‘FILL—fill the cup with generous WINE,
And pass the circling goblet round;
Expand the heart, dull thoughts resign,
And let the song of JOY resound.
‘Let BEAUTY’s praise inspire the lay;
Fond LOVE thy rapturous strains impart;
Thou, FRIENDSHIP, too, thy charms display,
And reign united o’er my heart.’
Bright were the joys the draught inspired;
Sweet were the numbers of the song:
While all the heart enchanted, fired,
Bless’d the gay hours that flew along.
They flew, unmark’d by GRIEF or CARE,
For YOUTH and FORTUNE hail’d the day:
LOVE bless’d my vows, and FRIENDSHIP fair
Warm’d like the sun’s unclouded ray.
That smiled around on earth and skies.
O’er man could happier moments roll?
‘Yes, ACHMED, yes!’—hark! FREEDOM cries,
I was a stranger to thy soul.’