Ray Sehra, entitled Kootb-ood-Deen Lunga, ascends the throne — he expels his predecessor and son-in-law from Mooltan — his death.

RAY SEHRA, having secured the person of Sheikh Yoosoof, caused the public prayers to be read in his name, under the title of Kootb-ood-Deen Mah-mood Lunga; and the inhabitants of Mooltan sub­mitted to his government without murmur or dis­content. After ascending the throne, he sent his predecessor, Sheikh Yoosoof, out of the city under a guard to Dehly by the south gate; and in com­memoration of that event, he caused that entrance to be built up with brick and mortar; and I under­stand it is to be seen in the same state at this day, being the year 1018 (A. D. 1609).

Sheikh Yoosoof on arriving at Dehly was met by Bheilole Lody, and was received with respect; afterwhich such an intimacy arose between those two great personages, that the King of Hindoostan gave his daughter in marriage to Sheikh Abdoolla, the son of the deposed ruler of the province of Mooltan.

A. H. 874.
A. D. 1469.
Kootb-ood-Deen Lunga reigned for a period of sixteen years, and died, much lamented, in the year 874.*