Although they hold these to be very numerous twelve are accounted heinous:—(1). Krodha, being under the influence of anger. (2). Lobha, inordinate desire of rank and wealth. (3). Dvesha, hatred towards men. (4). Rága, love of worldly pleasures. (5). Mána, esteeming one's self above others. (6). Moha, ignorance. (7). Mada, intoxication from spiri­tuous liquors or wealth or youth or station or knowledge. (8). ´Soka, absorption in grief through loss of goods, reputation or honour, or separation from friends. (9). Mámatva,* considering the things of the world as one's own. (10). Ahankára, egoism. (11). Bhaya, fearing other than God. (12). Harsha, joy in one's own virtue and the evil of others.

The endeavour of such as desire to know God should be first to restrain themselves from these twelve sins until they acquire virtuous dis­positions and become worthy to attain to the divine union. Some say that all evil actions are reducible to ten heads,* of which three corrupt the heart, viz., coveting the goods of another; resolving on any forbidden deed; scepticism in regard to the chosen servants of God. The same number defile the members of the body, viz., taking the goods of another by force; injury to the innocent;* adultery.

The sins of the tongue are four, viz., scurrilous language, falsehood, slander, and useless tattle.

May the omnipotent Lord keep us from these ten sins and bring us to the goal of our desire.