1490 MULLIK AHMUD totally defeats the army of the Bahmuny King, and assumes the title of Nizam Shah
1494 ———— builds the fortress of Ahmudnug-gur
1499 ———— obtains possession of Dowlutabad
1501 YOOSOOF KHAN assumes the title of Adil Shah
—— ———— attempts, without success, to esta­blish the Sheea faith
1507 SOOLTAN KOOLLY assumes the title of Kootb Shah
—— ———— builds the city of Mahomednug-gur at Golconda
1508 Death of Ahmud. — BOORHAN I. King
1509 War with Beejanuggur. — Rajconda, Dewurconda, Pangul, Gunpoora, and Kovilconda, taken
1510 Goa taken by the Portuguese, and retaken by the Mahomedans War with Berar War with Tulingana. — Wurungole and Cumamet taken
—— War with Beejapoor. — Sieges of Koheer, Nul-goonda, and Etgeer
—— War with Guja Ramchundur. — Capture of Belum-conda and Condapilly
1511 The citadel of Beejapoor finished. — ISMAEL, King. — Goa recaptured by the Portuguese
1514 Beejapoor besieged by the kings of the Deccan. — Peace concluded
1515 War with Golconda Kovilconda besieged by the Beejapoor army
1519 An ambassador arrives from the King of Persia
1521 War with the Raja of Beejanuggur
1523 Marriage of the Princess Muryum with the King of Ahmudnuggur. — War ensues. — Siege of Sho-lapoor
1527 War with Berar. — Siege of Patry
1528 Peace concluded with the King of Ahmudnuggur Peace with Beejapoor
1529 War with Bidur — its capital taken, and its King made prisoner Bahadur Shah of Guzerat invades the Deccan, and is crowned at Ahmudnuggur
1530 War with the Raja of Beejanuggur. — Rachore and Moodkul taken War with Beejapoor. — Koheer and Nulgoonda taken. — Siege of Etgeer
1531 War with Beejapoor Condbeer taken from the Hindoos
1533 War with Golconda War with Berar. — Capture of Patry Second siege of Kovilconda
1542 The kings of Bidur and Ahmudnuggur declare war. — Peace concluded
—— Revolt of the Prince Abdoolla, who is supported by the Portuguese
1543 Death of Sooltan Koolly. — JUMSHEED, King
1545 Coalition of the kings of Ahmudnuggur, Golconda, and Ramraj of Beeja nuggur against Beejapoor
1548 The Portuguese join the coalition in support of the Prince Abdoolla
1549 A general peace concluded
1550 Death of Jumsheed. — SOOBHAN KOOLLY, King. — Jugdew Row supports the claims of the Prince Dowlut Khan. — IBRAHIM, King
1553 The Portuguese supply a force to place the Prince Abdoolla on the throne War with Beejapoor. — Death of Boorhan I. — HOOSSEIN I. King
1554 The Prince is defeated, taken prisoner, and suffers death
1555 A general league is formed against Beejapoor, but is dissolved by the defection of the King of Golconda.
1557 Death of Ibrahim I. — ALLY I. King Rebellion of Jugdew Row, who joins the Raja of Beejanuggur. — Strenuous efforts made by the Hindoo princes to retake Pangul, Kovilconda, Gunpoora, Dewurconda, Indraconda, and Con-dapilly
1558 Union with Ramraj against Ahmudnuggur Defence of Reevadunda (Choul) against the Portu­guese
1559 Peace concluded
1560 A coalition of the kings of the Deccan and Ramraj against Ahmudnuggur
—— First siege of Ahmudnuggur
1562 Second siege of Ahmudnuggur
1564 A general league of the Mahomedan kings of the Deccan against Ramraj, King of Beejanuggur
1565 Battle of Talikote, in which Ramraj loses his life, and his kingdom is subverted. Penkonda becomes the Hindoo capital
—— Death of Hoossein I. — MOORTUZA I. King
1567 War with Ahmudnuggur
1568 Ally I. besieges Goa. — Capture of Adony
1569 Peace concluded
1570 War with the King of Berar Troops sent to aid the King of Berar
1572 Berar conquered and annexed to Ahmudnuggur
1573 Toorkul, Dharwar, and Bunkapoor, taken from the Hindoos Rajmundry, Veeragootum, Gopalpilly, and Cossim-cota, taken from the Hindoos
1575 Chundurgooty taken by storm
1576 The kings of Beejapoor and Ahmudnuggur besiege Bidur, but afterwards raise the siege. — Aid rendered to the King of Bidur
1578 Siege of Penkonda. — Defection of the Marratta cavalry The Raja of Condbeer refuses to pay his tribute
1579 Death of Ally I. — IBRAHIM II. King Condbeer taken, and the country occupied as far as the sea
1580 Chand Beeby, regent. — Siege of Beejapoor by the kings of Ahmudnuggur and Golconda Battle of Nuldoorg. — Death of Ibrahim. — MA-HOMED KOOLLY, King
—— Peace concluded
1584 The Princess Royal, Khoodeija, is married to the Prince of Ahmudnuggur
1586 The King marries the Princess Royal of Golconda Death of Moortuza. — MEERAN HOOSSEIN, King.— his death. — ISMAEL, King
1589 Ismael deposed. — BOORHAN II. King. — Arrival of Chand Beeby from Beejapoor
1590 Bhagnuggur (since called Hydrabad) built
1593 Rebellion of the Prince Ismael — his death Reevadunda (Choul) taken by the Portuguese
1594 War with Ahmudnuggur Death of Boorhan II. — IBRAHIM, King — he is killed in battle War with the Raja of Penkonda. — Nundial, Gun-jicota, Moosulmooroo, and Kurpa, taken
1595 Civil war. — Several pretenders to the throne. — The Moguls from Hindoostan are invited to Ahmudnuggur
1596 Arrival of the Prince Moorad. — First siege of Ahmudnuggur. — BAHADUR, King
—— Chand Beeby, Regent. — Gallant defence. — Peace concluded. — Berar ceded to the Moguls The Mahomedans defeated near Pagtoor
1597 General confederacy against the Moguls. — Battle of Sonput. — The Moguls are victorious
1599 Second siege and capture of Ahmudnuggur by the Moguls. — Death of the Regent Chand Beeby Successful operations against the Hindoos along the eastern coast north of Cossimcota
1600 MOORTUZA II. King. — Purenda becomes his capi­tal
1601 Contests for power between Mullik Ambur and Meean Rajoo
1603 A Persian ambassador arrives to solicit the hand of the Princess Royal
1607 The King unites with Mullik Ambur, and removes his seat of government to Joonere The Princess marries her cousin, the Prince Ma-homed Ameen
1609 Dowlutabad taken from Meean Rajoo by Mullik Ambur, and it becomes the capital
—— Rebellion of the Prince Khoodabunda
1610 Unsuccessful attempt to invade the Hindoo prin­cipality of Bustar
1611 Death of Mahomed Koolly Kootb Shah

LONDON: Printed by A. & R. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square.