Page 31, last line, for Bahrah read Bahírah.
32, line 1, for Kalánwar read Kalánúr.
34, note 2, add vide p. 354.
55, line 12, for woolen read woollen.
”   line 24, for Sárún read Sorún, vide p. 615.
57, line 2 from below, for Bharáij read Bahráich.
63, line 5, for king read kind.
”   line 25, for heron read crane.
73, line 15, for chalk read slaked lime.
84, last line, for Maruráj (?) read Mararáj.
85, line 1, for Indrakál read Indarkol.
104, note 3, for III, p. 139 read II, p. 278.
122, line 22 ff., vide p. 618.
167, line 24, for is read are.
174, line 4 from below, for Husain read Hasan.
176, line 26, for Nabatís read Nuqṭawís.
180, line 16, for Puzukhotam read Purukhotam.
190, line 15, for the heretic of Jafrdán read the heretical wizard.
225, line 23, for bricklayers read diggers.
226, line 6, for p'ha read p'harí.
241, line 8 from below, for duashpah read duaspah.
273, line 21, for tyranical read tyrannical.
274, line 3, for p. 38 read p. 33.
282, line 10 from below, for p. 225 read p. 252.
286, line 22, dele comma after Fathpúr.
309, line 14, for Sánbbar read Sánbhar.
”    line 15, dele Jodh Bái, and vide Additional Notes, p. 618.
310, line 23, for Dás of read Dás.
”    line 33, for Nisár read unnisá.
312, line 2, for Ma'ání read Ma'álí.
313, line 13, for Husain read Husain, son of Sulṭán Husain Mírzá.
315, line 4, for Mukram read Mukarram.
”    line 25, for Barhámpúr read Burhánpúr.
318, lines 10 and 13, for 'Abdul Fath read Abulfath.
”    line 9 from below, for 981 read 975; vide Proceedings, A. S. Bengal, July, 1873.
319, line 9, for at Jágír read as jágír.
322, line 11, for 'Abdul read Abul.
”    line 16, for 981 read 980.
”    line 23, for Ahmadnagar read Ahmadábád.
329, line 14, for 147 read 174.
330, line 12, add “General Cunningham tells me that the correct name is Bidhi (Sansk. Vriddhi), not Budí.” Vide Index.
”    line 22, for Talbanah read Talambah.
”    lines 2 and 7 from below, for A´k Mahall read A´g Mahall.
331, note 1, for cousin read uncle.
333, line 4, for Bábú read Bábá.
335, line 1, for Dost read Daulat.
”    line 3, for Sarkij read Sarkich.
338, line 9 from below, for Mecænas read Mæcenas.
340, line 19, for Sing Rám read Sangrám.
Page 340, last line, dele younger son or.
344, line 18, et passim, for Waijúr read Bajor.
345, line 17, for Bajgorah read Pajkorah (or Panjkorah).
351, line 13, for severally read several.
”    line 20, et passim, for Gulábí read Kolábí.
357, line 7 from below, for 81 read 80.
358, note 2, dele and the latter ...Editors.
367, line 17, for Chandr read Chand.
371, line 2 from below, for Uymaq Kál read the Uymáqs of Miyánkál (vide p. 620).
379, line 20, for 330 read 333.
383, line 10, for 223 read 144.
386, line 22, for 362 read 361.
391, line 3 from below, for Jhajhú read Chajhú.
395, line 9 and 17, for Tang read Tisang.
”    line 17, for Tas-ha read Tis-ha.
”    line 18, for Sirdháolí, Kíláodah read Sandháolí, Kailáodah.
”    line 27, for Bhasí read Bhaiṉsí.
400, line 26, for Bilkarí read Bilahrí.
407, line 14, et passim, for Bandelah read Bundelah.
414, line 18, for salamát read salámat.
”    note 2, et passim, for Rahtás read Rohtás.
”    for Tamkín read Namakín.
419, line 16 from below, for son of read son of Rájah Sojá, son of.
”    note 2, add “Tod mentions a ‘Kandhar’ near Amber.” Vide Geogr. Index, K handár.
425, line 11 from below, for Çúbah of A´grah, read near Dihlí.
427, line 5 from below, for Manqalá read the manqalá.
437, line 15 from below, for Jamál read Jalál.
440, line 11 from below, for tuqúl read tuyúl.
441, line 11 from below, for 185 read 186.
448, note, line 1, for political read poetical.
456, note 1, add vide p. 621.
472, note, last line, for Wálí read Wálá.
475, line 5 from below, for 5th read 7th.
478, line 8, for 5th read 6th.
498, note 1, for Bírí read Bairí.
501, line 6 from below, for 396 read 392.
508, line 13 from below, for Waçlí read Hijrí; vide p. 622.
514, line 17, for Kingú read Kingrí.
539, line 23, for Kapúr read Kipúr.
546, line 6 from below, for Maláná read Mauláná.
567, note, last line, for Sháh read Khán.
P. 104, note 2, read Panjú for Béchú, and Hadís &c., for Hadís,
P. 180, line 16, read Puruk'hotam for Puzukhotam.
P. 190, line 15, read the heretical wizard, for the heretic of Jafrdán.