AT this time Seeree Rung Royeel, grandson of Ram Raaje,* who is the most honourable of the zemindars of Carnatic, and whose grandfather was cele­brated in that country for the extent of his power, has by a confidential bramin sent me by the way of Golconda a peti­tion, with an elephant, at present very weakly, which, when in proper case, shall be sent to the glorious presence.

With much humility he sets forth, that for some years past Adil Khan and Koottub al Moolk, relying on your majesty’s protection, have extended the hands of usurpation on the districts of Carnatic, and possessed themselves of the greater part, with immense sums of money, innumerable jewels, and ele­phants, and that their intention is to expel him from his hereditary dominions.*

As it is clear to the world that the khans have no power of themselves, and whatever they possess is from the favour of the court, asylum of mortals, which has been vouchsafed to them; he therefore seeks protection at the auspicious foot­stool. He hopes, that the kibleh of the desires of mortals, lending him support and lifting him from the abyss of degrada­tion, will add his country to the imperial dependancies; that the royal orders may be issued to the rulers of Dekkan, that observing the treaties of their ancestors, they pass not over their ancient frontiers, and withdraw their hands from his hereditary dominions. Out of gratitude for this protection, he will send to the royal court, as an offering, fifty lacs of oons,* two hundred elephants, and many valuable jewels, and will remit yearly double the peshcush* they have engaged for, with the accumulated rarities and valuables of ages. Lest, through dis­gust at infidelity, the ray of protection may be witheld from him, whenever the sublime firmaun, assenting to his petition, shall be issued, he will enter the congre­gation of the faith, with his family and dependants, and, through the auspices of his submission to the sublime court, enjoy spiritual and temporal welfare.*

The above particulars have been translated from his petition, which I have thought proper to state to your majesty, and have kept the royeel’s vakeel; deferring an answer to Adil Khan till the arrival of the sacred orders, that I may act in this business as the judg­ment enlightening the world shall direct.

Kibleh and kaaba, hail! As the royeel from firm reliance has turned his face to the court, asylum of the world, for protection, promises loyalty and attach­ment, and, to make the profession of Islaam the medium of refuge from per­secution, it is incumbent on the defenders of the faith to extend the lights of religion, and to invite the misled by error from the path of mistake into the right way. By this no treaty can be broken; and if his requests meet acceptance, it will be attended with political and religious advantage.

Further, whatever may inspire the sacred mind, source of divine lights, must be most proper, and implicit obe­dience to its dictates binding on your dependants.*

[J. S. W. Eddowes, Shrewsbury.]