On the eve of Monday 28 Jamāda-al-ākhirī, 1002 H. (10 or 11 March, 1594) after the passing of 9h. 44m. 22s., the world-illuminating sun lighted up his mansion of exaltation, and the third year of the 4th cycle began. The earth rose up with grace, and the heavens set themselves to rejoicings.


By the might of delineation, the moon became like the Gallery of Mānī.
The parterre became by skill like the mind of Avicenna.
In the tray of the buds the morning was like the musk of Khallakh (a city in Turkistan).
In the mortar of tulips the air became like the powdered amber­gris of Sārā.*

H.M. celebrated entrancing feasts up to the day of exaltation, and Divine worship assumed a higher form. On 7 Farwardīn 10,000 cavalry were assigned to the Prince-Royal. Five thousand (of them) received jāgīrs in Bengal. Among them were Jagat Singh, Darjan Singh, Sakat Singh, Bāqir Safarcī, M. Muḥammad, Bāqīr Anṣārī, Mīr Qāsim Badakhshī, Y'aqūb Kashmīrī,* Sharīf Sarmadī. Four thousand (received jāgīrs) near Lahore the capital. Among them were Takhta Beg, Rai Manūhar, Bahādur K. Qūrdār, Ṣalāḥa-d-dīn Bāngā, S. Khūbū, Mīr Murād Sarmast, Muqīm K., Khwāja Muḥibb 'Alī Khāfī, S. Kabīr, Ḥakīm Moaffar. One thousand3* Aḥadīs were appointed who received pay monthly from the (imperial) treasury. Sulān Khusrū, who though small* (khurd) in years was great in wisdom (khird), was raised to the manṣab of 5,000. Rajah Rām Cand, Himmat Singh, Bahāū Singh, Sher K., Bahā­dur Kūrūh, Salīm K. Loḥānī, Sulān Sūr, Allahdād Lohānī, 'lsā K. Maswānī. Nūram Koka, S'aīd K. Mandūrī, Naṣīr K. Mīāna, Manū K. Loḥānī, Tāj K. Loḥānī, Sajāwal K. Jīlam, Ulagh K. Loḥani, and some others were assigned to that new fruit of dominion. The territory of Orissa was given to him in fief. Rajah Mān Singh, whose ability and loyalty were conspicuous, was made Atālīq, and his maintenance-jāgīr was allotted* to him in Bengal, which country was made over to his charge. S'aīd K. became the warden of the province of Bihar. On this day M. Rustum obtained a flag and a drum, and was exalted by great favours. On the 8th the feast of the lunar weighment took place, and H.M. was weighed against eight articles. There was a daily market of liberality, and all sorts of men attained their desires.

At this time Moaffar Ḥusain came forward with apologies. When it became bruited abroad that the victorious troops intended to capture Qandahar, and Rustum M. arrived at the threshold of fortune, he turned his rein somewhat from wickedness, and fell into consternation. From a happy star he sent his mother with his eldest son Bahrām M. and begged for quarter. On the 9th the visitors obtained an audience, and the petition was granted. Qarā Beg* — who had been long connected with that family—and M. Beg Qadīmī were sent to convey to the Mīrzā the news of forgiveness and to bring him to court. Shāh Beg was appointed to watch over that country. On the day of exaltation (sharf) Khwāja Daulat Nāir was promoted on account of his good service and received the high dignity of Khanship. On this day Mīr* Ḥaidar M'aammāī (riddle-maker) came from Persia, and had an audience, and was gratified by princely favours. On the 20th Shīroyah the son of Sherāfgan (B. 455) received the title of Khān, and that good servant's wishes were gratified. On the 30th, Jabbārī the son of Majnūn K. Qāqshāl was released and treated with favour. From associating with wicked men, he had rebelled in Bengal. When he was arrested, he was sent to the school of the prison. Signs of repentance were read on his forehead, and he was released. On 1 Ardībihisht (11 or 12 April, 1594) Mullā Ṣālaḥ Bokhārī came from Tūrān, and had the bliss of kissing the threshold. He was acquainted with the current sciences, and was to some extent free from bigotry. At this time Ḥakīm 'Alī Gīlānī made a wonderful tank.* There was a passage in it to a room (shāna), and a wonderful thing was that the water of the tank did not enter it. Men who went down into it to find the entrance had much trouble, and many returned from half-way. On the 5th H.M. went to inspect it, and personally went down. He did not listen to the warnings of men and entered the place, and stayed for some time. The spectators2* nearly died (of terror), but came to themselves on hearing of his welfare. I lost my senses on seeing this misplaced courage, but submitted to fate and remained silent. On 1 Khurdād Ḥājī Ḥabīb Ullah died. He was one of the good men of the world, and enjoyed H.M.'s favour. On this day Sharīf Wuqū'ī* died. On the 13th Samānj'ī K. was summoned from Oudh, and was exalted by doing homage. Next morning Qāsim K. was sent off to Kabul, and Shāh Beg K. was sent to his fiefs in Khūshāb and Bangash, and an order was issued that he should pre­pare for an expedition, and march to Qandahar whenever the officers going there should summon him. In this year the Jām came to Prince Sulān Murād, and enjoyed eternal bliss. On this day Naurang K. died of diarrhœa near Jūnagarh. His survivors were cared for by H.M.

At this time the thorn-brake of falsehood was uprooted and a world had repose. The collectors of the Khālṣa, the fief-holders and the assayers (ṣairafī) of the mint were summoned, and a proper test and just weight were assigned to the coins. On the 15th the charge of this work was given to Khwāja Shamsu-d-dīn. His disinterested­ness and laboriousness remedied in the course of two months the old disease of the gold and silver. The embezzlers retired into obscurity. Also on this day Ism'aīl Qulī K. was deputed to Kālpī in order that he might develop the jāgīr, and make himself ready for service. On the 20th, 'Abdu-r-razzāq M'amūrī arrived from Gujarat, and had an audience. Next morning Muḥammad Yār, the daughter's son of Gulbadan Begam, from illfatedness, went off to the hills with some companions. He hurried off with rebellious designs. Silhadī and Danmandās and others were sent after them. Khair Ullah Kotwāl went a little ahead and contrived to detain them by words, so that the others came up. Some were killed and he and seven others were made prisoners. Fourteen rubies, a chaplet of choice pearls, some embroidered jewels (maraṣṣ'aāt) and much property were taken from him. On the 24th Rajah Mān Singh was sent off to Bengal after receiving weighty counsels, in order that he might carry out the royal regulations. On the 30th a ship was completed on the banks of the Rāvī. The length of the keel (cobī), which formed the foundation of this wooden house, was 35 Ilāhī yards. 2936 large planks (shahtīr) of sāl and pine (nāgā),* and 468 mans two sīrs of iron, were used in building it, and 240 carpenters and blacksmiths 652 and others were employed. H.M. went to see the spectacle. A thousand persons struggled to drag it along. In ten days it was brought from the dry land to the water, and sent to Bandar Laharī. There was much difficulty on account of deficiency of water. On 20 Tīr Miyān Karm Ullah died of illness in Saronj. His children were provided for by H.M. On 7 Amardād Durjan Kachwāha, who was one of the confidential servants, died.

One of the occurrences was the death of Qāsim K. and the punishment of Muḥammad Zamān. It has been mentioned that a native of Andijān gave himself out as the son of M. Shāhrukh, and that ignorant people accepted him. As he had attached himself to eternal dominion, he had some success. When by baseness he dropped that thread from his hand, he sank into the abyss of failure. The hill-men became disgusted with him on account of his miscon­duct, and the soldiers of Tūrān prevailed over him. When he failed, he formed a friendship with the Hazārahs of Afghanistan, thinking that with their help he might make a disturbance in that country. When Qāsim K. went to court, he (M. Zamān) came to this tribe with a hundred followers. He represented to the road-patrols that he was going to court, and they believed this and informed Hāshim K., the son of Qāsim K. He sent 'Alī Sher Mākrī, Selīm Beg and Allah Dost with 500 men to escort him. That villain, when he passed Panjsher, hurried off to the houses of the Hazāra. When Hāshim K. heard this, he quickly went there in person, and encountered M. Zamān near Maidān. There was a slight engagement, and Qarā Beg Bahādur, Jahāngīr Beg and some others of the victorious troops were killed. M. Zamān was defeated and made prisoner and brought to Kabul. When Qāsim K. came there, he, out of simplicity, gave M. Zamān a place near himself, and but slightly guarded him. He took his companions into service, and in accordance with commands set about arranging for sending him to court. He appointed Hāshim Beg as his conductor. The villain conspired with 500 Badakhshīs and watched for an opportunity of assassination. The leaders of the plot were Mīr Shamas K., 'Āqil Qāẓīzāda Baqlānī, and Gadā Beg Ḥiṣārī. Some suggested that Hāshīm K. should be killed on the road, and some proposed that father and son should be put to death in the city. They would get abundant plunder, and obtain posses­sion of a cultivated country. On 12 Amardād the villain sent a message to Hashim Beg, and represented his dulness and begged him to come and have a game at dice (nardbāzī). His sole idea was to get rid of both father and son at one time. Hāshim was pre­paring 653 for his journey, and did not come. At midday Qāsim K. finished his food and went to sleep. There was no one near him except some servants. The rebels appointed some to go to Hāshim K.'s house, and went off to attack Qāsim K. He bravely gave up his life, and they cut off his head and set it on a spear. Khwāja Arbāb and Khudādād Khāṣakhel lost their lives in good service. Hāshim K. came out to quell the disturbance. Active men were sent to close the gates of the fort; soon the state of affairs was known. Hāshim then went to the citadel. The shutting of the gates helped the conclusion of the matter, for many of the rebels could not get in. When he came there, he broke the bolts and there was a hot engagement, and several were killed. Some active men got upon the wall and discharged bullets and arrows. Many of the rebels were killed, but some got into the wardrobe-room (toshah khāna) which formerly was the arsenal. Their idea was that they would get shelter and get materials for fighting. Brave men watched the door and whoever came out was killed. They opened the roof and threw fire inside. The rebels were bewildered and threw themselves into the warm-bathroom, which was close by. They were compelled to come out, one by one, and were killed. Things went on in this manner from midday till the end of the night. At dawn eighty men came out together, and lost their lives. Meanwhile the ringleader (M. Zamān) was killed. The fight went on till another midday, and there was a glorious victory. As he was doomed, fore­sight deserted Qāsim K., and though well-wishers informed him of the rebellion that was meditated, it was of no avail. Though all the soldiers and artizans (shāgird pasha) put their hands to the work, M. Aḥmadī, Mīr Momin, Mīr 'Abdullah, Allah Dost and Maḥabbat K. made great efforts side by side with Hāshim K. His courage and skill were conspicuous. No one lost his life. At the end of the day there was again some disturbance. Hāshim Beg and other brave men armed themselves. Five men who were breathing their last breath in the bathroom came out, thinking that it was night and that they might escape. They were soon killed. Next day Hāshim Beg seized every Badakhshī that he could hear of and killed him, and some injustice was done. He reported that on the first day he, on account of the little help he received, and the number of the enemy, had thought of killing himself. The comforting warcry of the Shāh was heard by many and gave strength to the despairing. Malik Moaffar Mas'audābādī used to say, “On the day of the disturbance I was coming to the city of Kabul and on the way I encountered some noble figures on horseback. When I looked closely at them, I dis­cerned among them the king. He had a dark tiara on his head, and a cloak round his breast. I supplicated him, and was greatly astonished. He said, ‘Tell no one, for I have a work in hand.’” 654 Mādhū Das reported, “On the night that was pregnant with this adventure, I saw my Pīr in a dream, and I asked him why he came. He replied that the Shāhinshāh had come there for a purpose, and that many imperial servants were in attendance on him.” Some reported, “When we set out, we were very few in number, but from every side soldiers gathered together in troops, and fought.” There is nothing in this to wonder at. The great ones of horizons do such things. What difficulty there is then about chosen spirits! On the 23rd Ḥājī Muḥammad Mashadī, and Yūsuf the brother of 'Alī Dād Kashmīrī conveyed the rebel's head to court. H.M. was somewhat grieved at the death of so able an Amīr, but returned thanks to God for the glorious victory, and royally rewarded the good servants. He sent Mīrak and Qarā Aḥadī with a gracious message, a choice khilāt, a sword, and an embroidered belt. The charge of Kabulistan was given to Qulīj K., and Khwāja Shamsu-d-dīn was made Dīwān-i-Kul in his room. Jaunpūr, which was the jāgīr of Qulīj K., was made the fief of M. Yūsuf K. Kashmīr was given to Aḥmad Beg,* Muḥammad Qulī Beg, Ḥamza Beg, Ḥasan Beg Gurd, Ḥasan 'Ali 'Arab, and Muḥammad Beg Aimāq of Badakhshān. Sharīf K. was sent off to guard Ghaznīn, and thus an old desire of his was gratified. On 2 Shahrīyūr Āṣaf K. was sent to Kashmīr in order that he might make a new and proper division among the jāgīrdārs, and that the saffron and the game might become crown-property. On the 11th Qulīj K. received weighty advices and went to Kabul. He was favoured with a choice khilāt and a special horse. On the 30th news came that M. Koka had returned to Gujarat. He arrived at the same harbour as he had set out from. He desired to kiss the threshold and was busy with preparations for the journey. The gracious sovereign sent him choice khílāts and numerous swift horses and camels.