Part II, Chapter III = XXVIII: On the Excellence of Forgiveness.
f5b f99b f177a 1210 A preamble on the divine quality of Forgiveness. (Saná’í cited). Imám Abú Yúsuf’s suggestion to Hárúnu’r-Rashíd — forgiveness as the best punishment for the guilty.
1211 An instance of the Imám Ḥasan’s extraordinary self-control: he forgives and liberates a slave who accidentally scorched him.
f100a 1212 The Caliph al-Ma’mún shows forbearance, and restores Aḥmad b. ‘Urwa to office. (See T. F. S. pt. I, Ch. IV, p. 82).
f6a * 1213 Another instance of al-Ma’mún’s clemency: his pardon of Fadhl b. Rabí‘.
1214 al-Ma’mún forgives the Shí‘a poet Di‘bil on the recitation of his famous ode (Anecdote connected with the last one).
f177b 1215 Muṣ‘ab releases a person on his improvising a eulogy.
f6a f100b f177b 1216 al-Ma’mún’s machinations against his uncle Ibráhím b. Mahdí always averted by the latter’s pathetic appeals.
f6b f101a 1217 How to suppress anger: a practical remedy suggested by a sage to a hot-tempered Muslim ruler.
f7a f178a 1218 How *Músá b. ‘Uyayna saved a condemned man from the wrath of the Caliph Hárún and directed his attention to the Word of God and Tradition.
f101b 1219 Sallám-i-Abrash the poet’s plea for pardon accepted by the Caliph al-Ma’mún.
f178b 1220 The Caliph al-Ma’mún’s forgiveness of the Qádhí Yaḥyá b. Aktham.
f7b f102a 1221 The Caliph as-Saffáḥ readily grants an amnesty to the people of Syria.
f102b 1222 A Persian King acts contrary to the malicious advice of a courtier, and forgives a defaulter.
f8a 1223 al-Ḥajjáj’s crocodile tears over the condemned criminals.
f179a 1224 al-Ḥajjáj forgives the Imám Sha‘bí at the intercession of Yazíd, in spite of his efforts to overthrow him and help ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán b. al-Ash‘ath.
f103a 1225 Fadhl b. Rabí‘ as a fugitive: his experiences with the horseman, the old woman, Sháhík, and the trader who betrayed him; al-Ma’mún pardons and restores him to favour.
f8b f104a f179b 1226 al-Ma’mún forgives his uncle Ibráhím b. Mahdí and rewards him.
f9a 1227 Ibnu’l-Bawwáb recites a few lines written in honour of the Caliph al-Ma’mún and asks forgiveness for Ḥusayn b. Dhaḥḥák, which is granted. (See T. F. S. pt. I, Ch. IV, p. 71).
f104b f180a 1228 al-Jáḥiẓ forgiven and patronised by Aḥmad b. Abí Dá’úd after the fall of Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik az-Zayyát. (See T. F. S. pt. I, pp. 79—80).
        The chapter ends with an apologetic note and autobiographic verses commingled with praise.