
'Gainst him whom God defends
Who is there that dares contend
If he assail a tiger or other beast of prey
He easily strips their skins from their bodies.

The wild beast, so great and terrible, fell bleeding to the dust before the strength of his arm and the might of his courage, and a shout arose on all sides. This was the first beast of prey which His Majesty personally attacked. Its cubs* were killed by the swords and arrows of a number of brave men who were in atten­dance on the sublime stirrup.

Among the excellent occurrences that happened during this journey was the designating of the Mīr Munshī Muḥammad Aṣghar by the title of Ashraf Khān.

In fine, Agra was made fortunate by His Majesty's arrival on the day of Dībādīn, 23 Khardād, Divine month, corresponding to Tuesday, 19 Ramẓān, 968 (4th June, 1561), and the gates of joy were opened for mankind. This great expedition was completed in one month and seven days. The going* took sixteen days, four were spent in Sārangpūr, and seventeen were occupied in returning. In it the degrees of courage were fulfilled, and the stages of wisdom revealed. The dues of grace and kindness were paid, and breadth of capacity and greatness of soul were manifested.