In the latter days of Meerza Shah Hoosain, he was struck with the palsy. At that time many men of low origin were his confidants. The Urghoons, the Turkhans, and all men of character, being excluded from his presence, remained in their own houses; and those low people day by day ascended in degree, acting without respect and with oppression towards the Moguls. In the year 960 (A. D. 1552-53), Urabee Gahee had charge of the treasury at Tatta, and Ismael Bhuttiryuruh issued all orders to the country and Ryuts. Whatever truth or falsehood these men spoke, it was approved of by Shah Hoosain. On this account all the men of respectability sat sorrowing in corners. Things came to such a pass, that the sons of Urabee Gahee stretched forth the hands of oppression upon the Urghoons and Turkhans. One night, one of these kicking a woman of the Urghooneeyuhs who was in the family way, caused her to have a premature delivery. The Urghoons conveyed this to the ears of Shah Hoosain, who paid no attention to it. When they greatly enlarged upon it, the Meerza wrote a note to Shaikh Meeruh Pooranee, the chief of Islam, at the time in Tatta, saying: “Inquire into this quarrel agreeably to the law, and after it has been proved, punish whoever is worthy of punishment.” Shah Hoosain gave charge of the fort of Musrutabad to Shunbahand Rufeez, who were his purchased slaves, and he himself turned the bridle of his intentions towards Bukkur, and in the early part of Zilhuj of this same year he arrived at Baburloe, remaining there twenty-five days. On the 7th of Mohurrum, 961 (A. D. 1553-54) he entered Bukkur, sitting in the Hall of Audience from morning till evening.
All the Urghoons and Turkhans, seeing the predominance of the men of low birth about Shah Hoosain, became full of vexation; they were thinking that the only medicine for their affairs was the destruction of these. They and all the other nobles assembled in the house of Meer Shah Mahomed Beg Lar, who was the Hakeem of the fortress, placing before him the state of affairs, good and bad, backbiting the slaves and attendants of Shah Hoosain; declaring that it was necessary for them either to leave the country, or else to destroy these people. They asked for counsel in this subject, viz: “That now Shah Hoosain is sick with the palsy, he has not strength to ride, going about in a travelling throne: we will place him in this fort, leaving our families to do his service, and slay all the men of low birth about him.” Meerza Janee Turkhan, a Sirdar of consequence, said: “Meerza Shah Hoosain is like the sun on a hill; it does not seem proper to me to bring myself into bad repute in his last days. As you have borne this burthen for so many years, continue to do so for one or two more, and carry on your affairs with trouble: see what comes forth from the curtain of the invisible world.”
They did not place their ears upon this, and some of them, rising from the assembly, went outside with the purpose to go to the Hall of Audience, and kill and wound all the attendants they might find near the Meerza, and to place him under surveillance; but before they reached the hall, Shah Hoosain, having gone on board a boat, had proceeded to a garden, from whence in two or three days he went to Tatta.
Meerza Shah Mahomed Beg, the Hakeem of Bukkur, after this wrote on the page of his heart the picture of rebellion, collecting the Booldee Beloochees. At that time the mother of Sultan Mahomed, a woman of great goodness and wisdom, hearing of this, sent a man to call Meer Mulik Mahomed, and Meer Lootfee, who were in the districts of Oobawruh and Matheluh, who, on her summons, quickly conveyed themselves to Bukkur, when they called Mihr Ali and the other servants of Shah Hoosain, also the Kotwal, &c. who had joined Meer Shah Mahomed, and greatly frightening them, they went away, and dispersed. They then wrote the circumstances to Shah Hoosain, who quickly sent Humzuh Beg and others to Bukkur, and he despatched Meer Humeed-ood-deen Mahomed Sarban, with a Purwana, to call Meer Shah Mahomed, saying: “I have recollected you: when you see my writing, come here.” Shah Mahomed found no other medicine but to obey; so he went with Meer Mahomed-ood-deen, arriving in the presence of the Meerza opposite Sunn, receiving much kindness from him. At that time Sultan Mahomed Khan was at Seebee. When he heard of Shah Mahomed becoming rebellious, he proposed to go quickly to Bukkur, because his mother and near relations were there: so, leaving Seebee, he arrived at Gunjabah, where his people brought a letter from his mother to him, the contents of which were as follows:— “Meer Shah Mahomed was bringing bad thoughts into his head, but before he could do anything, he was called to the presence of the Meerza. Oh my son, keep your mind at ease, doing that which you have to do!” Upon this, Sultan Mahomed determined to return from thence. His chiefs, becoming aware of this, came before him, asking the reason of his returning: he produced and showed to them his mother’s letter, on reading which they exclaimed: “Moobaruk (congratulation) to you on becoming the Hakeem of Bukkur: it is now necessary for you at once to advance your foot, and talk on the way.” Sultan Mahomed said: “To me it does not appear proper to go there without being called.” They replied: “It seems fit for you to convey yourself speedily into the fortress; for if Shah Mahomed was in it, it would be difficult for you to find an entrance: now he is dismissed, it is necessary for you to go there immediately, and from thence write a petition to the Meerza, saying, that having heard of what had occurred, you had arrived there, requesting his instructions.”
Some days before his arrival at Bukkur, a Firman had arrived from Shah Hoosain, appointing as Hakeems there, Meer Mulik Mahomed and Meer Lootfee; upon hearing which Sultan Mahomed became greatly vexed, and he was attacked with diarrhœa. The governorship being entrusted to these two, they were dividing the Purgunas of the country between them; so Sultan Mahomed, with jealousy, sent a man to them, saying: “In these arrangements do not forget me, for I am in the fort.” Hearing this, Mulik Mahomed said to his sons: “Take the keys of the fort to Sultan Mahomed.” Meer Lootfee remarked that it was better not to act hastily, but to remain under the orders of the Meerza. Meer Mulik was a man of wisdom; he did not attend to Meer Lootfee, and he sent the keys of the fort to Sultan Mahomed.