Part II, Chapter XXII = XLVII: On the Excellence of Honesty.
f174b f223a 1489 An introduction on the virtue of honesty in which the Kitáb-i-Khalq or Khulqi’l-Insán of the Shaykh Bayánu’l-Ḥaqq Maḥmúd of Níshápúr is quoted (see above, p. 66). An old wretch, with the idea of disappointing his nephew, gives his wealth in the form of a load of tin to be thrown into the sea; it is saved by an honest merchant of Baṣra, who restores it to the rightful claimant. (The above-mentioned book is the source.)
f175a 1490 The surprising honesty of a pick-pocket, who returned the purse of a rich merchant, which was given in to his keeping by mistake.
1491 The retort of Yazíd b. Mazyad, the governor of Ádharbáyján and Armenia, to Yazíd-i <Arabic> (?), and the Caliph Hárún’s preference for a mean but honest governor over an obliging but dishonest one.
f223b 1492 The story of the merchant who lost the large ruby of the Amír of Khurásán, and the honesty of his agent who accidentally found the lost ruby and restored it to the merchant who had been reduced to poverty. (Cf. T. F. S. pt. II, pp. 11—13).
f175b 1493 Another story of the same kind. (Cf. Ibid. pt. II, pp. 13—14).
f176b f224a 1494 An honest women restores after one year a lost money-bag of Khálid b. Rabí‘.
f176b f224b 1495 The story of the three sons of Sa‘d b. Naṣr of Surra-man-Ra’á, and the appointment of Salama, one of them, in the household of the Amír Yúsuf Bughá, and later, as the trustee of the children of the Caliph al-Mutawakkil, on account of his honesty.
f177a 1496 Fudhayl b. ‘Iyádh, the leader of the bandits, acts as a trustee for one of his victims, and surprises him by his piety which was incompatible with robbery.
f177b 1497 The merchant of Damascus who came to grief on account of his dishonesty, and his son who refused to betray the trust of a dead warrior, and restored the money to his heirs, and was in the end rewarded with the office of the treasurer of ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán.
f178a f225a 1498 The story of a dethroned prince who purchases three wise sayings from a wisdom-dealer, and tries to act upon them; consequently he gets back his throne, is delivered from evil, and attains to glory.
f179a f225b 1499 A Qádhí of Baṣra trusts the owner of a gambling den more than he does himself, and advises a person to deposit wealth with him, giving an account of the honesty of that person.
      The chapter ends as usual with a panegyric on the Wazír.