Súbah of Multán.

It is situated in the first, second and third climates simultaneously. Before Tattah was comprised in this province, its length from Fírózpúr to Sewistán, was 403 kós and its breadth from Khatpur* to Jaisalmír, 108 kós, but since its inclusion, it measures to Khach (Gandává) and Mekrán, 660 kós. On the east, it marches with the Sarkár of Sirhind; on the north with Shór; on the south, with the Súbah of Ajmer, and on the west, with Khach and Mekrán. For facility of reference, the two territories are separately described. Its principal rivers are the six already mentioned. The Bihat (Jhelum) joins the Chenáb near the parganah of Shór and after a course of 27 kós, they unite with the Ravi at Zafarpúr and the three flowing collectively in one stream for 60 kós, enter the Indus near U´ch. Within 12 kos of Fírózpúr, the Biáh joins the Sutlej which then bears several names, viz., Har, Hári, Danḍ, Núrni,* and in the neighbourhood of Multán, confluent with the former four, their accumulated waters unite. Every river that discharges itself into the Indus takes its name of Sindh. In Tattah, they call it Mihrán.*

To the north are the mountains. Its climate is similar to that of Lahor which it resembles in many aspects, but in Multán, the rainfall is less and the heat excessive.

Multán is one of the oldest cities of India: Long. 107° 35'; Lat. 29° 52'*. It has a brick fort and a lofty minaret adds to its beauty. Shaikh Bahá­u'ddín Zakaríyá and many other saints here repose.

Bhakkar (Bhukkur) is a notable fortress; in ancient chronicles it is called Manṣúrah.* The six rivers united roll beneath it, one channel passing the southern face of the fort, the other the northern. The rainfall is inconsiderable, the fruits excellent.

Between Siwi* and Bhakkar is a vast desert, over which for three months of the hot season the simoom blows.

The river Sind (Indus) inclines every few years alternately to its southern and northern banks and the village cultivation follows its course. For this reason the houses are constructed of wood and grass.

This Súbah comprises three Sarkárs of 88 parganahs, all under assess­ment for crops paying special rates. The measured land is 3,273,932 bighas, 4 biswas. The gross revenue is 15 krors, 14 lakhs, 3,619 dáms. (Rs. 378,590-8-0), of which 30 lakhs, 59,948 dáms (Rs. 76,498-11-2), are Suyúrghál. The local Militia consists of 18,785 Cavalry and 165,650 Infantry.