
His Majesty has caused carpets to be made of wonderful varieties and charming textures; he has appointed experienced workmen, who have produced many master-pieces. The carpets of I´rán and Túrán are no more thought of, although merchants still import carpets from Góshkán, Khúzistán, Kirmán, and Sabzwár.* All kinds of carpet weavers have settled here, and drive a flourishing trade. There are found in every town, especially in A´grah, Fathpúr, and Láhór. In the imperial workshops, single carpets are made 20 gaz, 7 tassujes long, and 6 gaz, 11½ tassújes broad, at a cost of 1810 rupees, which those who are skilled in the business have valued at 2715 rupees.

Takyahnamads, or woollen coverlets, are brought from Kábul and Persia, but are also made in this country.

It would take up too much time to describe the jájams, shatrinjís, balúchís, and the fine mats which look as if woven with silk.