Approach heaven-weighing observer,
Regard with understanding the connexion of the spheres,
Look at the beautiful horoscope of the Lord of conjunction,*
Behold the auspicious charter of two worlds,
Contemplate this glorious rescript,
Fortune upon fortune, light upon light.

When the victory-grasping standards were leaving the fort of Amarkōṭ, Maulānā Cānd, the astrologer, who was possessed of great acuteness and thorough dexterity in the science of the astrolabe, in the scrutinizing of astronomical tables, the construction of almanacs, and the interpretations of the stars,—was deputed to be in attendance at the portals of the cupola of chastity (Miryam Makānī, Akbar's mother), in order that he might observe the happy time and ascertain exactly the period of birth. He* reported in writing to the exalted camp that, according to altitudes taken by the Greek astrolabe, and by calculations based on the Gurgānī tables (Canon of Ulugh Beg)* the figure of the nativity was as follows:—



Although Virgo is a Bicorporal* Sign, partly Fixed and partly Tropical, yet in this frontispiece of felicity, the fixity of the horo­scope is, on close observation and careful consideration, indicated by two circumstances. One is that the cusp* of the Ascendant is 7°,* and so belongs to the first third* (decanate) of the Sign which, astrologers are agreed, denotes fixity. The other is that Virgo is an earthy* Sign, and fixity* is the property of the earthy element. These are two proofs of the fixity of the throne of sovereignty and of the stability of the cushion (masnad) of the Khilāfat. Moreover, Mercury, the Lord of the Ascendant, is in this glorious nativity posited by the Greater Fortune,* for Jupiter, i.e., the Greater For­tune, is beside him, and Mercury is a planet who makes good luck, better luck. Venus, the Lesser Fortune, is in Mercury's* House (Virgo) and Mercury, in hers, viz., Libra.* He signifies wisdom, knowledge, dexterity and ingenuity, and both by equal distribution of (mundane) Houses and by Sign, he is in the Second House which is connected* with the means of livelihood and the support of life. He bestows on the Native* amplitude of perfect reason and under­standing, so that he adorns the universe with the light of intellect in the affairs of this life and the next, and opens knots, whether spiritual or temporal, with the very finger-tips of his understanding.* As Venus who is renowned for auspiciousness and prosperity and who signifies joy and pleasure,—is in this horoscope, (i.e., the Ascendant or First House) she keeps ever ready the things of joy and gladness and the materials of magnificence and glory. It is a remarkable circumstance that whilst the lord of the Ascendant (Mercury) is in the House of wealth (the Second), the lord of the House of wealth (Venus)* is in the Ascendant (the First or House of Life.) Thus the two together signify personal and circumstantial felicity, and bestow a life of power and pleasure. Jupiter—the Greater Fortune—who signifies justice, integrity, magnanimity, firmness of soul and civilization,* is also in the Second House and, as he is in sextile* to the Fourth House which is that of finality, he keeps perfection of power and pleasure closely associated with the glorious condition of his Majesty, down to the very end. The double-natured (dipsychus) Mercury has acquired extreme auspicious­ness, by reason of his vicinity to the Greater Fortune, and has heaped felicity upon felicity. He signifies that the Native will, by greatness of genius and loftiness of development, become the apex of mankind, and he indicates assemblages of the masters of understand­ing and reason and of the lords of perception and penetration. The philosophers of the age and sages of every sect will attend the wisdom-protecting Court, and ingenious wits of all countries will forsake their native lands, and donning the pilgrim's garb, will circumambulate his sublime threshold. Whatever the ray of illumi­nation shall have darted into his inspired soul, will be consonant with reason and reality. Having opened the gates of justice and equity to all mankind, he will in every action hold fast by the principles of rectitude and protection (diyānat u ṣiyānat). He will apply his genius to founding magnificent buildings such as have rarely been constructed in the times of former princes, and in those choice man­sions he will pass his time in varieties of joys and happinesses and in all manner of ease and independence.

Among remarkable* circumstances we have this,—that Venus is in the House of Mercury and Mercury in the House of Venus. Thus three happy influences are combined;—viz., 1°. the happy influence of Jupiter,—2°. the happy influence of Venus;—3°. the happy influence which Mercury has imbibed from the fortunate twain. This is something very uncommon.

The Great Light (the Sun), the benefactor of the universe and moderator* of the affairs of mortals, and the special bestower of glory, power, pomp and prestige is in the Third House and in a Fixed Sign (Scorpio), signifying the grant of dignity, glory, greatuess and magnificence. As he has come out of his fall* and his face is set toward his exaltation, he has made the Native's glory increase, day by day, and as he is in aspect* to the Ninth House (Taurus) which is that of travel, the standards* of victory and conquest will always be upraised on the march,* while he himself protects mankind from the confusions and calamities of the age and is the light-giver of the world.

As the Third House which is that of kindred, is Scorpio, it is significant of Scorpion-kinsmen.* (<Arabic script> aqārib-i-‘aqārib.) Saturn there sends those alien relatives (distant-near ones) by calamities and disasters, to the nethermost hell of destruction and perdition.

The Fourth angle* is Sagittarius and is the House of the final issue of things. Jupiter, its lord, is in sextile to it and is contiguous* to the ameliorated Mercury,* and in his own term* and triplicity.* Whatever the Native deigns to undertake, will be accom­plished with the greatest ease, and the terminations of his works will be prosperous.

The Fifth House is that of offspring and is Capricornus, a sign indicative of many* children. Mars, the soldier's planet, is there and is a kadkhudā* of the Ascendant which is the centre* of the laws of life. It is a glorious thing that this warlike planet is in his House of exaltation, and by face,* triplicity,* darijān,* ādarjān* and dodecatemorion* has endowed the Native with long life, and has given him the enjoyment of many sons and grandsons. His sons, too, will be fortunate and capable. He will also have world-traversing, victorious soldiers. It is a beautiful coincidence that in the horoscope of the Lord of Con­junction, (Timur) Mars is in the Fifth House, as mentioned in the afarnāma.* Experienced philosophers have laid stress on the power of Mars in the horoscopes of princes. The present powerful and holy horoscope excels that of the Lord of Conjunction in that this majestic planet is in his House of exaltation (Capricornus) and has the other dignities mentioned above. This signifies glory and greatness, lofty rank, victory and dominion, and that yet his glory will be greater and better from his youth upwards. The Moon who is the intermediary* between the celestial influences and the terrestrial elements, having come as an increaser* of light, points the way to daily increasing dominion.

She is also the hyleg, which is the tabernacle of the soul and guardian of the body, and is in the Fifth House. As she is separat­ing (munṣarif) from Mars and is in trine to Venus, she is a cause of continual health, soundness of constitution and bodily strength.

The Sixth House is Aquarius and signifies armies. Saturn is the dominant and he is in the Third House which is that of allies and helpers. The Dragon's Head (Rās* or Anabibazon) is there and signifies soldiers of loyal and devoted clans.

The Seventh angle (i.e., the Descendant or west angle) is Pisces at the seventh degree, which is the term* of Venus and belongs to her triplicity* and ādarjān.* She gives* chaste veiled ones who are constant in pleasing service and respects; and she makes the Native happy and prosperous by their good offices.

The Eighth House is Aries; Mars is its lord and his benefic influences have already been described. He is in trine to the Ascen­dant and signifies the Divine protection* in positions of fear and hidden dangers.

The Ninth House (Taurus) is that of travel. As its regent (Venus) is posited in the Ascendant—Virgo, she holds in readiness, tranquillity and pleasure in distant journies and makes them a cause of increase of territory.

The Part of Fortuno (Pars Fortunae)* is in the Tenth angle which is that of dominion and prosperity (iqbāl). Its lord, the auspicious Mercury, is in trine to it. As the Greater Fortune (Jupiter) is also in trine to it, this signifies majestic sovereignty, perfect reason and justice, and brings the world's treasures into the powerful grasp of the Native.

The Eleventh House (Cancer) is that of Hope. Its lord is the crescent Moon. She is in the Fifth House of the horoscope, and as she is in trine to the Ascendant, she is a cause of safety and of the attainment of desires.

The Twelfth House (Leo) is that of enemies. The Dragon's Tail* (Ẕanab) being posited in it, makes the enemies of eternal fortune downcast and contemptible. It turns every wretch who averts his face from the altar of obedience, topsyturvy into the wilderness of annihilation. Its lord, the Sun, being posited in the Third House, viz., that of allies and helpers, will bring many oppo­nents to repentance and the path of submission and devotion. A wonderful thing in this horoscope is that the Tenth House, that of dominion and sovereignty, is in Gemini of which the lord of the Ascendant, (Mercury) is the regent. It is established that every lord of the Ascendant desires to promote his own signification (or perhaps, what is committed to him), but that he may be frustrated by obstacles to his power. Now in this auspicious horoscope, Mercury's House is also that of dominion and sovereignty. Seeing that dominion (daulat) is posited in his own (Mercury's) House, why should he (Mercury) hold back from carrying out his own signification (or, from what has been committed to him)?