Abraham and Nimrod, 253.
Abú Síná (Avicenna), 242.
Afríts, 168.
Ahmed, 238.
Aino Folk-Tales, 503.
Ainsworth's Old Saint Paul's, 523.
Akhfash and his Goat, 177.
Akhlák-i Jalálí, 264.
Alakésa Kathá, xxix; a different Tamil story, xxx.
Alakésa, King, 193.
Albanian Tales, 539.
Alexander, Romance of, 167.
Al-Faraj ba'd al-Shiddah, 474, 493, 547.
Alf Laylawa Layla—see Thousand and One Nights.
Alfonsus, Peter, 482, 564.
Alí, Muhammed's son-in-law, 238.
Ali, Mrs. Meer Hasan, xxi, 175, 216, 351, 531.
Almsgiving enjoined by the Kurán, 430.
Amári, 284.
Antimony, Legends about, 292.
Anvar-í Suhaylí, 566.
Anvarí, The Persian poet, 175.
Apocryphal Gospel of the Saviour's Infancy, 556.
Apollonius Tyanæus, 541.
Arabian Nights—see Thousand and One Nights.
Arbuthnot, F. F., xxiii.
Archæological Review, 299.
Archery feats, 100.
Ashrafí, a gold coin, 43.
Asiatic Journal, 470, 513.
Astrologers' Predictions,xxxviii, 175.
Astrology, 8, 12, 175, 240, 313, 362.
Atkinson, James, 470.
Avaiyar, The Tamil poetess, xxx.
Babylonian magic, 324.
Backgammon, 250, 522.
Badakshán, 263.
Bagh o Bahár, 478, 495.
Bahá-ed-Dín Zuhayr, 164.
Bahár-i Dánish, 569.
Bahrám, 339.
Bakáwalí, Romance of: Persian and Urdú versions and translations, xxxv; its construction, 519, 571.
Bakhtyár Náma, xxxi, 8.
Balfour's Cyclopædia of India, 226, 292, 325, 492.
Bambú-rice, 231.
Banafshá, 343, 359.
Bandow, C. J., 545.
Barbary Tales, 498.
Barbazan's Fabliaux, 549, 565, 566, 570.
Baring-Gould's Lost and Hostile Gospels, 476, 542.
Barlaam and Joasaph, 563.
Basset's Contes Populaires Ber-
Bath, Eastern Ladies at the, 356.
Bazár-Master's Wife, 376, 548.
Beal, Dr. Samuel, 516.
Beggar, The Blind, 402.
Bebelianæ Facetiæ, 551.
Beggars, The Two, 492.
Benfey school of folk-lorists, xx.
Bengal, Folk-Tales of, 504.
Beryn, Tale of, 167.
Betel, 325.
Bhaváni, 197.
Bible, xxi, 27, 70, 140, 212, 218, 253, 310, 313, 320, 339, 340, 347, 368, 456, 464, 568.
Bilkís, Queen of Sheba, 367, 450, 473.
Billah, Al-Mu'tasim, 93.
Bird, The Gardener and the, 448, 563.
Bird-language, 299.
Bird-Maidens, 58, 476.
Birds, Transformation into, 298, 299, 346, 545.
Bismillah, etc., 259.
Bistán, 289, 303.
Biting the cheek, 314.
Blind Beggar, 402.
Blind Man's Story, 60, 464, 477.
Blind Man, The Ungrateful, 215, 516, 532.
Blind Men and Elephant, 195.
Boccaccio's Decameron, 483.
Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato, 167, 548.
Bráhman and Lion, 254, 518, 531.
Bráhman and Rescued Snake, 231, 518.
Bráhman's Wife and the Mungús, 211, 515.
Brandan, Voyage of St., 475.
Brown, John P., 472.
Brothers, Romance of Four, 530.
Brothers, The Ungrateful, 149, 152, 493.
Browne's (Sir Thomas) Vulgar Errors, 259, 540.
Buchan's Scottish Ballads, 545.
Buddhist works, 8, 297, 515, 563.
Búlbúl and Rose, 122, 345.
Burák, Muhammed's celestial steed, 238.
Burmese Tales, 545.
Burton, Sir R. F., xxxii, 277, 512, 550, 561.
Busk's (Miss) Sagas from the Far East, 500, 556.
Bustán of Sa'dí, 245, 257, 278,
Butler, Samuel, 121.
Calenders, 385.
Camel, The Lost, 194, 511.
Camel-driver's Story, 531.
Caylus' (Comte de) Contes Ori-
Cazotte's Arabian Tales, 571.
Cento Novelle Antiche, 560.
Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 503.
Chapala, 325.
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Analogues of, xxxii, 166, 299, 439, 474.
Chaupúr, 526.
Chehár Darvesh, 478, 495.
Children, Want of, 212, 568.
Chitrasan, 322.
Chitrawat, 324.
Chodzko's Popular Poetry of Persia, 101.
Chosroes, 278.
Clarke's Sikandar Náma, 238.
Confessio Amantis, 492.
Conrad of Wartzburg, 521.
Contes pour Rire, 551.
Convivales Sermones, 551.
Cookery, Kings formerly skilled in, 108, 261.
Cowley's amatory poetry, 348.
Crore (or karor), in Indian and Persian numeration, 251.
Cypress, 265.
Damascenus, Johannes, 563.
Danae, Story of, xxxix.
Danish Ballads, 523, 545.
Darveshes, Dancing, 105.
Darveshes, often rogues, 67.
Darveshes, History of the Four, 478, 495.
Dasent's Popular Tales from the Norse, xxxix, 497, 562.
Day's Journey, 271.
Day's (Lal Behari) Folk Tales of Bengal, 504.
Deaf Man and his Sick Friend, 446, 561.
Decameron, 483.
Defoe on Fate, xxvi.
D'Herbelot's Bibliothèque Ori-
Délices de Verboquet, 551.
Demonologia, 241.
Dice-playing, 522.
Dilbar Lakhí, 244.
Dínar, a gold coin, 47.
Dirham, a silver coin, 360.
Disciplina Clericalis, 482, 564.
Dívs, 253.
Dog, The Faithful, 206, 509, 513.
Dog - worshipping Merchant, Story of the, 494.
Doménichi's (Lod.) Facetiæ, 551.
D'Ouville's (Sieur) Tales, 551.
Dowson's Hindú Mythology, 228.
Dozon's Contes Albanais, 539.
Dravidian Nights Entertainments, 544, 545.
Dubois' Tamil Panchatantra, 532.
Dunlop's History of Fiction, 167, 530.
Durga, 197.
Eastern Story-Tellers, xxi.
Eastwick, Edward B., 566.
Elephant, Four Blind Men and the, 195.
Errors, Browne's Vulgar, 259, 540.
European Romances—see Romances.
Eve, Milton's, 324.
Expeditions, The Three, 496.
Fabliaux, 483, 521, 549, 566.
Facetiæ: Bebelianæ, 551; Doménichi, 551.
Fagnan, Prof. E., 474.
Fairies, not immortal, 318.
Faithless Wife and Ungrateful Blind Man, 215, 516, 532.
Falcon, The Faithful, 510, 570.
Farhád and Shirín, 289.
Farídún, 69.
Farrukh, 274.
Farrukhrúz, History of, 147, 493.
Fars, or Farsistán, 69.
Fate, or Destiny, xxv, 121.
Fátihá, 447, 561.
Firdaus, 244, 304, 495.
Firdausí, 240, 414.
Fírúz Sháh, 295.
Fírúz Sháh, Story of, 571.
Flowers, etc., Magical, 242, 467, 520, 572.
Folk-Lore Journal, 479, 570.
Forbes, Dr. Duncan, 455.
Forbes' Oriental Memoirs, 215.
Fortune and Misfortune, xxv.
Forty, The number, 140, 155, 188, 300, 456.
Forty Vazírs, History of the, xxxi, xxxix, 3, 158, 306, 383.
Frazer, James G., 299.
Friends, The Two, 89, 480.
Friday, the Muslim Sabbath, 139.
Fruit, Magical, 220, 298, 507, 517.
Gambling maniacs, 522.
Game of Vazír Pádisháh, 557.
Ganas, xxxiv.
Ganesa, xxxiii.
Garcin de Tassy, xxxv, 256, 281, 290, 547, 569, 570.
Gardener and Little Bird, 448, 563.
Geldart's Folk-Lore of Modern Greece, 496.
Gems from Snakes, 232, 297, 341, 540.
Gems, Secreting, 299, 541.
Gems, The Nine, 313.
Genieand Solomon's Ring, 163.
Geomancy, 60.
German Popular Tales, 521.
Gesta Romanorum, xxxii, 482, 564.
Ghatika, 200.
Gibb, E. J. W., xxxi, 3, 303, 306, 383.
Gladwin's Persian Moonshee, 561.
God, the Merciful, etc., xxxiii, 259, 296.
Goldsmiths, rogues in stories, 224.
Gospels, Lost and Hostile, 476, 542.
Gower's Confessio Amantis, 492.
Greek Popular Tales, 496, 498, 540.
Grimm, The Brothers, 521.
Guerin de Monglave, 523.
Gueulette's Soirées Bretonnes, 511.
Gulistán of Sa'dí, xxiv, 101, 253, 311.
Gul-rukh, 347.
Gunadhya, xxii.
Hair of demon as a charm, 269.
Hahn's Greek Tales, 540.
Hammalá, 262.
Hardy's Eastern Monachism, 297.
Hartland, E. Sidney, 479.
Haste and Patience, 449.
Hatim and his enemy, 478; and the thorncutter, 569: his mother and brother, 455.
Hatim Taï, Story of, 46, 455, 520.
Hauda-amári, 284.
Hazár ú Yek Rúz, 474.
Head, Shaving the, 172.
Heavenly orbs, 264.
Henna, 11, 314.
Herklot's Qanoon-i Islam, 351.
Hermit, The Foolish, 112.
Herodias' Daughter, 319.
Herrtage's Gesta Rom., 483.
Hershon's Talmudic Miscellany, 512.
Hikáyát-i 'Ajíb ú Gharíb, 474, 546.
Hindústán—see India.
Historia Sept. Sap. Rom., 548.
Hitopadesa, 121, 464.
Hoopoe (or lapwing) and Solomon, 450.
Horoscope, 240.
Horse, The faithful, 507.
Hospitality, Three Days', 9.
Howdah, 284.
Hubbí's Persian Tales, 474, 546.
Humaï, 5.
Hunter and Dog, 206, 509, 513.
Hunter's Imperial Gazetteer of India, 199.
Húrís, 23.
Huon of Bordeaux, 264, 518, 521, 544.
Husain Vá'iz, 566.
Husn-árá, 308.
Hyperbole, Oriental, 339, 340, 348.
Iblís, 376.
Idols, Lovely women called, 291.
'Ifríts (Afríts), 168.
Imáms, 238.
Independent Man, Story of 425, 569.
India, Balfour's Cyclopædia of, 226, 292, 325, 492.
India: Dowson's Hindú Mythology, 228.
India, Hunter's Imperial Gazetteer of, 199.
India, Marriages in, 337, 351.
India, Observations on the Mus-
India, Past Days in, 493, 516.
Indian Antiquary, 489, 499, 541, 543.
Indian drama, 224.
Indian Notes and Queries, 197, 515.
Indian story-books: Alakésa
Kathá, xxix, xxxii; Bengalí
Folk Tales, 504:
Dravidian Nights Entertainments
544, 545;
Hitopadesa, 121, 464;
Kashmírí Folk-Tales, 507,
524, 544, 557; Kathá
Manjarí, 517; Kathá Sarit
Ságara, xxi, 166, 287, 346,
516, 558; Panchatantra,
532; Panjábí Legends,
524, 526, 570; Sinhasana
Dwatrinsati, 517; Vetála-
Irán, 43.
Indra's Paradise, 316, 544.
Infernal Machines, 201.
Infancy, Apocryphal Gospel of the, 556.
Infidels, all who are not Muslims, 439.
Iram, Rose-Garden of, 304, 494.
Iskandar, 173.
Istikbál, 271.
Iswara, 492.
Italian story-books: Decameron, 483; Cento Novelle Antiche, 560.
'Itr-igul, 330.
Ivanhoe, 100.
Jacob's sorrow, 242.
Jamí, the Persian poet, 356.
Jamíla Khatún, 294.
Jamshíd, Cup of, 173.
Játakas, 8, 563.
Jeshu, Toldoth, 475, 542.
Jewellers, rogues in stories, 224.
Jews, Absurd charges against, 439.
Joseph, the son of Jacob, 244, 312; and Potiphar's Wife, 330.
Jülg's Mongolian Tales, 500, 556.
Káf, Mountains of, 303, 387.
Kalandars, 385.
Kálí, the Hindú goddess, 197.
Kasharkasha, Story of Prince, 69, 479.
Kashmír, Folk-Tales of, 507, 524, 544, 557.
Kathá Manjarí, 517.
Kází and Merchant's Wife, 414, 555.
Kází's Wife, 358, 548.
Kalmuk Tales, 500, 556.
Kashank, the Afrít, 173.
Kathá Sarit Ságara, xxi, 166, 287, 346, 516, 558.
Khil'at 99.
Khiyaban-i Rayhán, 571.
Khizar, 470, 521.
Khoja, 3.
King and his faithful Horse, 507; and his Falcon, 510, 570.
Kíng and his Four Ministers: plan of the frame-story, xxix; Bengalí oral version, 504; Kashmírí variant, 507; analogues of the tales, 511.
King who learned a trade, 434.
Kings abdicating the throne, 80.
Kings in Eastern stories, 123.
Kings going about in disguise, 128, 427,
Kings, Good Indian, 193.
Kings, Rapacious, 40.
Knowles, Rev. J. H., 507, 524, 544, 557.
Kokilan, 530.
Kurán, 187, 238, 253, 265, 312, 447, 450, 561.
Kurán, MS. copies of the, 134.
Kurroglú, the bandit-poet, 101.
Kutwál, 278.
Kutwal's Wife, 384, 549.
Kuvera, 464, 535.
Lady and her Suitors, 287.
Lady's Story, 64.
Lakh, 244.
Lamp-black as a collyrium, 266.
Lane's Modern Egyptians, xxi, 11, 60, 105, 238.
Language of Birds, etc., 299, 505, 510.
Laylá and Majnún, 122, 237.
Leaves of the palm used as dishes, 202.
Lee, Sidney L., 518, 544.
Leg, Standing on one, 254.
Le Grand's Fabliaux, 483, 521, 549, 565, 566, 570.
Legrand's Contes Populaires Grecs, 498.
Life, or heart, extraneous from the body, 30.
Life, Water of, 520, 521.
Lion and Bráhman, 254, 518, 531.
Llewellyn and his Dog, 515.
Longfellow, xxvi.
Love declarations in the East, 290.
Love, Ten Stages of, 324.
Love, Victims of, 323.
Lukman the Wise, 122.
Luminous Jewels, 540.
Lydgate, John, 483, 564.
Lytton, Lord, 523.
Mackenzie, Colonel Colin, 351.
Madanakamarajankadai, 544.
Maghrabí country, 6.
Magic, Babylonian, 324.
Magic Staff, 156.
Magicians, Egyptian, 27.
Magical Fruits, 220, 298, 507, 517.
Magical Flowers etc., 242, 467, 520, 572.
Magical Transformations, 158, 171, 299, 300, 301, 320, 346, 544, 545.
Mahábhárata, 108, 194, 290, 517, 518, 523, 534.
Mahamayi, 197.
Mahbúb ul-Kalúb, xxii, xl.
Mahfil-árá, xxiii.
Mahmúd of Ghazní, 414.
Mahmúda, 262.
Maina, 298.
Majnún and Laylá, 122, 237.
Malay version of the Mungús story, 516.
Malcolm's Sketches of Persia, 141.
Mally Whuppie, 570.
Mán, a Persian weight, 306.
Mango Fruit, The wonderful, 220, 507, 517.
Mangoes, 215.
Man's dignity, 310.
Marie de France, 545.
Marriages in India, 337, 351.
Mas'údí, 511.
Mehndi, 314.
Men smuggled into harams, 117.
Metempsychosis, 218, 223, 336.
Mihr ú Mah, Story of, 370, 546.
Miles Gloriosus, 548.
Mille et Un Jours, 474, 480, 547.
Milman, Dean, 517.
Milton's Eve, 324.
Moir, James, 570.
Money in Eastern Tales, 360.
Moon of Canaan, 312.
Moth and Candle, 245, 257.
Mu'allaka Poems, 313.
Muezzin, 104.
Muhammad, 9, 23, 67, 69, 106, 112, 187, 238, 312, 401.
Muir's (Sir Wm.) Life of Mahomet, 238.
Mukhlis, of Isfahán, 474.
Mulk-i Nighárín, 281, 340.
Mungús, The Faithful, 211, 515.
Muslim Sabbath, 139.
Mu'tasim Billah, the Octonary, 93.
Muzaffar Sháh, 304.
Nakhshabí, xxii. 464, 517.
Nala and Damayanti, 108, 290, 517, 518, 523.
Name, The Ineffable, 163, 476. 542.
Narkis, 386.
Nassar, History of, its motif, xxv.
Naubut, 273.
Nau Ratn, 313.
Netherlandish Ballad, 545.
Nightingale and Rose, 122, 345.
Nimrod and Abraham, 253.
Nirmalá, 325.
Nizamí, 173, 238.
Norse Tales, xxxix., 497, 562.
Nostradamus, 241.
Novel writers, xxii.
Nú Rúz, 173.
Nushírván, 278.
Octonary, The, 93.
Oriental hyperbole, 339, 340, 348.
Oriental sharpers, 411.
Orientaux, Contes, 540.
Orlando Innamorata, 167, 548.
Ouseley, Sir Wm., 345.
Oyster and Pearl, 257.
Paddy, or pádí, 536.
Pagoda, a gold coin, 196.
Painter and Woodcarver, Story of, 500.
Painter's Story, 53, 471.
Panchatantra, 532.
Panjáb, Legends of the, 524, 526, 570, 572.
Paradise, Expedition to, 183, 500.
Parasang, 430.
Parrot-Book, xvii, 464, 517.
Parvati, xxxiii, 197.
Patience and haste, 449.
Payne's (John) Tales from the Arabic, 561.
Pearls from rain-drops, 257.
Penha, G. F. D,' 499.
Perfumes, 330.
Persian amatory poetry, 348.
Persian and Hindústání Proverbs, 283.
Persian Portraits (Arbuthnot's), xxiii.
Persian pictures of women, 460.
Persian story-books: Anvar-i Suhaylí, 566; Bahár-i Dánish, 569; Bakhtyár láma, xxxi, xxxii, 8; Bustán, 245, 257, 278; Chehár Darvesh, 478, 495; Fírúz Sháh, 570; Gul-i Bakáwalí, xxxv; Gulistán, xxiv, 101, 253, 311; Hatim Taï, 455, 456; Hazar ú Yak Rúz (Thousand and One Days), 474, 479, 547; Hikáyát-i 'Ajíb ú Gharíb, 474, 546.
Persian writers' style, 250, 267, 348, 356.
Petis de la Croix, 474, 479, 547.
Plautus, 548.
Poisoned Food, 226, 518.
Pon, an Indian coin, 206, 568.
Popular Tales and Fictions (Clouston's), 30, 474, 476, 515, 530, 531, 548, 558.
Porter's Travels in Georgia, 357.
Potiphar's Wife, 330.
Predictions, of Astrologers, xxxviii, 175.
Presents to superiors, 340.
Princess and Dív, 279, 532.
Prior's Danish Ballads, 523, 545.
Proverbs: Roebuck's Pers. and Hind., 283; Sinhalese, about luck, xxvii, xxviii.
Qanoon-i Islám, 351.
Radloff's Siberian Tales, 512.
Ralston's Tibetan Tales, xxxix.
Rámáyana, 108.
Rasálú, Legend of Rájá, 524, 572.
Rayhán ed-Dín, 571.
Rehatsek, E., xxv, xl, 177.
Religious trickery, 229
Reyes, M. de los, 486.
Rieu, Dr. Chas., xxiii, 474, 475, 478, 546.
Ring, The, 355, 546.
Rings, Signet, 70.
Road to the Mosque, 547.
Robe of honour, 99.
Robinson's Persian Poetry, 257.
Robles, Isidro de, 551, 561.
Roebuck's Persian and Hindú-
Romance writers, European, 264.
Romances, European: Alexander,
167; Agravain,
etc., 530; Eglamour (Sir),
xxxii; Guerin de Mon-
Roscoe's Spanish Novelists, 486, 552, 561.
Rose and Nightingale, 122, 345.
Roses, Otto of, 330.
Roy, Protap Chandra, 523, 539.
Rúh-afzá, 304.
Rukh (or roc), 306.
Rúm, Country of, 44.
Rupí, Value of, 244.
Rustam, 240.
Sa'dí, the Persian poet, 101, 245, 253, 257, 278, 311.
Sagas from the Far East, 500, 556.
Sakhr, the demon, and Solomon, 163.
Salamander, 259.
Saman-rú, 288.
Sambhavi, 197.
Sastras, The six, 228.
Sástrí, Pandit S. M. Natésa, xxix, 193, 195, 197, 229, 544, 545.
Satan, Artful women compared to, 376.
Satan, the stoned one, 277, 369.
Satanæ, Tela Ignea, 475.
Sayf ul-Mulúk, Story of, 370, 547.
Scottish Ballad, 545.
Scott's edition of the Arabian Nights, 275; his Tales from the Arabic and Persian, 455, 482.
Self-made men, 148.
Serpents, Fight between Two, 53, 471, 475.
Serpents, Gems in the heads of, 232, 297, 341, 540.
Setti caste, 207.
Seven Wise Masters, xxx, 515, 548.
Seven Wise Mistresses, 515.
Sexes, The Exchanged, 279, 532.
Shaddad's Paradise, 304.
Sháhábád, 459.
Shah Bakht and his Vazír, xxxii.
Shah Manssur, Story of, 12.
Shah-muhra, 466.
Sháh-Náma, 240, 414.
Sháh-záda, 250.
Shamsah the Witch, 357, 493, 546.
Shamsah ú Kahkahah, xxiii.
Shaving the head, 172.
Shi'ahs and Súnís, 238.
Shíráz, 69.
Shírín and Farhád, 289,
Shoayb, Story of, 118, 489.
Siberian Tales, 512.
Siddhí Kúr, Relations of, 500.
Signet Rings, 70.
Sikandar-Náma, 173, 238.
Simon Magus, 476.
Simurgh, 306, 387.
Sindibád, Book of (Clouston's), 5, 515, 518, 548, 569
Sinhalese proverbs about luck, xxvii, xxviii.
Sinhasana Dwatrinsati, 517.
Sirikop and Rasálú, 524.
Síva, xxxiii, 212.
Snake and Bráhman, 231, 518.
Snake-gems—see Serpents.
Solomon: as a fisherman, 119; his magic carpet, 164; his signet ring, 163, 261; and the simurgh, 306; and the Queen of Sheba, 367, 450; and the Water of Life, 520.
Somadeva, xxi, 216.
Spanish Novelists, 486, 552, 561.
Sparks, Capt. T. P., 545.
Spheres, Music of the, 264.
Stephenson. R. L., 123.
Story-Tellers, Eastern, xxi.
Súfís, 105.
Sumbul, 384.
Sun and Moon, Story of the, 370, 546.
Sunrise, Superstition regarding, 179, 404.
Surma, 292.
Swedish Tales, 497.
Swine's flesh, 373.
Swynnerton, Rev. Chas., 524.
Tabari, Chronique de, 512.
Táhir and the Witch Shamsah, 493.
Táj ul-Mulúk, 240.
Talmudic Miscellany, 512.
Tawney, Prof. C. H., 287, 558.
Taylor's Catalogue of Oriental MSS., xxx.
Tela Ignea Satanæ, 475.
Tell's feat eclipsed, 101.
Temple, Capt. R.C., 524, 526, 570.
Thackeray, W. M., 457.
Thigh, Jewels etc. concealed in, 299, 541.
Thirty-two Tales of a Throne, 517.
Thompson's Akhlak-i Jalali, 264.
Thorpe's Yule-Tide Stories, 497.
Thousand and One Days, 474, 480, 547.
Thousand and One Nights, xxxii, 9, 109, 141, 166, 182, 275, 314, 320, 323, 456, 475, 477, 511, 522, 542, 547, 549, 550, 556, 561.
Tibetan Tales, xxxix.
Tika, 349.
Toldoth Jeshu, 475, 542.
Tomán, a gold coin, 23.
Tongues in Trees, etc., 311.
Topes, or stupas, 226.
Transformations, Magical, 158, 171, 299, 300, 301, 320, 346, 544, 545.
Travel, Advantages of, 5.
Treasure guarded by dragons and serpents, 167, 232.
Treasure, The Hidden, 442, 558.
Treasure-trees, 166, 304.
Treasure-trove, 43, 123.
Turkish story-books: the Forty
Vazírs, xxxi, xxxix, 3, 158,
306, 383; Turkish Evening
Entertainments, 472,
512; Al-Faraj ba'd al-
Tútí Náma, xxii, 464, 517.
Unity, Court of, 112.
Vazír, The Envious, 390, 569.
Vazír, The Treacherous, 114.
Vazírs, The Forty, xxxi, xxxix, 3, 306, 383.
Vedas, The Four, 228.
Verboquet, Délices de, 551.
Vermieux' Indian Tales, 516.
Vetálapanchavinsati, 500, 518.
Vijanajara, 199.
Virtuous Devasmita and her Suitors, 287.
Visitors, Meeting, 271, 285.
Visvesvara, 212.
Vogelritter, Ballad of the, 545.
Voltaire's Zadig, 511.
Wadia, P. D.-H., 489, 543.
Wagenseil's Tela Ignea Satanæ, 475.
Walhouse, M. J., 541.
Washerman's Story, 58, 476.
Wasíf's amatory poetry, 348.
Water of Life, 520, 521.
Way's Fabliaux, 567.
Wilson, Dr. H. H., xxix, 571.
Wind as messenger of love, 164.
Wine forbidden to Muslims, 312.
Witch Shamsah, 357, 493, 546.
Witches and werwolves, 45.
Wives, Unfaithful, 19, 216.
Woman-nature, 350.
Woman, The perfect, 194.
Woman who knew the language of animals, 505, 510.
Woman's love scorned, 13.
Women, The Three Deceitful, 355, 546.
Women, addicted to Magic, 401.
Women's condition in the Muslim Paradise, 187, 248.
Woodcarver and Painter, Story of the, 500.
Wordsworth, xxvi.
Wrestling in Persia, 110.
Wright's Latin Stories, 492.
Yad-est, Game of, 383.
Yakshas, 535.
Yaman, 152.
Youth, Fountain of, 521.
Yule-Tide Stories, 497.
Zadig, 511.
Zanána, 206.
Zayn ul-Mulúk, 240.
Zeus and the new-born Dionysus concealed in his thigh, 543.
Zotenberg's Chronique de Tab-
Zulaykha, Potiphar's Wife, 330.