Mahmood the Second is succeeded by his son Ahmud Shah the Second. — Ameer Bereed has the entire control of the government in his hands, and the King is reduced to be a mere pensioner — sells the crown jewels for his maintenance. — The minister Ameer Bereed puts many people to death for being concerned in the transaction. — The purchasers make their escape to Beejanuggur. — The King dies.
AMEER BEREED had but a small territory in his
possession, and dreading, should he assume open
independence, that the surrounding powers would
attack him, placed the Prince Ahmud, son of
Mahmood Shah, upon the throne, leaving him the
palace, with the use of the royal jewels and a daily
allowance of money for his support; which not being
equal to his expenses, the King broke up the crown,
valued at four hundred thousand hoons,
and privately
sold the jewels. The minister having obtained
information of this circumstance put many musicians
and others to death for being concerned in
the sale; but he never could recover the jewels,
the purchasers having fled with them to Beejanug-
A. H. 927.
A. D. 1520.
Ahmud Shah II. died, two years after his accession to the throne, in the year 927.