A Comparative Index of the second twenty-five chapters, based on the 14th century A. D. Mss. of the Jawámi‘u’l-Ḥikáyát.
Part II.
On the Excellence of Virtues, Praiseworthy Qualities, and Estimable Traits in Human Nature.
Grand Ch.
Serial Nos.
of Anecs.
No. of
in Ch.
Short Headings of the Chapters.
                  On the Excellence of:
1 149b 79b 173b XXVI 1183—1193 11 i Modesty.
2 151a 82a 97a 175a XXVII 1194—1209 16 ii Humility.
3 152b 84a 99b 177a XXVIII 1210—1228 19 iii Forgiveness.
4 155a 88b 105a 180a XXIX 1229—1279 51 iv Clemency.
5 160b 97a 116a 186b XXX 1280—1296 17 v Magnanimity.
6 162a 206b 119a 189a XXXI 1297—1317 21 vi Culture and Good Manners.
7 164a 211a 124a 192a XXXII 1318—1323 6 vii Mercifulness.
8 165b 213a 126b 193b XXXIII 1324—1330 7 viii Trust in God.
9 166b 215a 128b 195a XXXIV 1331—1345 15 ix Generosity.
10 167b 217a 130b 196b XXXV 1346—1353 8 x Benevolence and Graciousness.
11 169b 220a 134a 198b XXXVI 1354—1380 27 xi Hospitality.
12 171b 224a 139a 201b XXXVII 1381—1393 13 xii Courage.
13 173a 226b 142a 203b XXXVIII 1394—1403 10 xiii Patience.
14 175a 229b 145a 205b XXXIX 1404—1411 8 xiv Gratitude.
15 176a 231b 147b 207a XL 1412—1428 17 xv Prudence and Vigilance.
16 179a 236a 152b 210a XLI 1429—1442 14 xvi Asceticism and Piety.
17 180b 240b 157a 213a XLII 1443—1453 11 xvii Endeavour and Persistency.
18 182a 243b 161a 215a XLIII 1454—1465 12 xviii Propriety of Silence and Speech.
19 184a 246b 164b 217a XLIV 1466—1474 9 xix Fidelity and Good Faith.
20 185b 250a 168b 219b XLV 1475—1478 4 xx Charity towards Kith and Kin.
21 186b 252a 171a 220b XLVI 1479—1488 10 xxi Secrecy and Keeping Counsel.
22 188b 255a 174b 223a XLVII 1489—1499 11 xxii Honesty.
23 190b 259a 179a 225b XLVIII 1500—1519 20 xxiii Grace and Nobility of Character.
24 194a 264b 185b 229b XLIX 1520—1527 8 xxiv Firmness of Resolution.
25 195b 267a 188b 231a L 1528—1540 13 xxv Consultation and Absolute Judg­ment.
Pt. II
202a 271a 193a 234a          
A Comparative Index of the third twenty-five chapters, based on the 14th century A. D. Mss. of the Jawámi‘u’l-Ḥikáyát.
Part III.
On the Despicability of Vices: Blamable Qualities, and Contemptible Traits in Human Nature.
Grand Ch.
Serial Nos.
of Anecs.
No. of
in Ch
Short Headings of the Chapters.
1 202b 271b 193b 234b LI 1541—1552 12 i Diversity in Temperament.
2 204b 274a 196b 236b LII 1553—1559 7 ii Rancour and Envy.
3 206a 277a 199b 238b LIII 1560—1570 11 iii Avarice and Greedy Persons.
4 207b 279a 202b 240a LIV 1571—1583 13 iv Covetousness.
5 198a
281b 205b 242a LV 1584—1592 9 v Strange Anecdotes about Robbers.
6 200a 284b 209b 244a LVI 1593—1599 7 vi Anecdotes of Beggars.
7 209a 287b 213b 246b LVII 1600—1618 19 vii Falsehood versus Truth.
8 211b 291a 218b 248b LVIII 1619—1627 9 viii Pseudo-Prophets.
9 214a 295b 224a 252a LIX 1628—1640 13 ix Miserliness.
10 215b 297b 228b 254a LX 1641—1649 9 x Perjury, and breaking Promises.
11 217b 300b 232b 256b LXI 1650—1666 17 xi Ignorance.
12 219b 303a 236a 258b LXII 1667—1681 15 xii Tyranny, and Unjust Rulers.
13 221a 306a 240a 261a LXIII 1682—1688 7 xiii Hardheartedness and the contrary.
14 223a 308a 243b 263b LXIV 1689—1696 8 xiv Mean and Wretched Creatures.
15 224b 310b 247b 265b LXV 1697—1702 6 xv Extravagance and Prodigality.
16 226a 313a 250b 267b LXVI 1703—1706 4 xvi Dishonesty and Misappropriation.
17 227a 315a 253a 268b LXVII 1707—1711 5 xvii Licentiousness and Sexual Abuse.
18 228b 317b 256b 270b LXVIII 1712—1720 9 xviii Ingratitude.
19 230b 321a 261a 273b LXIX 1721—1729 9 xix Calumny and Slander.
20 231b 323b 264a 275a LXX 1730—1735 6 xx Hastiness and the contrary.
21 233b 327a 268b 277b LXXI 1736—1741 6 xxi Irreligious and Unprincipled Persons.
22 235b 330b 273a 280a LXXII 1742—1758 17 xxii Clever and Intellectual Women.
23 237a 333a 276b 282a LXXIII 1759—1773 15 xxiii Chaste and Virtuous Women.
24 239b 336b 280b 284b LXXIV 1774—1782 9 xxiv Unchaste and Impious Women.
25 241b 340b 285b 287b LXXV 1783—1789 7 xxv Wiles of Women.
243b 344a 290a 290a          
A Comparative Index of the fourth twenty-five chapters, based on the 14th century A. D. Mss. of the Jawámi‘u’l-Ḥikáyát.
Part IV.
On the Description of Strange Occurrences, the Wonders of Seas and Lands, the Temperament of Animals, and the Facetiousness of Eminent Persons.
Grand Ch.
Serial Nos.
of Anecs.
No. of
in Ch.
Ch. No. Short Headings of the Chapters.
1 244a 344b 4b 290b LXXVI 1790—1798 9 i Advantages of the Service of Kings.
2 245a 346b 7a 292b LXXVII 1799—1808 10 ii Drawbacks of the Service of Kings.
3 246b 348b 9b 294a LXXVIII 1809—1816 8 iii On Fear and Hope.
4 248a 351b 12b 296b LXXIX 1817—1826 10 iv Efficacy of Prayer.
5 249b 359a 15b 298b LXXX 1827—1838 12 v Traditional and Memorable for­mulas of Prayer.
6 251a 356b 18b 301a LXXXI 1839—1847 9 vi Propitious Omens and Strange Occurrences.
7 253a 354b 21b 303b LXXXII 1848—1859 12 vii Escapes from the Whirlpool of Destruction.
8 255b 364a 25b 307b LXXXIII 1860—1865 6 viii Escapes from Brigands.
9 257a 366b 28b 309b LXXXIV 1866—1884 19 ix Escapes from Wild Beasts.
10 260a 371b 34a 313b LXXXV 1885—1898 14 x People who succumbed through Love.
11 270a 374b 37b 316b LXXXVI 1899—1911 13 xi People who succeeded through Love.
12 263a 384b 49b 324a LXXXVII 1912—1920 9 xii Escapes from the Abyss of Per­dition.
13 265b 388b 54b 328a LXXXVIII 1921—1934 14 xiii Wonders of Destiny.
14 268a 392a 59a 331a LXXXIX 1935—1944 10 xiv Human Monstrosities.
15 271a 395a 61b 333a XC 1945—1962 18 xv Longevity in Animals.
16 272b 396b 64b 335b XCI 1963—1967 5 xvi Cosmography: Seven Climes, etc.
17 274b
off on
68a 338a XCII 1968—1976 9 xvii Byzantines, Arabs, Indians, Abys­sinians, and the People of Jazá’ir.
18 276a 71a 340a XCIII 1977—1986 10 xviii Remarkable Monuments.
19 278a 74b 342b XCIV 1987—1995 9 xix Strange Talismans.
20 279a 77b 344b XCV 1996—2008 13 xx Curious Properties of Natural Objects.
21 280b 80b 347a XCVI 2009—2033 25 xxi Peculiarities of Strange Animals.
22 282b 85b 350b XCVII 2034—2053 20 xxii Wild and Ferocious Animals.
23 284b 90b 354a XCVIII 2054—2066 13 xxiii Strange and Rare Animals.
24 285b 93a 355b XCIX 2067—2074 8 xxiv Curious Birds and their Pecu­liarities.
25 287b 96a 358a C 2075—2113 39 xxv Humorous pieces and Facetious­ness of Eminent Persons.
Pt. IV
289b 96b 358b Grand total 2113 Anecs.