Part III, Chapter II = LII: On the Contemptibility of Rancour and Envy.
f196b f236b 1553 Introduction on the despicability of envy illustrated from the Verses of the Qur’án and Tradition. The Prophet predicts the arrival of one of the Helpers and designates him as one of the people of Paradise; ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Amr b. al-‘Áṣ tests him regularly for three days, and finds him quite free from jealousy.
f237a 1554 The retort of Abú Manṣúr-i-‘Azíz, the Sámánid Wazír, to one of his envious opponents.
1555 The preacher who repeated the same formula daily at the court of one of the Kisrá’s, and his slanderous enemy who falls a victim to his own prey.
f197b f237b 1556 The Jewess who wanted to poison a follower of the Prophet incidentally becomes the cause of poisoning her own sons.
1557 A malevolent neighbour implores his slave to kill him, and throw his corpse at the door of his virtuous neighbour in order to accuse him of murder. (Khalqu’l-Insán, as the source, see above, p. 66).
1558 The four old Wazírs of the ruler Álán* conspire against the new favour­ite of the king, called Abú Tammám, and send him away to ask the hand of the daughter of the Khán of Turkistán, which was considered to be a perilous undertaking; Abú Tammám succeeds in his mission and brings back the bride of the king; again the Wazírs contrive to bring him under the suspicion of the king, and succeed this time. The king kills him, but soon after discovers the plot and kills all the other Wazírs in turn. (Cf. Bakhtiyár-náma, Paris litho. pp. 107, 110—117).
f199a f238a 1559 The jealousy of Fadhl and Yaḥyá, the Barmecides, against ‘Abdu’llah b. Málik al-Khuzá‘í ending in their own downfall. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Ál-i-‘Abbás, as the source, see above, p. 47).
      The chapter ends as usual with an encomium on the Wazír.