A. Hij. 961,
28th February,
A.D. 1554.

On the 15th of Rabí-ul-awal, A. Hij. 961, A.D. 1554, Sayyid Mubárak, assisted by the grandees and great nobles of state, taking Ahmad Khán by the hand, placed him on the throne, and entitled him Ahmad Sultán. From this date, the Sultán confided much in Sayyid Mubárak, and Itimád Khán was made prime-minister.

As Ahmad Sultán was yet a minor, the nobles agreed to divide the treasure and country among each other, until he attained maturity; and every one in his own domain was to guard against disturbances of the public peace, and protect the frontiers. When Mubárak Sháh, of Khándesh, became aware of this state of affairs in Gujarát, he undertook an expedition to that quarter, and encamped with his army on the Nerbuddah, opposite Bhroch. The Gujarát nobles, marching thither, encamped opposite to him. After an interchange of messages between the parties, a peace was at length con­cluded, through the mediation of Sayyid Mubá­rak; when the nobles returned towards Ahmad­ábád; but, having soon after split into two factions, one of them joined Itimád Khán, and the other followed Násiru-l-Mulk. Sayyid Mu­bárak, who was a brave and honourable man, continued to support Itimád Khán. The two opposite factions continued watching each other, until they arrived in the neighbourhood of Baroda, where a battle was fought between Sayyid Mubárak and Násiru-l-Mulk, in which the for­mer suffered a defeat. As this had happened in consequence of Itimád Khán having withheld his assistance, Sayyid Mubárak took his depar­ture for his jágír of Kapparwanj; and the for­mer, without fighting, soon after joined him at that place.

Násiru-l-Mulk carried Sultán Ahmad along with him; and, having entered Ahmadábád with uncontrolled power, administered the affairs of government in this manner for two months. At the end of that time, he carried his troops against Kapparwanj, for the purpose of expelling Sayyid Mubárak and Itimád Khán, who came out to oppose him. As Alagh Khán Habshí and Imádu-l-Mulk Rúmí, who had charge of the Sultán, came to the resolution, at this time, of going over with him to Sayyid Mubárak; and were afraid that, if Násiru-l-Mulk succeeded against the Sayyid and Itimád Khán, he would proceed against them in turn; they accordingly carried the Sultán over to the enemy, one morning at daybreak: in consequence of which Násiru-l-Mulk took to flight.

Sayyid Mubárak and Itimád Khán carried the Sultán with them to Ahmadábád: from whence they went in pursuit of Násiru-l-Mulk, who had gone into the mountainous country about Pál. Itimád Khán, on this occasion, appointed Ikhtiyáru-l-Mulk his deputy in Ahmadábád; but as the latter, two days after the departure of the Sultán with Itimád Khán, gave his support to a person named Sháhú, the Sultán's paternal uncle, discord was renewed afresh.

Sayyid Mubárak and the others, on being made acquainted with this proceeding, marched from Bhroch for Ahmadábád; but had only advanced as far as Mahmúdábad, when the supporters of Sháhú marched out to meet them. A battle hav­ing consequently taken place between the parties, at the town of Upráh, four koss distant from Ahmadábád, Sháhú and the rebellious nobles who supported him were put to flight. Sayyid Mubárak now carried the Sultán along with him, and entered Ahmadábád in triumph. Soon after, the nobles having divided the country in the manner agreed on* , each took possession of his portion; whilst the Sultán and Itimád Khán remained at Ahmadábad, and were absolute there.

But, when was discord ever known to cease? About this time, Daryá Khán dying, his com­panion in exile, Álam Khán Lódí, who was with Shír Sháh of Dehlí, wrote to say that he could not remain there; and soon after, coming to Ahmadábád, endeavoured to bring about a union between himself and Sayyid Mubárak. Itimád Khán and Imádu-l-Mulk, who were now dis­pleased with Sayyid Mubárak, had at length, through the intrigues and evil advice of Álam Khan Lódí, come prepared for war against him; and these nobles, having carried the Sultán along with them, went forth for battle. But, when it was known that Álam Khán Lódí had caused all this, a meeting took place between them, when the Sultán was again sent back to Sayyid Mubárak. Álam Khán Lódí now fled to the mountainous country about Pál; and the two commanders, after following him for some distance, returned to Chámpánír.