AGREEABLY to your desire, we have transmitted to Bûrhânûddeen an answer to the Urz* which he forwarded to us from Kâlâ Pundit. The aforesaid Pundit, for his complete satisfaction [or security] demands the sanction of oaths, &c. [to our engagements]. But where is the necessity for oaths and the like, in an affair of this kind? You and Bûrhânûddeen must, by every possible artifice and deception, get the garrison to quit the place.
We have written a letter to Shaikh Unser, which is enclosed.
The true meaning of what the Sultan here says is, that as he depends on his generals for circumventing the garrison, he sees no necessity for personally perjuring himself for the purpose: he thinks the end in view may be sufficiently answered by their doing so, and is therefore averse to a waste of perfidy. But although he did not think proper to pledge himself to the extent required by Kâlâ Pundit, it is highly probable that, in his letter to that person (referred to above), he was not at all backward in giving him such assurances, as would be best calculated to dispel any fears he might entertain for his personal safety and honour.*