martyred the Khwājeh and both his young sons, in the neighbourhood of Khwājeh Kārzīn. Sheibāni Khan denied all participation in the Khwājeh’s death, alleging that it was the act of Kamber Bī and Kūpek Bī.* This is only making the matter worse, according to the saying, ‘the excuse is worse than the fault’; for when Begs pre­sume to perpetrate such deeds without being authorized by their Khan or King, what confidence can be reposed in such a government?


No sooner had the Uzbeks taken Samarkand, than we moved away from Kesh towards Hissār.* Muhammed Mazīd Terkhān, and some of the other Begs of Samarkand, accompanied me, along with their wives, children, and families. On halting at the Valley* of the district of Cheghāniān, Muhammed Mazīd Terkhān, and the Samar­kand nobles, separating from me, went and took service with Khosrou Shah, while I, without town or territory, without any spot to which I could go, or in which I could remain, in spite of the miseries which Khosrou Shah had inflicted on my house and family, saw myself compelled Passes
to pass through the midst of his territories. I once had a fancy that I might go by way of the country of Karatigīn* to join my younger maternal uncle Ilcheh Khan, but I did not. We resolved to go up by the Kāmrūd and to cross over the mountain of Sir-e-tāk.* By the time we reached the confines of Nowendāk, a servant of Khosrou Shah came to me, and, in his master’s name, presented me with nine horses, and nine pieces of cloth.* When I reached the gorge of Kāmrūd, Sher Ali Chihreh* deserted from me and joined Wali, the younger brother of Khosrou Shah. The next morning Kūch Beg separated from me and went to Hissār. Having entered the Valley of Kāmrūd, we went up the river. In these roads, which are extremely dangerous, often overhanging precipices, and in the steep and narrow hill passes and straits which we were obliged to ascend, numbers of our horses and camels failed, and were unable to proceed. Surmounts
the Pass of
After four or five days’ march, we reached the mountain pass of Sir-e-tāk. It is a pass, and such a pass! Never did I see one so narrow and steep; never were paths so narrow and precipitous traversed by me. We travelled on with incredible fatigue and difficulty, amid dangerous narrows and tremendous gulfs. Having, after a hundred sufferings and losses, at length surmounted these murderous, steep, Reaches
and narrow defiles, we came down on the confines of Kān. Among the mountains of Kān* there is a large lake, which may be about a kos in circumference, and is very beautiful.*


Here I received information that Ibrahīm Terkhān had thrown himself into the fortress of Shirāz, which he had put in a state of defence, and that Kamber Ali and Abul Kāsim Kohbur, who had been in the fort of Khwājeh Dīdār, when the Uzbeks took Samarkand, not believing themselves able to hold out in the place, had repaired to Yār-ailāk, the fortresses of which district* they had occupied and put in a state of defence, and established themselves there.

Bābur is ill
received by
the Malik
of Kān.

Leaving Kān on the right, we marched towards Keshtūd. The Malik* of Kān was renowned for his hospitality, generosity, politeness, and humanity. When Sultan Hus­sain Mirza came against Hissār, Sultan Masaūd Mirza fled to his younger brother Baiesanghar Mirza at Samar­kand, by this road. The Malik of Kān presented him with seventy or eighty horses as a peshkesh, and did him many other services of the like nature. To me he presented a single worthless horse, but did not come himself to greet me: Yet so it was, that those who were famed for generosity, proved niggards when they had to do with me; and those who were so celebrated for their hospitality, quite forgot it when I was concerned. Khosrou Shah, too, was one who possessed a high reputation for liberality and generosity, and the services which he rendered to Badīa-ez-zemān Mirza have already been mentioned. He certainly received Bāki Terkhān and the other Begs with unbounded kindness and liberality. I twice passed through his country. Let it not be told to my peers that the humanity and politeness, which he showed to my lowest servants, were not vouchsafed to me; nay that he did not even treat me with so much respect as he did them:

(Tūrki)— O, my soul! who has ever experienced good treatment from worldlings?
Hope not that those in whom there is no good, can show it to others?
to Keshtūd.

Immediately on leaving Kān, it occurred to me that Keshtūd must certainly be in the possession of the Uzbeks, I made a rapid push towards it, but found the place ruined and desolate, not a man being there. Leaving it behind, I advanced, and halted on the banks of the Kohik. I passed this river by a bridge towards its bend at Yāri, and dis­patched Kāsim Beg and some other Begs for the purpose of surprising the fortress of Rabāt-e-Khwājeh. Passing Yāri Reaches
and the hill of Shankar-khāneh,* we arrived in Yār-ailāk. The Begs who were sent against Rabāt-e-Khwājeh, at the instant of applying their scaling-ladders, perceiving that the garrison had taken the alarm, and that the attempt had failed, mounted their horses and abandoned the enterprise. Kamber Ali, who was in Sangrāz, came and waited on me. Abūl Kāsim Kohbur and Ibrahīm Terkhān sent some of their confidential servants to pay me their respects, and assure me of their attachment.*