f212b f153b 955 Abú Bakr-i-Warráq at-Tirmidhí’s secret lessons from the immortal Khidhr. (Cf. A. T. A. Pt. II. pp. 91—93).
f154a 956 How Abú Bakr-i-Warráq’s book on “The Law and the Path” was corrected mysteriously by Khidhr. (Cf. Ibid. ascribed to Muḥ. b. ‘Alí al-Ḥakím).
957 The perfect knowledge of Muḥammad b. ‘Alí al-Ḥakím at-Tirmidhí, acknowledged by his preceptor Abú Bakr-i-Warráq. (Cf. Ibid.).
958 The marriage of Abú Ḥafṣ-i-Kabír, and his ordeal before he attained perfection.
f213a 959 The favourite maid-servant of Abú Ḥafṣ-i-Kabír advises him to placate his enemies before starting to preach in Bukhárá.
f154b 960 The strict impartiality of the Qádhí Shurayḥ while hearing the litigation between the Caliph ‘Alí and a Jew.
* 961 The Imám Ismá‘íl (?) visits Ilak (Qadhi) (?), and points out to him his defi­ciencies in governing the country, and relates what the people think of him.
f154b 962 The Imám Muḥammad Naṣr’s warning to the Sultan Qadr Ṭamgháj the Ilak Khán of Samarqand.
f213b 963 The Qádhí Shurayḥ demands the price of a horse from the Caliph ‘Umar and compensates the loss of his opponent.
964 ‘Amr b. ‘Ubayd, the leader of the Mu‘tazilites, is exposed to shame by a pupil of the Imám Abú Yúsuf.
965 The intricate problem of “Exception in an oath”, and the arguments advanced by the Imám Abú Yúsuf in the presence of the Caliph al-Ma’mún.
f155a 966 The hesitation of the Qádhí Ibnu’s-Sawwár in accepting the evidence of ‘Alqamatu’l-Máziní.
f214a * 967 Discussion between ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán Muṭṭawwi‘í the Muftí of Balkh and Khwája Imám Bakr Ḥámid Bukhárí on the comparative merits of a “Ghází” and an “‘Álim”. (Muḥammad b. Ḥasan’s Kitábu’s-Siyari’l-Kabír is quoted).
* 968 How one of the Ḥanafite leaders saved his life from the attack of the mob on the question of the Takhlíq-i-Qur’án by means of an evasive reply.
f155a 969 The incidental victory of the Imám Abú Ḥanífa over the leader of the Mu‘tazilites, and the emancipation of a slave-girl, after whom his pupil was hankering.
970 The argument of the Imám Abú Ḥanífa against a Zindíq about the pun­ishment of the unbelievers which is latent at present, but will manifest itself in the after world.
971 How the Imám Abú Yúsuf, by solving the problem of Isqáṭ-i-Istibrá and enabling the Caliph al-Hádí to take possession of a slave-girl, secured his appointment to the office of Qádhí at Baghdád.
f214b * 972 Explanátion of the Imám Abú Yúsuf to Muqátil-i-Rází about the refusal of a present; his justification for accepting the Judgeship of Baghdád; and his suggestion of Muḥammad b. Ḥasan his colleague as suitable for Rayy.
f214b * 973 The Qádhí Sharík’s reply to the Caliph al-Mahdí, as to what he should have to do if the evidence of his son the crown-prince was to be taken.
f155a 974 How the Imám Abú Yúsuf astonishes a false prophet and punishes him severely.
* 975 Muḥammad b. Ḥasan’s birth, coming of age, theological studies under the Imám Abú Yúsuf and Abú Ḥanífa, and the reason for compiling his Kitábu’s-Siyari’l-Kabír.
* 976 The admiration of the Christian Fathers for the Jámi‘u’l-Kabír and its author and their consequent adoration of the Prophet himself, the foun­tain-head of all this knowledge.
* 977 The Caliph Hárún’s respect for the learning of Muḥammad b. Ḥasan and his grief at the deaths of Kisá’í and Muḥammad in Rayy, on the same day.
f215a f155b 978 Abú Yúsuf and Dá’úd-i-Ṭá’í, two disciples of the Imám Abú Ḥanífa: the former when the chief Qádhí of Baghdád visits the latter and expresses the wish of changing the tattered garments of Dá’úd, upon which Dá’úd replies, “Thou hast attained thy wish, and hence changed thy clothes, and if we also attain ours, we shall do the same”.
979 Abú Yúsuf and Ḥammád the son of Abú Ḥanífa visit Dá’úd-i-Ṭá’í, and the latter offers him the gold which his father had left. Dá’úd’s refusal and low estimation of worldly wealth.
* 980 How Dá’úd-i-Ṭá’í refuses money offered to him by Ḥasan b. Qaḥṭaba, the governor of Baghdád, and begs of him to be let alone.
* 981 A divorce riddle solved by Abú Qalaba (?).
f155b 982 Abú Isḥáq al-Isfará’iní’s arguments against the Karrámiyya sect and the Sultan Maḥmúd’s conversion to the Sunní creed.
* 983 The theological controversy on the opening verse of the Qur’án between the Sháfi‘ís and the Ḥanafís at the court of the Atábek of Hamadán and the Ḥanafite Qádhí of Sáwa’s victory.
f215b f155b 984 The interpretation of the idea of intensity and laxity in the faith of a Muslim given by the author’s teacher Ruknu’d-Dín called the Imám­zádah of Bukhárá.
985 The Imám Faṣiḥ-i Walwálají’s (?) first reception in Farghána, and his pithy farewell remark to his audience about his marrying a musician girl.
* 986 Radhíyyu’d-Din Ṣawkhí or Súkhí’s (?) legal solution of the Divorce formula which the Amír of Qáshán had pronounced. (The author relates it from Quṭbu’d-Dín a personal friend of Qáshání).
      There is no eulogy at the end of this Chapter.