Part I, Chapter XI: On the Sagacity of eminent persons.
f151b f102a 565 Short Introduction: Choice of Adam at Jibrá’íl’s offer of the three heavenly gifts.
f102b 566 Yaḥyá b. Khálid the Barmecide charged with misappropriation and pecu­lation, acquitted and rewarded by al-Manṣúr.
f152a 567 The conquest of Kúfa by Harthama b. ’A‘yan prophesied by himself.
568 The clever trick of Aḥmad b. Abí Khálid upon Yaḥyá b. Aktham before al-Ma’mún.
f103a 569 Ibráhím Mawṣilí’s ingenious device to prevent calamity falling on Fadhl b. Marwán, the minister of Mu‘taṣim.
f152b 570 Yaḥyá b. Khálid the Barmecide divines the secret of Hárún ’r-Rashíd.
571 Ja‘far the Barmecide foretells his own doom and discovers Hárún’s evil intention.
572 The clairvoyance of the Caliph ‘Umar on the occasion of Naháwand. (Anec. repeated, see above, I. iii. 79).
573 The Caliph ‘Alí’s lines on his own murderer, ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán b. Muljam.
f103b 574 The claims of the ‘Abbásids manifested in as-Saffáḥ and al-Manṣúr before their accession.
f153a 575 The two alleged reasons for the enmity of Walíd b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik towards ‘Alí b. ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Abbás.
576 al-Manṣúr selects Baghdád as the site of his capital after an examination of its soil.
577 ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán’s farewell to his favourite slave-girl and the clever guesses of the poet Kuthayyir.
f153b f104a 578 Muḥammad b. Simá‘a and Imám Sháfi‘í’s right guesses.
579 Imám Sháfi‘í’s search for knowledge and his experiments ín the science of physiognomy and his correct readings. (The Kitábu’l-Firása is men­tioned in this connection, see above, p. 100).
580 Abu’l-Ḥusayn or Ḥasan Daylamí’s experience with a psycho-analyst of Antioch.
581 Abú Sa‘íd Kharráz doubts the honesty of a Dervish and is exposed.
582 Khayr-i-Nassáj and Junayd of Baghdád read one another’s thoughts.
f154a 583 Abú Bakr-i-Shiblí burns the robe of ‘Abdu’llah Rází along with his cap, as a punishment and disciplinary measure.
f154a f104b 584 Junayd of Baghdád and Sariyyu’s-Saqaṭí; the former’s first sermon and the conversion of a Christian.
585 Ibráhím Khawwaṣ points out a Jew in his meeting and thereby converts him.
586 Physiognomists tell the Caliph Hárún about the true parentage of his sup­posititious son.
f154b 587 The story of the Jinnís and the lad from the Banú Jusham.
588 The two brothers of Banú Asad, their companion, strange occurrences, and augury.
f105a 589 The young physiognomist Aflímún (Polemon) reads the true nature of Hippocrates the philosopher, (the Kitáb’ul-Firása is referred to as the first work of its kind, see above p. 100).
f155a f105b 590 ‘Alí b. Jahm, the poet, relates a story before al-Mutawakkil about the communion with spirits and information derived secretly through them.
f155b 591 Abú Umámatu’l-Báhilí’s quest for a true religion and his acceptance of Islam at the hands of the Prophet.
f156a f106a 592 ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Abbás realises the truth of the predictions of an old soothsayer.
593 How the Caliph ‘Uthmán’s aunt predicts his marriage with Ruqayya and his faith in the Prophet.
f156b f106b 594 A skilful lad challenges a party of fowlers, of whom Abu’l-Ḥusayn ‘Arúdhi was one, and catches birds without nets and surprises them.
595 The prophecy of Abú Ayyúb Sulaymán Wahb about the future greatness of his son, and the downfall of the son of the reigning Wazír Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik.
596 Another version of the same story.
f157a f107a 597 ‘Abdu’llah b. Ziyád erects an inn at Baṣra called the Dáru’l-Baydhá’, and an Arab makes a prediction.
598 Mulázim b. Ḥárith Ḥanafí’s story of a young prisoner who takes an omen and is delivered from the prison of Ḥajjáj. (T. F. S. pt. I, p. 127—8).
f157b 599 A shrewd guess of ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán about Ibráhím b. ‘Abdu’llah, the governor of Ahwáz.
600 Aḥmad b. Yazíd the secretary tells a story of Músá b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik’s foreknowledge and the warning gíven by him to one of his governors named Shujá‘.
601 al-Manṣúr guesses rightly about the buyer of a big fish, that he must be very rich, and thereby finds the man to have been bribed.
f107b 602 al-Manṣúr detects a miser who concealed his wealth, and posed as a beggar.
f158a 603 Three clever men detect a thief of Ahwáz and recover the stolen purse of a trader of Baghdád.
604 Another story of a boy who traced a blind negro thief.
605 Hárúnu’r-Rashíd’s letter sent to ‘Amr b. Mas‘ada through his brother Abú ‘Ubáda, the consultations of the two brothers, and Hárún’s foresight in telling them what passed between them.
f158b f108a 606 Yaḥyá b. Khálid, the Barmecide, before his trial predicts the future of the ‘Abbásids, and recommends Aḥmad b. Abí Khálid the Squint to Fadhl b. Sahl: The story of the letter torn in two pieces.
f159a f108b 607 Zubayda’s taunt and Hárúnu’r-Rashíd’s prediction about the future great­ness of Ma’mún and his succession.
f159a f109a 608 Muḥammad b. Naṣr’s story of Músá b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik ‘Abbásí’s sagacity.
f159b 609 Story of the constant twitching of the eye-lids as indicating good-luck.
610 Amír Naṣr b. Aḥmad the Sámáníd raises Abú ‘Alí Chagháni to the rank of a governor, and predicts that he will turn a traitor to his sons later on.
611 Abú Naṣr Mushkání points out to Sultan Maḥmúd why he cannot enjoy the pleasures of his beautiful garden at Balkh.
f160a f109b 612 Sultan Maḥmúd foresees the future of his empire and reads the character of his two sons Mas‘úd and Muḥammad. (Story related by Abú Naṣr Mushkání).
      The chapter ends without any eulogy.