Part IV, Chapter IV = LXXIX: On the Efficacy of Prayer and on Persons who obtained Deliverance through the Blessings of their Devotion.
f12b f296b 1817 Introduction on the efficacy of invocation. Abú Ḥimyar saves a cobra, but when the cobra turns against him invokes the protection of the Almighty and at last succeeds in killing it. (T. F. S. as the source).
f13a f297a 1818 Yaḥyá b. Khálid-i-Azraq (?) prays for the prosperity of Murúr-i-Asálí (?), after which he is restored to happiness.
1819 The Sultan ‘Alá’u’d-Dawla Mas‘úd’s supplication to the Almighty to stop the incessánt rainfall in Ghazna.
f13b 1820 A petitioner, disappointed by Fadhl b. Rabí‘, appeals to God for redress, upon which the Caliph Hárún orders the Wazír to attend to the wants of the supplicant personally.
1821 Khidhr, the mysterious saint, informs al-Manṣúr of the granting of his prayer, and his accession to the Caliphate.
f14a f297b 1822 A theologian’s opinion about the acceptance of prayers offered under pro­pitious circumstances and with due observance of the zodiacal constella­tions. (The philosopher al-Kindí’s treatise on prayer is referred to).
f14b f298a 1823 Ḥasan b. Zayd al-‘Alawí of Ṭabaristán incurs the displeasure of Heaven by praying at an inauspicious hour, and consequently is afflicted with a hurricane.
1824 An extraordinary instance of the efficacy of sincere invocation in cases of utter despair. The miraculous appearance of a luminous star, wit­nessed by seafarers, when their boat was overtaken by a severe storm and all hopes of safety were given up. (Related by the author himself).
f14b f298a 1825 The Caliph ‘Umar and ‘Abbás, the uncle of the Prophet, offer their humble prayers for rain in the year of the great drought and famine in Arabia. (The Gharíbu’l-Ḥadíth as the source (?)).
f15a f298b 1826 Junayd, the great saint of Baghdád, prays to God for the return of the son of an old woman.
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.