Was the son of Ghiyáṣu'ddín Ḥasan and a Sayyid in descent from both Ḥasan and Ḥusayn, and was born in A. H. 537 (A. D. 1142), in the village of Sijz, of the province of Sijistán.

At the age of fifteen he lost his father. Ibráhím Ḳahandazí,* a man absorbed in divine things, regarded him with an eye of favour and set aflame the gathered harvest of worldliness with the fire of divine ardour, and guided him in his quest. In Harún, a village of Níshápúr, he attended Khwájah Othmán Chishtí, and practised a mortified life and received the habit of Khalífah or vicegerent. Subsequently he reached a higher degree of perfection and was spiritually benefited by Shaykh Abdu'l Ḳádir Jílí and other holy men. In the year that Mu'izzu'ddín Sám took Delhi (A. H. 589, A. D. 1193), he arrived at that city, and with a view of a life of seclusion withdrew to A´jmer and there inspired the same zeal among numerous disciples by his own efficacious will. He shared the reward of a heavenly kingdom on Saturday, the 6th of Rajab, A. H. 633 (18th March 1236). His resting place is at the foot of the hilly range of that district and is visited to this day by high and low.