Part IV, Chapter II = LXXVII: On the Disadvantages of the Service of Kings.
f7a f292b 1799 Introduction on the instability of the favour of rulers and the risks that one has to confront in their service. How the Caliph Hárún ignored his pledges to the Barmecides and disgraced them publicly; and an account of one of the pledges which Yaḥyá, the Barmecide, wore on his neck as an amulet.
f7b 1800 The Caliph al-Hádí wants to avoid the company of his old friend, ‘Alí Muqátil, after he rose to the Caliphate.
f293a 1801 Parwíz’s reproach to Bahrám Chúbín for punishing a servant; and his ironical suggestion to sheathe two swords in one case. (Cf. N. S. N., p. 76; see above, p. 81).
f8a 1802 The admonishment of Sultan Maḥmúd to his brother, Amír Naṣr, on an occasion of similar disregard of the royal authority: Maḥmúd orders the royal drums to be beaten at the palace of his brother. (Anec. repeated, I, ix, 494). (The Ta’ríkh-i-Dawlat-i-Yamíní mentioned as the source, see above, pp. 61, 63).
1803 Intrigues at the court of Walíd II against Ṭurayḥ b. Ismá‘íl ath-Thaqafí, the poet-laureate of the Caliph.
1804 Núshírwán punishes his impertinent courtiers when he assumes the royal dignity. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Mulúk-i-‘Ajam as the source, see above, p. 56).
f8b f293b 1805 Núshírwán punishes a courtier for the crimes of his protégé, a fugitive governor. (Cf. I, ix, 503).
1806 ‘Abdu’llah b. Málik al-Khuzá‘í, once suspected of treason, could hardly commend himself to the favour of the Caliph Hárún.
f9a 1807 ar-Rabí‘, the Chamberlain, is reproached by the Caliph al-Manṣúr for presenting a request at an inauspicious hour.
f294a 1808 The treachery of the Caliph al-Manṣúr towards, and his assassination of, his benefactor and the founder of the ‘Abbásid Caliphate, Abú Muslim al-Khurásání. (Cf. I, ix, 485).
      The chapter concludes with a remark on the merits and defects of the service of kings and a panegyric on the Wazír.