The cherishing of the weak and the chastisement of the rebellious are the great acts of devotion of just monarchs. The incomparable Creator wills that nothing should be greater for rulers than these two things. God be praised! H.M. holds high rank in the 757 recognition of those two duties. Neither joy or sorrow withholds him from them. In spite of his grief for his dear son and his sym­pathy for the troops of mourners, he gave his attention to the South in order to assuage the distressed. His heart desired to send the Prince-Royal on this service, but he, at the time* for being sent there, was guided by evil-minded persons and did not come to court. As the guarding of the country could not be delayed, he, in that happy hour, appointed Prince Sulān Daniel. On the eve of 2nd Tīr he was sent off after receiving weighty counsels. H.M. accom­panied him to the first halting place. He spent the night there and occupied himself in fresh supplications and counsels. He favoured the prince by granting him a red tent (sarāca) which is only set up for the Shāhinshāh. A firmān was sent to the writer of the noble volume to the effect that H.M. desired to summon me to his presence, but that as he was sending the Prince there, I must endure the apparent separation, and must point out to the prince the management of administrative and financial affairs. From the beginning of my under­standing I had had a daily-increasing longing for freedom, but by the strange working of the spheres my association with the world had increased. At this time when the brightness* of the jewel had been augmented, I wished deliverance from the burden of existence on account of the intrigues of wicked men, and the currency of liars. (At the same time) I acquired by God's help something of a great name, and my external workshop was raised to a higher rank. During this contention between the spiritual and the temporal, the sublime order came and furnished material for both resolutions. I was bewildered on account of absence from that fountain of intelli­gence, but I came to myself from thoughts of development (of the country). I resumed my work and waited in expectation of the advent of that jewel of sovereignty's mine.

At this time Saiyid Qāsim Bārha's days came to an end. Prince Sulān Murād had previously sent him on this expedition, and sent with him many brave and experienced men. When the prince fell into disorder, he returned rapidly. He entered into engagements with the writer of the noble volume and returned after gaining his desires. He took possession of some cultivated tracts and on the 6th he died of dyspepsia at the town of Kunhar near Daulatābād. On the 8th the writer sent M. Khān with a number of men to Nāsik, and he wrote to M. Yār, who had been sent there, to join quickly with his force. Though on account of his illness he had not a proper equipment, yet no special harm accrued to him from the enemy. On the 15th the mother of Prince Sulān Parvez died, and the ladies were grieved. H.M. comforted them. On the 17th Rajah Mān Singh paid his respects and produced a choice set of presents. Among them were fifty valuable diamonds. Bengal had become more quiet and he had an order permitting him to come to court 758 whenever his mind was at ease about the country. As there was some peace in that land he had the bliss (of attending the court), and received favours. On the 28th Qulīj K. came from Jaunpūr, and had an audience. Prince Daniel had been left to take charge of that province. As he was at ease about it he came to court. On 2nd Amardād, Barkhūrdār* the son of 'Abdu-r-raḥmān, the son of Muyīd Beg, was sent to prison. Dalpat Ujjainiya had been released and had taken leave to go to his home, after having obtained his desires. Barkhūrdār and some riotous ones fell upon him because his father had been killed in battle with that landholder. The latter cleverly escaped. H.M. censured Barkhūrdār and sent him to prison. H.M. wished to bind him and send him to the landholder, but at the intercession of some persons he was released.* On the 4th S. 'Abdu-r-raḥmān was sent to Daulatābād. As God sent the writer of the noble volume to quiet the Deccan, there was activity everywhere so that by (Divine) help, liberality and bravery the contumacious were set to right. At this time the garrison of Daulatābād repre­sented that if safe conducts were granted them, and a place assigned to them for a residence, they would surrender the keys and accept service. But there were some Abyssinians and Deccanīs in that neighbourhood, and an army should be sent to punish them. On this account I sent off my son—whose forehead showed signs of pro­priety—and gave him 1,500 of my own horse and an equal number of other soldiers. At this time Āṣaf K. was exalted by being made Diwān-i-kul. H.M. always looked closely into the administration, and never neglected what was necessary. As Rai Patr Dās opened the hand of bribe-taking, and vexed people, he was on the 11th sent to Bāndhū and Āṣaf K. was raised to this high office. Qulīj K. was made Mīr Māl, but gradually he withdrew his hand from this. On the 26th M. Shāhrukh joined the southern army. As a great distur­bance had arisen upon the death of Prince Sulān Murād, the writer called him to himself. The Mīrzā arranged to come quickly, but foolish talkers prevented him, and the general commotions,* which are got up at such times, also interfered. As it was the Divine will that this inexperienced and unassisted one (the author) should become known for ability and that the envious should be put to shame, although 1 expected that the Mīrzā from his singleness of heart would come at this crisis even if there was not an order for his doing so, yet from the untrue speeches of this man and that man he did not come. And though an order, which had an admixture of rebuke, followed, he made excuses and did not arrive. At last Ḥusain was sent as sazāwal and made him come, willing or unwilling. He arrived 759 this year with the victorious troops, and I received him and brought him to my quarters. I exulted at the arrival of so brave and pure-minded a man.

On 3rd Shahriyūr* Malik Khair Ullah was killed. He was the night-watch ('asas) of Lahore, and he performed this duty satisfac­torily. One day he sent for a noted thief, who was in prison, and was examining him in his private room. That wicked fellow brought in by pretexts some of his companions, and sent out Malik Khair Ullah's servants, and while the latter was alone, killed him as well as his son.

One of the occurrences was the subsiding of the disturbance in Bīr.* An extensive country is attached to this city, and it contains 1,001 villages, every one of which is like a city. A month before the death of the Prince, Sher* Khwāja had taken it with the help of some brave men. When the Prince died, most of the pillars of the State tried to give it up. As to give up a conquered territory with­out cause was to encourage the enemy, the proposal was not accepted (by A. F.). When things were going on well, envy made many persons mad, and they urged the enemy—who were more than 15,000 in number—to drive off Sher Khwāja during the rains when the river would be full. At the beginning of the rains the enemy assembled. Their idea was that as the imperial troops were not more than 3,000, they would be victorious when the river was in flood and help could not come. On receipt of this information, letters were written to the officers—who could easily join—and great efforts were made to cause them to help. Some from ignorance, and some from wickedness made delays so that the rains increased, and the river raged. 15,000 Abyssinians and Deccanīs with 60 elephants approached Bīr. Sher Khwāja who was unique for courage and skill, drew up his forces, and from ignorance and fieryness of dispo­sition hastened* forward, passing over streams and broken ground. Though experienced men represented the superiority of the enemy, the advantages of caution, and the existence of heights and hollows, they were not listened to. Owing to this inconsiderate marching, the troops became somewhat disorganised, while the enemy were in good order. The van, which was composed of Rājputs, fought well, and performed prodigies of valour. The centre and the right and left wings did not act well. Meanwhile a force, which was in a hollow,* made a strong attack. Jagrūp,* son of Jagannāth, Gopāl Dās Rāthor, Sulān Bhātī, Muḥammad Amīn Cūlī, and many others, gave their lives in a worthy manner, and the troops were dispersed. The 760 enemy followed them and came towards the city. Sher Khwāja came forward and drove off the foe in front of him. Wafādār K. and a number of able men of the right wing joined. Y'aqūb Beg, Kūcak 'Alī Beg, and some others caused the jewel of courage to shine. When Sher Khwāja returned he found the field full of the fallen. Learning the success of the foe he became very sorrowful, and was compelled to proceed rapidly to the city. Here a hot engagement took place, and Sher Khwāja entered the city, wounded. Just then Bahādur-al-mulk arrived with some brave men and got into the city after performing prodigies of valour. The defeated got fresh courage. He had come instantly from a distance of ten or twelve kos, though the Khwāja was somewhat displeased with him. Though he heard that the Khwāja was killed, he did not turn back, but came on all the faster. S'aīd 'Arab and some companions showed great courage. By good fortune the enemy were tired out and did not advance that day or the following day, but looked after their own wounded, and dispersed. Had they pressed on with the same vigour as at first, things would have been very critical. The garrison made a fence (kocaband) round the city, and on every side there was fighting.