Was born at Delhi and was the disciple of Ḥájí Shaykh Muḥammad Kímí.* His line of succession through some few intermediaries, traces back to Junayd. Shaykh Aḥmad Khaṭṭú* thus writes: “I went to Delhi in his company. He showed me his old dwelling and said: “At the age of twelve I set out in search of spiritual help from saintly souls and chosing the vocation of a recluse received instruction from many eminent persons, and in the city of Kím, in Mauritania, and in intercourse with Shaykh Muḥammad who had made the pilgrimage to Mecca, I attained to the desire of my heart, and became a vicegerent.” He returned to Delhi in the reign of Sulṭán Muḥammad who received him with much honour. Khwájah Mu'ínu'ddín instructed him in a vision to retire to Khaṭṭú in seclusion, and he followed this direction.