AI´´N X.
The Bígha

Is a name applied to the jaríb. It is a quantity of land 60 gaz long by 60 broad. Shonld there be any diminution in length or breadth or excess in either, it is brought into square measure and made to consist of 3600 square gaz.* They divide the bigha into 20 parts, each of which is called biswah, and this is divided again into 20 parts each of which is termed biswánsah. In measuring they reduce no further. No revenue is required from 9 biswánsah, but ten they account as one biswah. Some, however, subdivide the biswánsah into 20 parts, each of which they called taswánsah, which they again divide into 20 parts, calling each tapwánsah. This again they partition in 20 portions, and name them severally answán­sah. A bigha as measured by the tanáb of hemp, was two biswah and 12 biswansah smaller in extent than the bígha measured by the tanáb of bam­boo. This makes a difference of 10 bígha in a hundred. Although the tanáb of hemp was of 60 gaz, yet in the twisting it shrunk to 56. The Iláhi gaz was longer than the Iskandari by one biswah, 16 biswánsah, 13 taswánsah, 8 tapwánsah, and 4 answánsah. The difference between the two reduced the bígha by 14 biswah, 20 biswánsah, 13 taswánsah, 8 tapwánsah, and 4 answánsah. In one hundred bíghas the variation in the two measures amounted to 22 bíghas, 3 bíswah and 7 biswánsah.