And sought God's presence, offering my praises.
At night-time suddenly the blest Surúsh
Made that which had been secret known to me:
A cry went up from yon unfathomed cave;
I heard it and attended to the voice.
One bitterly lamented ivory throne,
Realm, army, state, and crown. Down from the peak
To that strait cave I came and grasped a lasso—
My girdle. I beheld the head and ears
Of him that sojourned there—Afrásiyáb.
I used my lasso as a cord and tied him
Firm as a rock, then haled him forth all helpless.
He bitterly complained of those tight knots,
And said in anguish: ‘O beloved of fortune!
Relax for me the tightness of these bonds.’
But when I did so he escaped my grasp,
Plunged, and is hidden in the water there!
We must cut off his foothold from the world.