Part III, Chapter IV = LIV: On the Contemptibility of Covetousness.
f202b f240a 1571 Introduction illustrated by Kháqání’s verses. The Prophet David was taught the art of making armour to earn his livelihood from his own handicraft.
f203a f240b 1572 Gushtásp, while in exile, works as a blacksmith and maintains himself in Constantinople, and when re-crowned makes a training in handicrafts compulsory as part of the education of the notables of Persia. (Ta’ríkh-i-Mulúk-i-‘Ajam, as the source, see above, p. 56).
1573 ‘Amr b. Ẓarib the Arab sage’s advice to his son, and his verses on the dangers that beset a covetous person.
1574 The Prophet abhors two kinds of greed, the one which is ingrained in a man’s nature and the other which leads to begging of an ungenerous person.
1575 A ruler of Khurásán rejects the composition of a poet on hearing that the poet had no desire for gain.
1576 The Caliph al-Manṣûr wants a story-teller. Rabí‘, the Chamberlain, chooses Ibnu’l-‘Abbás (?) on condition that he should not ask for anything from the Caliph, but the humourist cleverly suggests and gets his reward.
f203b 1577 The ardent desire of a prince of Kirmán to learn a craft. He selects mat-weaving through which he saves himself from the horrible dungeon of a Jew, and contrives to capture him.
f204b f241b 1578 How a tribesman of Ma‘add become notorious for covetousness, and the origin of the proverb “Muqallibu’s-Ṣakhra”.
f204b f241b 1579 The story of the avaricious Abu’l-‘Alá’ Ash‘ab b. Jubayr (d. 154 A. H.), and the lads and the brazier. (Cf. Ibn Khallikán (Wüst.) Biog. No. 293).
f205a 1580 Ash‘ab the Greedy afraid of informing his mother suddenly of the gift of a slave, lest she might burst to death with joy.
1581 Ash‘ab the Greedy’s description of the depth of his covetousness at Sálim b. ‘Abdu’llah’s request.
1582 The monk who first acted on the precept of Jesus and offered his garment to a beggar, but on the importunate demands of the greedy person adopted the precept of Muḥammad the Prophet, and punished him. (Tha‘álibí’s Kitáb-i-Mulaḥu’n-Nawádir (?) as the source).
1583 The greedy Ash‘ab behaves shamelessly for the sake of victuals in presence of the family of Sálim b. ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Umar. (Majma‘u’l-Amthál as the source).
      The chapter ends as usual with a panegyric.