The idea of most people was that the world's Khedive would not turn his rein till he arrived at Fatḥpūr. But the sovereign of an awakened heart did not yield to such a wish, and the pleasant palaces of that city did not engage his heart. His sole thought was that he would stay for a while in the Panjāb, and would give peace to the Zābulī land (Afghānistan), cleanse Swād and Bajaur of the 494 stain of rebellion, uproot the thorn of the Tārīkīān (the Raushānīs) from Tīrāh and Bangash, seize the garden of Kashmīr, and bring the populous country of Tatta (Scinde) within the empire. Further­more, should the ruler of Tūrān remove the foot of friendliness, he would send a glorious army thither, and follow it up in person. With these profound views he resolved to spend some time in Lāhore the capital. He traversed 112 1/2 kos from Attock-Benares in twenty-six marches and reached Lahore on the night of the 15th (Khurdād), 27th May 1586. He selected for his residence the houses of Rāja Bhāgwant Dās. Every section of mankind had their heart desires gratified. The market people gathered profits, and some light penetrated to the bigoted and conventional. On 2* Tīr, 12 June 1586, the lunar weighment took place, and that noble personality was, according to the annual custom, weighed against eight things, and the wishes of the needy of the time were satisfied.*

At this time the marriage-feast of Prince Sulṭān Salīm took place. When it was brought to his august notice that Rāi Rai Singh desired that his chaste child might enter the Prince's harem, the appreciative Shāhinshāh granted his request, and arranged for the marriage presents and for the materials of joy. On the 16th (Tīr), 26th June, he, together with the princes and grandees went to the house of that fortunate one (Rāi Rāi Singh), and in an auspi­cious hour the joyful union took place. There was a daily market of joy. Also about this time the daughter of Sa'īd K. Gakkar entered the service of that nursling of the Caliphate and thereby conferred greatness on her family.

One* of the occurrences was an instance of great liberality on the part of the Court. Owing to the goodness of the administration, grain became very cheap in the provinces of Allahabad, Oudh and Delhi, and it was difficult for the cultivators to pay the revenue (lit. the cost, “pā ranj,” of protection). The just sovereign remitted one-sixth. In the Khāliṣa lands this amounted to four crors, five lakhs, sixty thousand and five hundred and ninety-six (45,60,596) dāms. From this, some estimate may be made of the reduction to the jagīrdārs. A multitude of men obtained relief, and formed assemblies for thanksgivings and rejoicings.


How good is the nature of the sovereign,
He strews pearls in lieu of flowers and grass.
Both wide plains and narrow defiles
Glory in the presence of their king.

One of the occurrences was the failure of the tricks of Muaffar Gujarātī. When that slumbrous-witted one had no power left to make war, he had recourse to stratagems. He secretly sent to Aḥmadābād a person to whom had been given the title of Hāmān (the name of Pharaoh's vizier and of Abraham's brother), and he wrote several letters to the imperial officers. His notion was that if these reached the officers of the province, they would become sus­pected, 495 and that the dust of double-facedness might be raised in some of them, and that some might come over to his side. By good fortune, the bearer of the letters, and also the letters, were seized, and his vain contrivance was discovered. That wicked man was capitally punished. Muaffar had also retained mercenary persons to take the lives of the officers. Accordingly he corrupted an Afghān named Shahbāz K. who was with Mukammal Beg. That traitor killed Mukammal, but he too was caught and suffered the punish­ment of his disloyalty. Alertness was the order of the day, and the schemes of that vain contriver were destroyed.

Also, at this time the condition of the Yūsufza'ī tribe became difficult. Assuredly, whoever withdraws his head from subjection to the world's lord falls into various miseries. While the officers were exerting themselves in attacking and plundering, in killing and in binding, the heavens were also taking vengeance on the Yūsufza'ī. Food became dear and the air grew unwholesome. Serious diseases broke out, and strength and cunning failed. Sulṭān Quraish, Būstān Kālū, Sulṭān Bāyazīd and other chiefs appeared before Isma'īl Qulī, and behaved with humility. It was agreed that when they came out of the hill-country with their families* they would beg for forgiveness from the Court.

One of the occurrences was Ṣādiq K.'s attack on Sahwān. He came from the court to Multān, and took an army to that quarter. Mīrzā Jānī Beg, the ruler of that place, sent Bartaq and Kochak Arghūn, Mīrzā Beg and Rustam Tarkhān with many troops to fight, and there was a great battle. Kochak and Mīrzā Beg were killed, and Rustam was made prisoner. Becoming bolder on account of this success, Ṣādiq went on without taking into consideration the number of the soldiers of that country and invested the fort of Sahwān. Some of the wall was thrown down by míning, but as the earthen parapet was very high they were not able to enter. There was such delay that the garrison was able to make another wall. As the work was difficult, they withdrew from it and went to Naṣīr­pūr, and collected spoil. The ruler of that country came forth with a large equipment to fight, but before he arrived, Ṣādiq K. per­ceived that the proper thing to do was to retire.