Part IV, Chapter III = LXXVIII: On Fear and Hope.
ff294 1809 Introduction on Hope and Fear, and Trust in God. The merits and defects of Wealth, Wisdom and Hope are represented in an allegory of the three suitors.
f10a f294b 1810 al-Amín’s efforts to secure the help of ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir, the Ambidexter, and his grave warning to beware of the fate of the past benefactors of the ‘Abbásids.
1811 <Arabic> (?), the poet, writes a corrosive satire on Fadhl b. Yaḥyá, the Barmecide, but confident of his forgiveness and generosity applies for his mercy and help, while in want.
f10b f295a 1812 Núshírwán’s person immune from attack, on account of his protection and safeguarding of his people. (The Akhbár-i-Mulúk-i-‘Ajam is referred to, see above, p. 60).
f10b f295a 1813 Muḥammad b. Dá’úd b. al-Jarráḥ and the Qádhís Abu’l-Muthanná Aḥmad b. Ya‘qúb, and Abú ‘Umar Muḥammad b. Yúsúf Abú Isḥáq are arrested in connection with the conspiracy of Ibnu’l-Mu‘tazz; the first two are executed for treason, while the last-named is spared through the intercession of the Wazír Ibnu’l-Furát, fined and released; and during the crisis Abú ‘Umar’s hair turns grey from fear of death. (See T. F. S. pt. I, ch. v, pp. 120—2, also above, p. 93, para. 2, and n. 5).
f11a f295b 1814 A similar change in the colour of the hair of a cleaner of the palace of the Caliph al-Muqtadir, who by accident lingered in the ḥaram and was overtaken by the terror of death. (See T. F. S. pt. I, ch. v, pp. 122—4).
f11b 1815 Abú ‘Alí-i-Náqid, the officer in charge of the food of the prisoners in the time of al-Muqtadir, relates the story of a prisoner, who was condemned for life without having committed any crime, and was expecting deliverance from God; and how the Chief of the Baghdád Police, Názúk, was mur­dered, and how the mob released all the prisoners. (See T. F. S. pt. I, ch. v, pp. 124—5; cf. also, the Eclipse, vol. I, p. 192).
f12a f296a 1816 al-Faraj ar-Rukhkhají, imprisoned by order of the Caliph al-Ma’mún, falls into despair; but trusts in God, dreams of release, and is restored the next day to his official position as the governor of Fárs and Ahwáz.
      The chapter concludes with a short note about the deliverance which is sure to follow after sufferings; and an encomium on the Wazír.