Part I, Chapter VII: On the Virtues and Memorable Traits of the Kings.
f127a f83a 401 Introduction: The ten supreme qualities of the ancient Persian kings observed by Ibnu’l-Muqaffa‘.
f127b 402 The qualities which secured promotion in ancient Persia. (The Kitáb-i-Áyín-i-Mulúk as the source. See above, pp. 56, 57).
403 Kay-Qubád on the splendour of the kings. (Ẓahíru’d-Dín Fáryábí cited).
f83b 404 Abú Muslim’s advice about the colour of cloth (viz, black) which was recommended by Ardashír to his sons.
f128a 405 Abu’l-Qásim Ḥuṣayrí’s advice to Sultan Radhi[yyu’d-Dín Ibráhím, the Ghaz­nawid,] about administration.
406 The Sultan Ibráhím Radhi[yyu’d-Dín]’s anxiety for the appointment of the successor of his old chamberlain.
f84a 407 Sultan Maḥmúd’s policy in punishing a beautiful fugitive Turkish slave.
f128b 408 The Caliph al-Mu‘taṣim’s unlucky choice of his favourites.
409 Sabuktigín’s advice to his son, Maḥmúd, to build the garden of Magnanimity. (Niẓámí-i-‘Arúdhí-i-Samarqandí’s famous lines cited).
f129a f84b 410 ‘Umar II’s conception of leadership.
411 The Caliph ‘Umar’s kind treatment of his slaves.
412 ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir adopts the Persian custom of giving justice to all on the day of Nawrúz and Mihrgán.
413 ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir acknowledges the claims of a noble of Ghazna and appoints him as the Governor of Báward.
f129b f85a 414 Abú Sahl-i-Tustarí’s advice to Ziyád b. Sahl and his benevolent govern­ment of Khurásán.
f129b f85a 415 Majdu’l-Malik, the Wazír of the Saljúqs in Níshápúr, usurps an old woman’s house and the Sultan Ibráhím Radhiyyu’d-Dín of Ghazna recompenses her.
416 Muhallab b. Abí Ṣufra’s happy choice of Málik as an ambassador to the court of Ḥajjáj.
f130a f85b 417 The Caliph al-Manṣúr rewards an Arab for his witty remark.
418 How Núshírwán, pleased at the witty remark of a trader, permits him free passage.
f130b 419 Sabuktigín advises Maḥmúd about the welfare of his people during his absence.
f86a 420 The great Famine in Iṣṭakhr, and the Kisrá’s generosity that restores peace and plenty.
421 The two precepts of the governor of Iṣfahán as the key-note of his success.
f131a 422 Yaḥyá b. Khálid, the Barmecide’s posthumous generosity as experienced by an ardent lover. (Dihqán ‘Alí Shaṭranjí cited).
423 Ḥajjáj’s advice to ‘Abíd b. Yazíd al-Muḥáribí, on entrusting him with the governorship of Ahwáz.
f86b 424 Dá’úd-i-‘Abbás adopts a mild policy and restores his kingdom.
f131b 425 Núḥ b. Manṣúr the Sámánid’s justice to the herdsmen saves him from the attack of ‘Amr b. Layth.
426 The Caliph al-Ma’mún forgives the jeweller who broke a very large and precious ruby.
f132a f87a 427 The Caliph al-Mahdí’s order to exhibit ‘Isábád to friends and foes alike.
428 The Caliph al-Mahdí’s generosity in buying a slave-girl at the request of an ardent lover.
429 False charges of a fugitive slave investigated by al-Manṣúr, who finds the Kúfí master innocent.
f132b f87b 430 How Naṣr b. Aḥmad, the Sámánid, cured himself of his hot temper, and became famous for his clemency.
431 al-Ma’mún and the letter-box: why al-Ma’mún burnt the letters addressed to him by al-Amín’s favourites.
f133a 432 How Mu‘áwiya secretly rewards a person from the Ḥijáz.
433 The Ambassadors from Rúm and Ḥabash at the court of al-Ma’mún.
f88a 434 al-Ma’mún rewards Ṭáhir b. ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir with the captured trea­sures of Egypt.
f133b 435 Isḥáq-í-Mawṣilí points out to Mu‘taṣim his defective choice of favourites.
f88b 436 al-Manṣúr advises al-Mahdí to restore the confiscated property of the public.
437 How al-Mahdí indirectly punishes Abu’l-Ḥasan Muḥammad b. Ṭalḥa al-Báhilí through the governor of Khurásán.
f134a 438 The judge, Muḥammad b. ‘Imrán aṭ-Ṭalḥí, summons the Caliph al-Manṣúr to his court.
f134b f89a 439 Ḥamza b. Shaybán’s (?) importunate visits to al-Manṣúr and his simulta­neous rewards.
f89b 440 How al-Manṣúr, the Caliph, detected a profligate thief, and restored the treasure.
f135a 441 How ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir punishes his nephew, the Governor of Herát.
442 Amír Ismá‘íl Sámání pays damages for the trespass committed by his camel.
f135b f90a 443 Shamsu’l-Mulk, the son of Ṭamgháj Khán the Great, punishes Ḥájib Ulugh by billetting a regiment of Turks on him.
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.