Part I, Chapter IV: On the Account of the Ancient Kings of Persia, Greece, China, India, and of the Turks and Arabs.
f46b f26a 119 A short introduction; reference to at-Ṭabarí’s Annals, and ath-Tha‘álibí’s Ghurar (see above, pp. 89—90).
      A short account of the reign of Gayúmarth. (Cf. Gh. pp. 1—4).
f47a 120 A short account of the reign of Húshang. (Cf. Gh. pp. 5—7).
121 A short account of the reign of Ṭahmúrath. (Cf. Gh. pp. 7—10).
f47b f26b 122 A short account of the reign of Jamshíd; the origin of Nayrúz and of wine. (Cf. Gh. pp. 10—17).
123 Wine made unlawful by Kay-Qubád and again made lawful. (Cf. Gh. pp. 149—52).
124 Conclusion of Jamshíd’s reign. (Cf. Gh. pp. 16—7).
f48a 125 The reign of Dhaḥḥák. (Cf. Gh. p. 18).
f27a 126 Dhaḥḥák and the devil: the origin of flesh-eating, the two snakes and their horrible food. (Cf. Gh. pp. 19—24).
f48b f27b 127 The origin of the Kurds and the story of Irmá’íl and Kirmá’íl. (Cf. Gh. p. 24).
128 Dhaḥḥák’s dream, and the birth and adventures of Farídún. (Cf. Gh. p. 32).
f49a f28a 129 The reign of Farídún: the origin of Mihrján, and of the Dirafsh-i-Káwa­yání. (Cf. Gh. pp. 36—40).
f49b 130 Farídún and his three sons; the murder of Íraj; birth of Minúchihr. The Sháhnáma of Firdawsí, and the Ghurar of ath-Tha‘álibí are referred to. (Cf. Gh. pp. 52—65).
f50b f29a 131 Adventures of Sám and Zál-i-Zar and the reign of Minúchihr. (Cf. Gh. pp. 68—108). (A Sháhnáma is here referred to).
f53a f31a 132 Birth of Rustam.
133 The reign of Nawdhar, and the aggressions of Afrásiyáb. (Cf. Gh. pp. 109—110).
f53b f31b 134 Afrásiyáb’s invasion of Írán. (Cf. Gh. pp. 110 et seq.).
f54b f32a 135 Ṭahmásp’s reign; the shot of Kay-Arish.
f32b 136 Kay-Qubád’s reign; Afrásiyáb’s attempts of Íránshahr, and the adventures of Rustam. (Cf. Gh. 139—47).
f55a 137 Reign of Kay-Ká’ús, his relations with Yaman, and his rescue. (Cf. Gh. pp. 154—63).
f55b f33a 138 The story of Siyáwush and Súdábah; Siyáwush makes common cause with his father’s enemy, Afrásiyáb. (Cf. Gh. pp. 168—212).
f58b f35a 139 Reign of Kay-Khusraw and the death of Afrásiyáb. (Cf. Gh. pp. 212—38).
f59a f36a 140 Reign of Luhrásp. (Cf. Gh. pp. 239—44).
f60a f36b 141 Story of Gushtásp and the appearance of Zoroaster. (Cf. Gh. pp. 245, 256, 262).
142 The war between Gushtásp and Arjásp; the account of the fire-temple Ádhar-Núsh. (Cf. Gh. pp. 263—76).
f60b f37a 143 Isfandiyár’s martial exploits. (Cf. Gh. pp. 277—81).
f61b f37b 144 The Ḥaft Khwán or the account of the seven exploits of Isfandiyár. (A Sháhnáma is referred to.) (Cf. Gh. pp. 301—38).
f62a f38a 145 Isfandiyár slain by Rustam. (Cf. Gh. pp. 338—78).
f64a f39b 146 Death of Rustam. (Cf. Gh. pp. 379—85).
f64b f40a 147 Reign of Bahman, the son of Isfandiyár. (Cf. Gh. pp. 386—390).
148 Reign of Queen Humáy. (Cf. Gh. pp. 390—1).
149 Humáy abdicates in favour of her son Dáráb. (Cf. Gh. pp. 392—7),
f65a f40b 150 Accession of Dárá, the son of Dáráb. (Cf. Gh. pp. 397—9).
151 Alexander the Great refuses to pay tribute to Persia. (Cf. Gh. pp. 399—408).
f65b f41a 152 Dárá defeated and slain by Alexander. (Cf. Gh. pp. 408—11).
f66a 153 Alexander’s invasion of India, his entry into the Land of Darkness and ‘Iráq. (Cf. Gh. pp. 416—34).
f67a f41b 154 Institution of the Mulúk’uṭ-Ṭawá’if by Aristotle’s advice.
f42a 155 History of the Mulúk’uṭ-Ṭawá’if or the Tribal Kings. (Cf. Gh. pp. 456—8).
f67b 156 The reign of Faghfúr, the son of Ashkán, one of the descendents of Yáfith b. Núḥ. (Cf. Gh. pp. 458—73).
f68a f42b 157 Rise of the Sásánian dynasty: birth and promising career and reign of Ardashír-i-Bábakán. (Cf. Gh. pp. 473—82). (Sharḥ-i-Maqámát-i-Ḥarírí of Muṭarrizí is quoted and Ṭabarí also cited).
f69a f43a 158 Birth of Shápúr. (Ṭabarí cited).
f69b f43b 159 Reign of Shápúr. (Cf. Gh. pp. 487—9).
160 Story of Sáṭirún and Dhayzan. Continuation of Shápúr’s reign (Ṭabarí cited).
f70a f44a 161 Reign of Hurmuz. (Cf. Gh. pp. 498—500).
162 Reign of Bahrám; appearance of Manes, the founder of Zindiqism. (Cf. Gh. pp. 500—501). (Ta’ríkh-i-Maqdisí, i. e. the Kitáb ’ul-Badw-wa’t-Ta’ríkh of Muṭahhar b. Ṭáhir al-Maqdisí edited by C. Huart, see Vol. iii, p. 157, as the source). See above, pp. 34—5.
f70a f44a 163 Manes: his skill in painting and some principles of the Manichaeans. (The Kitáb-i-A‘rádhu’r-Riyása-fí-Aghrádhi’s-Siyása as the source).
f70b f44b 164 Reign of Bahrám II, called the “Ṣalif”, and his son Bahrám b. Bahrám b. Bahrám. (Cf. Gh. pp. 503—8).
165 Reign of Narsí, the son of Bahrám (very short). (Cf. Gh. pp. 508—10).
166 Reign of Hurmuz, the son of Narsí (very short). (Cf. Gh. pp. 510—12).
167 Reign of Shápúr “Dhu’l-Aktáf”. (Cf. Gh. pp. 513—32).
f71b f45a 168 Reigns of Ardashír II, the son of Hurmuz and Shápúr the son of Shápúr (very short). (Cf. Gh. pp. 532—5).
169 Reign of Bahrám b. Shápúr b. Shápúr called Kirmánsháh. (Cf. Gh. pp. 535—6).
170 Reign of Yazdigird “the Sinner”. (Cf. Gh. pp. 537—9).
f45b 171 Reign of Bahrám Gúr. (Cf. Gh. pp. 539—44).
f72a 172 Why Bahrám was called Bahrám Gúr (very short). (Cf. Gh. p. 544).
173 Bahrám Gúr visits his father Yazdigird “the Sinner”. (Cf. Gh. pp. 544—9).
174 (a) How Bahrám wins the crown by the ordeal of lions, (cf. Gh. pp. 549—53), (b) and his victory over the Kháqán-i-Chín. (Gh. 554—560).
f73a f46a 175 Bahrám Gúr visits India, meets Shankal; occasion of the spurious but celebrated couplet: (in Gh. Ibn Khurdádbih is cited for this verse). (Cf. Gh. pp. 560—4).
f46b 176 Bahrám imports a thousand minstrels from India: origin of the Lúliyán or Kúriyán (in Gh. Lúriyyún). (Cf. Gh. pp. 564—9).
f73b 177 Reigns of Yazdigird II and Fírúz, the sons and the grandson of Bahrám Gúr. (Cf. Gh. pp. 569—79). And the dreadful famine and Fírúz’s generosity.
178 Khushunwár or Khushnawáz, the sodomist, the ruler of Garjistán, and Fírúz’s unsuccessful attempt to suppress that vice (the story is related at some length). (Cf. Gh. pp. 579—83).
f74b f47a 179 Súkhurrá, the Regent, acts wisely and restores the sons of Fírúz. (Cf. Gh. p. 586).
f47b 180 Reigns of Balásh and Qubád, the sons of Fírúz. (Cf. Gh. pp. 583—90).
f75a 181 Qubád and Jámásp fight for the throne: Qubád restored at last. (Cf. Gh. pp. 590—6).
f48a 182 The appearance of Mazdak and Qubád’s reception of him. (Cf. Gh. pp. 596—603).
f75b 183 Reign of Núshírwán and the suppression of the Mazdakites. The story is connected with Nu‘mán b. Mundhir, Imra’u’l-Qays and Mazdak (reference to Ghurar, Ṭabarí.) (Cf. Gh. pp. 603—6).
f76a f48b 184 Remainder of Núshírwán’s reign. (In Gh. 610—36: Núshírwán’s saying, invasions, chess, Kalíla wa Dimna, Barzuwayh and Buzurjmihr are men­tioned, which are omitted in the Jawámi‘). (Cf. Gh. pp. 609, 636).
f76b 185 Reign of Hurmuz, the son of Núshírwán: Bahrám Chúbín. (Cf. Gh. pp. 637—61).
f78a f49b 186 Flight of Parwíz.
f79a f50a 187 The Wonders collected by Parwíz. (Cf. Gh. p. 698). [Kháqání and Niẓámí (Khusraw wa Shírín) cited].
f79b f50b 188 Fall and death of Parwíz at the hands of Shírwayh. (Kalíla wa Dimna is referred to.) (Cf. Gh. pp. 712, 724).
f80a f51a 189 Shírwayh murders his brothers. Death of Shírín.
f80b 190 Reign and death of Shírwayh. (Cf. Gh. p. 718).
191 Reign of Ardashír, the son of Shírwayh. (Cf. Gh. p. 731).
f51b 192 Reigns of Shahr-Ázád, Búrán, and Ázarmídukht, his daughters. (Cf. Gh. p. 733).
f81a 193 Farrukh-Zád and Ázarmídukht, and the rise and fall of Yazdigird. (Cf. Gh. pp. 736—42).
f81b f52a 194 Some account of the Kings of Rúm, ie, Byzantium.
195 Heraclius persists in opening the locked chamber.
      The chapter ends with a short eulogy on the Wazír.