A´I´N 8.

The servants (Mançabdárs) of His Majesty have their horses every year newly marked, and thus maintain the efficiency of the army, as by their endeavours, unprincipled people learn to choose the path of honesty. If a Mançabdár delays bringing his men to the muster, one-tenth of his jágír (aqṭá')* is withheld. Formerly when the mark was repeated, they put the number on the muster of the horse, marking, for example, a horse with a 2, when it was mustered the second time, and so on; but now, as each class of soldiers has a particular mark, the mark is merely repeated at the subsequent musters. In the case of Ahadís, the former custom was retained. Some Bitikchís, and near servants of His Majesty who have no leisure to look after jágírs, receive their monthly salaries in cash, and muster their horses every eighteen months. Grandees whose jágírs are very remote, do not bring their horses to muster before twelve years have elapsed; but when six years have elapsed since the last muster, one-tenth of their income is retrenched. And if a Mançabdár has been promoted to a higher Mançab, and three years have elapsed since he last presented his horses at muster, he receives a personal (<Arabic>) increase of salary, but draws the allowance for the increased number of his men after the first muster. His old and his new men then get their assignments. If at the renewal of the mark at subsequent musters, any soldier brings a superior horse in exchange for his old one, he is taken before His Majesty, who inspects and accepts it.