Title Page
1.In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.1
2.Scheme Of The Horoscope Of The Auspicious Accession Of H.M. The King Of Kings.10
3.Account of the Establishment of the New and Divine Era From the Accession of H.M. the Shāhinshāh.15
4.Firmān of Jalālu-d-din Muhammad Akbar Pādshāh Ghazī.19
5.Account of the Great Administrators of the Imperial Territories At the Time of H.M. the Shāhinshāh's Accession.25
6.The Seizure of Shāh Abū-l-M'aālī and His Being Put Into Confinement.27
7.Beginning of the First Divine Year After the Holy Accession of H.M. the Shāhinshāh, Viz., the Year Farwardīn of the First Cycle.32
8.Account of the Disloyalty of M. Sulaimān, His Siege of the Fort of Kabul, His Peaceable Retirement, and Victory of the Imperial Servants.39
9.The Arrival of News of the Sedition-Mongering of Hemū, and the March of the Army of Fortune To Quell the Strife of That Evilly-Ending Miscreant.45
10.Detachment of Victorious Troops From the Army of H.M. the Shāhinshāh By Way of An Advanced Force.54
11.Victory of H.M. the Shāhinshāh's Army In the Battle With Hemū, His Capture, and His Undergoing Capital Punishment.58
12.March of H.M. the Shāhinshāh's Army From Delhi Towards the Punjab To Put Down the Sedition of Sikandar, the Pursuit of Him, and the Siege of the Fort of Mānkot.75
13.Beginning of the Second Year Ilāhī From the Date of the Accession, Viz., the Year Ardibihisht of the First Cycle.78
14.Arrival of H.M. Miriam-Makānī and the other Chaste Ladies, and H.M. the Shāhinshāh's March To Meet them.85
15.Capture of the Fort of Mānkot, and Return of the Shāhinshāh's Army To Lahore, and other Fortunate Occurrences.89
16.Beginning of the Third Divine Year From the Date of the Accession of H.M. the Shāhinshāh To Wit the Year Khurdād of the First Cycle.101
17.March of the World-Conquering Army of the Shāhinshāh To Delhi and Its Arrival At That Wondrous City.104
18.H.M. the Shāhinshāh's Inclination For Elephants, and the Fighting of Raging Elephants.111
19.H.M. the Shāhinshāh's Progress To Agra, and other Occurrences.117
20.Beginning of the Fourth Divine Year From the Sacred Accession of the Shāhinshāh, To Wit, the Year Tīr of the First Cycle.124
21.The Imprisonment of the Nāṣir-ul-mulk Pīr Muḥammad Khān By Bairām Khān.130
22.Beginning of the 5th Year Ilāhī From the Sacred Accession of the Shāhinshah, Viz., the Year Amardād of the First Cycle.137
23.Hunting-Expedition of H.M. the Shāhinshāh and the Removal of the Veil From the Actions of Bairām Khān.138
24.Awakening of Bairām Khān From the Sleep of Neglect, and His Seeking To Rectify His Affairs, and His Going Astray.145
25.March of the Shahinshāh'S Army of Fortune From Delhi To Put Down the Sedition of Bairām Khan, and other Dominion-Increasing Events.152
26.Return of the Royal Cavalcade From Jhajhar and the Sending of Troops To Arrest Bairām Khān's Progress.157
27.Bairām Khān's Rebellion Becomes Manifest: He Flings off the Mask and Goes To the Panjab.159
28.Firmān of Jalālu-d-dīn U-ad-daniyā Akbar Pādshāh Ghāzī.161
29.The Despatch of the Khān Ā'Aam Shamsu-d-din Muḥammad Khān Atka With An Army To Quell the Sedition of Bairām Khān. the Expedition of H.M. the Shāhinshāh In the Same Direction. the Kindling of the Fires of Battle Between the Army of Fortune and Bairām Khān, and the Victory of the Imperial Servants.168
30.Arrival of the Shāhinshāh At Lahore, and other Events.177
31.Expedition of the Shāhinshāh To the Siwālik Mountains, and the Completion of the Affair of Bairām Khān.178
32.March of the Shāhinshāh From the Panjab To Agra, His Casting the Shadow of Fortune Over Delhi, and from Thence Proceed­ing By Water To the Capital.186
33.Conquest of Malwa.207
34.Beginning of the Sixth Year From the Sacred Accession, Viz., the Ilāhī Year Shahriyūr of the First Cycle.210
35.Rapid March of the Shāhinshāh To Malwa, His Casting His Justice-Distributing Shadow Over the Land, and His Return To the Capital.217
36.Account of the Strange Story and of the Wonderful Adventure Which Happened To His Majesty the Shāhinshāh.224
37.Expedition of the Shāhinshāh To the Eastern Provinces, the Submission of the Khān Zamān, and the Return To Agra.227
38.Brief Account of Khwāja M'Uīnu-d-dīn Cistī: May His Grave Be Holy.238
39.His Majesty's Visit To Ajmīr, and His Marriage With Bihārī Mal's Daughter.240
40.Beginning of the Seventh Ilāhī Year From the Accession, Viz., the Year Mihr of the First Cycle.245
41.The Battle of Paronkh Which His Majesty the Shahinshāh Personally Conducted.251
42.The Appointment of 'Abdullah Khān Uzbeg To the Territory of Malwa.256
43.Copy of the Letter of the Illustrious Shāh. Verse. A Greeting Like The Favours Of The Glorious God, A Greeting Like The Qualities Of The Prophet MuḦammad, A Greeting Radiant With The Light Of Truth, A Greeting Fragrant With The Otto Of Constancy, A Greeting Like Rain Dropping On The Rose And Trickling From Thence To The Leaves Of The Hyacinth, Grief-Dispelling Like The Rose Of The Garden, Joy-Increasing Like The Faces Of Friends;— Its Fragrance Equable Like The Gardens Of Paradise Resting The Soul And Soothing The Heart.263
44.The Punishment of Adham Khān By the Justice of the Shāhinshāh.268
45.The Promotion of I'Timād' Khān and the Consignment To Him of the Management of the Crown-Lands.276
46.Beginning of the Eighth Divine Year From the Holy Accession of the Shāhinshāh, Viz., the Year Ābān of the First Cycle.281
47.Appointment of Mun'Im Khān Khān-Khānān To Kabul and What Followed thereon.284
48.Conquest of the Country of the Gakhars Owing To the Valour of the Imperial Troops.296
49.The Second Coming of Shāh Abu-al-M'aālī, and His Strife-Mongering, and His Wandering In the Desert of Downfall.308
50.March of the Shāhinshāh's CortÉge To Delhi, and the Casting the Shade of the Umbrella of Auspiciousness Over That City: the Entry of A Thorn Into the Rose-Leaf Elements of the Shāhinshāh and of Its Changing Into An Era of Auspiciousness, and of His Proximity To the Divine Protection.312
51.Beginning of the Ninth Divine Year From the Accession, To Wit, the Year Āẕar of the First Cycle.316
52.Conquest of the Country of Gadḥa Katanga By the Sword of the Genius of Khwāja 'Abdu-l-Majīd Āṣaf Khān.323
53.Display of the Lights of Justice In the Shāhinshāh's Indignation At the Conduct of Khwajah M'Uaam.334
54.Expedition of H.M. To Mālwa, His Hunting of Elephants and His March Against 'Abdullah Khān, His Victory and Renewal of Elephant-Hunting, and His Return To the Capital.341
55.M. Muhammad Ḥakīm Seeks To Take Refuge At the World-Protect­ing Court of the Shāhinshāh; the Delivery of Kabul From M. Sulaimān; and other Fortunate Occurrences.359
56.Expedition of H.M. the Shāhinshāh To the Province of Narwar For the Purpose of Elephant-Hunting.368
57.245 Beginning of the Tenth Year, To Wit, the Year Dai of the First Cycle.370
58.March of the Shāhinshāh To Put Down the Sedition of Khān Zamān 'Alī Qulī, Etc.375
59.Beginning of the 11th Ilāhī Year, To Wit, the Year Bahman of the First Cycle.400
60.Expedition of the Shāhinshāh To Put Down the Sedition of M. Muḥammad Ḥakīm, and other Prosperous Events.407
61.Beginning of the 12th Divine Year From the Accession, To Wit, the Year Isfandārmaz of the First Cycle.416
62.March of the Shahinshah From Agra To Jaunpur, and the Deaths of Khan Zaman and Bahadur Khan On the Field of Victory.426
63.Expedition For the Capture of the Fortress of Citūr.441
64.Faiī's Ode.447
65.(This Chapter Has Been Translated By Major Price. Miscell. Translation, O.t.f. Vol. II. H.M.'s Siege of the Fortress of Citūr.464
66.Beginning of the 13th Divine Year, To Wit, the Year Farwardīn of the Second Cycle. Verse. O Thou Opener Of The Eyes Of The Far-Seeing Supplier Of Those Sitting In Want, Stretch Out Thy Hand, For The Self-Reliant Spirit Has Fallen Into The Abyss Of A Boundless Flood.481
67.Expedition of the Shāhinshāh For the Conquest of Rantanbhōr.489
68.Beginning of the 14th Year From the Holy Accession, To Wit, the Year Ardī-bihist of the Second Cycle.493
69.Capture of Fort Kālinjar By the Aid of the Servants of Dominion.498
70.Auspicious Birth of the World-Illuminating Pearl of the Mansion of Dominion and Fortune, the Night-Gleaming Jewel of the Casket of Greatness and Glory, Viz., of Prince Sulān Selīm.502
71.H.M. the Shāhinshāh's Journey From the Capital To Ajmir, and His Becoming Successful In the Field of Fortune, Both Spiritually and Physically.510
72.Beginning of the 15th Divine Year From the Accession, To Wit, the Year Khirdād, the Second Cycle.512
73.The Auspicious Birth of Prince Shāh Murād.514
74.Expedition of the Shāhinshāh To Ajmīr and other Fortunate Occurrences.516
75.Brief Account of Shaikh Farīd Shakarganj―may His Grave Be Hallowed! Accounts of Akbar's Hunting Wild Asses, Etc.520
76.Beginning of the 16th Year From the Accession, To Wit, the Year Tīr of the Second Cycle.525
77.Beginning of the 17th Divine Year From the Accession, To Wit, the Year Amardād of the Second Cycle.532
78.Expedition of the World-Conquering Army of the Shāhinshāh For the Conquest of the Country of Gujrat.536
79.The Auspicious Birth of the Nosegay of Fortune's Spring, To Wit, of Prince Sulān Daniel.541