A Description of the Tent decorated with
precious Stones.

WHEN Nadir Shah was at Dehly, he had such a profusion of jewels, that he ordered the Moabir Bashy*, to make up arms and harness of every kind, inlaid with precious stones, and to ornament a large tent in the same manner. For this purpose, the best workmen that could be procured, were employed a year and two months during the march; and when Nadir Shah arrived at Herat, the Moabir Bashy informed him that a great number of the following articles, richly inlaid with precious stones, were prepared, viz. horse harness, sword-sheaths, quivers, shields, spear cases, and maces; with Sundelees, or chairs of different sizes, and a large tent lined with jewels. The tent was ordered to be pitched in the Dewan Khaneh*, in which were placed the Tukht Taoussee, or Peacock Throne, brought from Dehly, the Tukht Nadery, with the thrones of some other monarchs, together with the inlaid Sundelees. Publi­cation was made by beat of drum through­out the city, and the camp, that all per­sons had liberty to come to this magnifi­cent exhibition, such as had never before been seen in any age or country. Nadir Shah was not pleased with the form of the tent, and besides being lined with green sattin, many of the jewels did not appear to advantage: he therefore ordered it to be taken to pieces, and a new one to be made, the top of which, for the convenience of transportation, should be separate from the walls; such as in Hindostan is called a Rowty. When he returned to Meshed from his expedition into Turan, this new tent being finished, was displayed in the same manner as the former one; but its beauty and magnificence are beyond description. The outside was covered with fine scarlet broad cloth, the lining was of violet coloured sattin, upon which were representations of all the birds and beasts in the creation, with trees and flow­ers, the whole made of pearls, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, and other precious stones: and the tent poles were decorated in like manner. On both sides of the Peacock Throne was a screen, upon which were the figures of two angels in precious stones. The roof of the tent consisted of seven pieces, and when it was transported to any place, two of these pieces packed in cotton, were put into a wooden chest, two of which were a sufficient load for an elephant; and the screen filled another chest. The walls of the tent, the tent poles and the tent pins, which lat­ter were of massy gold, loaded five more elephants; so that for the carriage of the whole were required seven elephants. This magnificent tent was displayed on all festivals in the Dewan Khaneh at Herat, during the remainder of Nadir Shah’s reign. After his death, his nephew Adil Shah, and his grandson Shahrokh, whose territories were very limited, and expences enormous, had the tent taken to pieces, and dissipated the produce.