Hoossein, the son of the late King, is placed on the throne. — Mooltan is besieged and taken by Shah Hoossein Arghoon, and becomes a dependency of Dehly.
ON the death of Mahmood, one Lushkur Khan, at
the head of the tribe of Lunga, deserted to Hoos-
A. H. 932.
A. D. 1525.
“932, Mooltan was carried by escalade,
“and many poor creatures were killed.
“On the following morning all the in-
When Babur Padshah abdicated the throne in favour of his son Hoomayoon, the latter prince gave the country of Punjab in jageer to Mirza Kamran. On his arrival at Lahore, he sent for Lushkur Khan, and appointed a place for him to reside in, which is now included in one of the mohullas or wards of Lahore, and is called after him. At the same time he made over the district of Kabul to him, in lieu of that of Mooltan; since which time the kingdom of Mooltan has continued a province of the empire of Dehly.