A Complete Table of Contents of the Jawámi‘u’l-Ḥikáyát.
Part IV (Comprising 25 chapters, LXXVI—C):

On the Description of Strange Occurrences, the Wonders of Seas and Lands, the temperament of Animals and the Facetiousness of Eminent Persons.

Part IV, Chapter I = LXXVI: On the Advantages of the Service of Kings.
* *   Introduction to the Fourth Part: doxology, a short note on his patron under whose auspices the Fourth Part is also completed, plan of the compilation and a list of the headings of the 25 chapters in the Fourth Part.
      A short introduction to the first chapter. (Missing from all the old Mss., but supplied from H. f219b = G. f325b = L. f448b).
* * 1790 Núshírwán patronizes a baseborn man, and when questioned replies that culture is the excellence of man.
* * 1791 Two couplets in Arabic illustrating the advantages of the service of kings.
f4b f290b 1792 The Shaykh Majdu’d-Dín (Sharaf b. al-Mu’ayyad) al-Baghdádí’s advice to Shihábu’d-Dín (Abú Sa‘d b. ‘Umar) al-Khaywaqí about the service of kings in general (but in this case it applies to the service of ‘Alá’ud-Dín Muḥammad Khwárazmsháh), with reference to the advice of Abu’l-Ḥasan Kharaqání to Abú Sa‘íd b. Abi’l-Khayr on a similar occasion.
1793 The intercession of Aḥmad b. Abí Dá’úd on behalf of his friend, Abú Dulaf al-‘Ijlí, in the presence of al-Mu‘taṣim, who had handed over Abú Dulaf to Afshín, his deadly enemy. (Translated from at-Tanúkhí’s Faraj, see pt. II, ch. viii, pp. 67—9).
f5b f291b 1794 The great consideration of the Caliph Hárún for, and his patronage of, the Imám Abú Yúsuf, and the preparation of a special daily dish for him. (Ta’ríkh-i-Bádí or Tází or Báwí as the source (?)).
f6a 1795 Khálid-i-Naṣr, one of the governors appointed by al-Mu‘taṣim in Egypt, is accused of peculation; Aḥmad b. Abí Dá’úd again intercedes on his behalf and releases him.
1796 Ibn Harma, the poet, relates an instance of the generosity of ‘Abdu’l-Wáḥid b. Sulaymán b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán in justification of his ode in praise of him.
f6b f292a 1797 How a capable secretary, who was out of work, sought the patronage and won the favour of ‘Adhudu’d-Dawla.
f7a 1798 The reflections of ‘Abbád, the secretary, after his dismissal, and his regret for the loss of patronage.
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.