A Complete Table of Contents of the Jawámi‘u’l-Ḥikáyát.
Part III, Chapters LI—LXXV. On the Despicability of Vices: Blamable qualities and Contemptible Traits in Human Nature.
Part III, Chapter I = LI. On the Diversity of Temperament in Mankind.
      Introduction to the third part:
f193a f234b   Doxology, dedicatory note with a panegyric on his patron, Muḥammad b. Abí S‘ad al-Junaydí called Qiwámu’d-Dín, entitled the Niẓámu’l-Mulk, the Wazír of the Sultan Iltutmish of India, who ruled in Dehli A. H. 607—633 = A. D. 1211—1236.
  An exordium to the first chapter, the old Greek conception of the influence of the Humours on the temperament of Man, and the causes of diversity in human nature.
1541 Drinking as the best test of the temperament of mankind, and the influence of wine on different people. (The Ṭabá’i‘u’l-Ḥayawán of al-Jáḥiẓ as the source, see above, pp. 96—7).
f194a f235a 1542 al-Jáḥiẓ’s surprise at the waxing eloquence of ‘Abdu’llah ‘Umayy (?) after he had taken excessive wine, at a banquet given by the sons of ‘Abdu’l-Malik Riyáshí (?). (See above, p. 97).
1543 An observation on the mentality of short-statured persons, taken from the Kitábu’l-Firása, and supported by the experience of Núshírwán about a dwarf which is related on the authority of the Ta’ríkh-i-Akásira. (See above, pp. 100; 56, 60).
1544 The temperament of Altún-Tásh, the Chamberlain of the Amír Ismá‘íl the Sámánid, exhibited in a striking contrast to that of ‘Umar II, on a similar occasion of grievance.
f194b f235b 1545 A philosopher, when questioned about the art of judging character from features, advises a person not to make himself doubly ugly, and quotes the retort of Plato to a stupid disciple of his, who had taunted him for his ugliness. (The Kitábu’l-Firása is mentioned in this connection).
1546 The perverted Ník-shinás meets his retribution by the command of Kay-Khusraw.
1547 Diogenes, the philosopher, praises an old stupid person for having dyed his beard, and when questioned by his disciples says that grey hair and foolishness are incompatible; the dyeing of his beard eliminated one incongruity, hence his praise.
1548 Alexander the Great cannot tolerate that his namesake should be an uncivilised boor.
1549 The story of the four travellers, and the mental test applied by an Indian princess to detect the one who stole a precious pearl from one of his fellow-travellers. (An instance of experimental psychology, as practised in ancient India, drawn from a work of Jáná, an Indian philosopher).
f195b f236b 1550 Argument about the heredity of Temperament in mankind.
1551 The offspring of a noble father, named Zakí (?), and a wicked mother, called Núsh (?), displays his mixed nature by turns.
f196a 1552 A striking contrast of the temperament of ‘Adí and ‘Abdu’llah, the two sons of Ḥátim of Ṭayy, and the experiences of their mother while they were sucklings. (Anecdote repeated, see above, II. xxiii. 1500).
      The chapter ends with a panegyric on the above-mentioned Wazír.