
They relate that Rávaṇa one of the Rákshasas two generations in descent from Brahmá,* had ten heads and twenty hands. He underwent austerities for a period of ten thousand years in the Kailása mountain and devoted his heads, one after another in this penance in the hope of obtaining the sovereignty of the three worlds. The Deity appeared to him and granted his prayer. The gods were afflicted by his rule and as in the former instances, solicited his dethronement which was vouch­safed, and Ráma was appointed to accomplish this end. He was accord­ingly born during the Tretá Yuga on the ninth of the light half of the month of Chaitra (March-April) in the city of Ayodhya, of Kausalya wife of Rájá Daśaratha. At the first dawn of intelligence, he acquired much learning and withdrawing from all worldly pursuits, set out journey­ing through wilds and gave a fresh beauty to his life by visiting holy shrines. He became lord of the earth and slew Rávaṇa. He ruled for eleven thousand years and introduced just laws of administration.*