Part I, Chapter X: Answers to Petitions, and Royal Mandates.
f145b f98b 523 A short introduction. Núshírwán’s order to supply as usual the luxuries supplied to his predecessors, at the petition of the cup-bearer.
524 Baṭlímús’s reply to the notables of Damascus: the Ṣáḥib Ismá‘íl b. ‘Abbád endorses his view.
f146a 525 A clever reply of Kisrá to his sons at their request to be taught statecraft.
f99a 526 Another benevolent order of Kisrá about the property of an Indian caravan in Persia.
f146a f99a 527 Kisrá stops innovations and issues orders to the governor of Ṭabaristán.
528 Núshírwán’s two decisions: one against a well-known secretary, another for the patronage and protection of an upstart.
f146b 529 Núshírwán as the observer of traditions rather than of intentions.
530 Alexander’s disparaging remark about the huge army of Dárá.
531 Ardashír’s clever reply to his courtiers about the fault of one of them.
f99b 532 Kisrá’s reply to the governor of Rayy, charged with oppression.
533 Núshírwán hangs a Satrap for disgracing an old noble of his court.
534 Núshírwán’s administrative genius evinced at the early age of 19.
f147a 535 The last advice of Arjásp, the king of Turkistán, to his son.
536 Famine in Yaman and the Kisrá’s generous offer at the request of Nu‘mán b. Mundhir.
537 as-Saffáḥ lavishes money on his favourites at his accession.
538 Hishám b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik’s foresight as shown in his reply to a petition against ‘Ísá b. ‘Adí without reading it.
f147b f100a 539 al-Ma’mún’s order about the wealth left by ‘Amr b. Mas‘ada.
540 al-Mu‘taṣim’s similar statement about the legacy of a noble.
541 Shápúr-i-Dhu’l-Aktáf’s answer to the complaint of the people of Iṣṭakhr.
542 Núshírwán’s intention to hold a council of 100 wise men, opposed by his nobles.
543 Núshírwán’s 11,000 pensioners and his unpaid army’s demand against them.
544 Sultan Maḥmúd’s decision in favour of the army against the civilians.
545 Núshírwán’s advice to one of his silly courtiers.
f148a f100b 546 Kisrá’s advice to the invading army at the death of a rebel Qayṣar of Rúm.
547 ‘Abdu’llah b. Yaḥyá Kháqán awaits a lucky moment for forwarding public papers to al-Mutawakkil.
548 Núshírwán’s angel of victory in the garb of an old man clothed in white garments.
f148b 549 Sultan Maḥmúd’s reply to the Wazír at his hint about the reward of 100,000 Dínárṣ to the Amír of Jurján.
f101a 550 Amír Naṣr b. Aḥmad the Sámánid’s impartial decision in an acute con­test between two nobles.
551 Ṭamgháj Khán, the Great, orders the hand of a thief to be cut off.
f149a 552 Ṭamgháj Khán Ibráhím ibn al-Ḥusayn ashamed of a peasant whose com­plaint he did not hear.
553 Sultan Tukush b. Íl Arslán Khwárazmsháh dismisses Bakhtiyár, the gover­nor of Ṭús (a play on the words Bakhti-yár and Ráyi-gán).
554 The above Sultan orders the remission of taxes for crosssing the river Ámúy.
555 The same Sultan orders the remission of taxes at the request of the poets of Bukhárá.
556 Ṣadr-i-Jahán ‘Abdu’l-‘Azíz b. ‘Umar saves the honour of a foreign scholar in Samarqand.
f149b f101b 557 Another instance of his generosity.
558 Sultan [Sanjar’s] reply to a complaint against one of his officials who had built a palace in Raqqa [or Marw].
f149b f101b 559 Amír Ismá‘íl the Sámáníd’s advice to the invading army of Khurásán.
560 A Christian monk lodges his appeal for justice through ash-Sha‘bí in the court of ‘Abdu’l-Malik.
561 ‘Amr b. Layth reminded by a sage that life consists, not in years, but in fame. (The poets al-Mutanabbí and Saná’í cited).
f150a 562 Ruqayya, an ‘Alawí lady-scholar, of Nishápúr, rebuts ‘Amr b. Layth by reciting a counter-verse from the Qur’án.
f102a 563 The eloquent plea of a blind old man in the court of al-Mutawakkil.
564 Afrásiyáb’s reply to his rivals, the four sons of Farídún.
      The chapter ends without any eulogy.