Two or three days after this victory, the King
went to view the fortress of Punala, and despatched
Mullik Ein-ool-Moolk Geelany to Goa, to condole
with his brother Mullik Syeed, and bring him to
the presence. At the suggestion of Kasim Bereed,
Bahadur Khan's estate was conferred on Mullik
Ein-ool-Moolk Geelany; and the King, with a
few of his principal nobles, went to Dabul, and
sailed for his amusement along the coast, after
which he returned towards his capital. On the
route he spent some time at the Kalabagh, a garden
near Beejapoor, planted by the late Khwaja Mah-
A. H. 901.
A. D. 1495.
In the year 901, Sooltan Koolly
Kootb-ool-Moolk Hamdany was appointed
turufdar of Tulingana, and Golconda
and Wurungole with their dependencies were
added to his jageer; and Dustoor Deenar was constituted
governor of Sagur and Ahsunabad Kool-
A. D. 1496.
In the year 902, Yoosoof Deccany,
Yoorish Khan, Mirza Shums-ood-Deen,
and others, who had the King's confidence,
entered into a plot with some of the Turkish
officers to destroy Kasim Bereed; but he, gaining
intelligence of their designs, put them to
death with all their abettors. The King, enraged
at this presumption, would not admit him into his
presence for a whole month. At length, through
the mediation of Shah Mohib Oolla, he was,
with much difficulty, prevailed on to forgive and
receive him into favour; after which the King
relapsed into his usual indolence and debaucheries.
A. H. 903.
A. D. 1497.
In the year 903, Mahomed Shah asked
the infant daughter of Yoosoof Adil
Khan in marriage for his son Ahmud,
then fourteen years of age. After much negotiation,
it was settled that the nuptial ceremonies should
take place at Koolburga; accordingly the King
repaired to that city, where Yoosoof Adil Khan
entertained him with great splendour. The knot
of marriage was tied by Abd-oos-Summud, kazy of
the royal camp; and it was agreed that the bride
should be delivered to the Prince as soon as she
should attain the age of ten years. The festival
was still celebrating, when Dustoor Deenar and
Yoosoof Adil Khan contended for the government
of Koolburga; insisting on having not only Kool-
A. H. 904.
A. D. 1498.
In the year 904, Yoosoof Adil Khan
led an army against Dustoor Deenar,
who fled from Koolburga. He was persuaded,
however, by Kasim Bereed to seek protection
with Mullik Ahmud Nizam-ool-Moolk at Ah-
A. H. 910.
A. D. 1504.
In the year 910, Kasim Bereed died,
and his son Ameer Bereed succeeded
him in office, and assuming greater
authority even than his father, deprived Mahmood
Shah of the little power left him. Immediately
after this event, Yoosoof Adil Khan, availing himself
of the circumstance of Kasim Bereed's death,
made an attack on Dustoor Deenar, who opposed
him in battle, but was slain, and all his districts
fell into the possession of Yoosoof Adil Khan.
Shortly after, assuming the title of Shah, Yoosoof
caused the Khootba to be read in Beejapoor conformably
to the tenets of the Sheea persuasion,
which never having been done before in any part
of Hindoostan, the minds of all the Deccanies
revolted against him. Mahmood Shah was now
induced by Ameer Bereed to address letters to
Kootb-ool-Moolk, to Imad-ool-Moolk, and to Kho-
Kootb-ool-Moolk, with the officers of Tulingana,
repaired to court without delay; but Imad-ool-
Imad-ool-Moolk, however, communicated privately
with Mullik Ahmud, in order to persuade
him that Ameer Bereed only desired to ruin Yoo-
The King, at the instigation of Ameer Bereed,
refused to comply; and Yoosoof Adil Khan hearing
of the retreat of the two most powerful chiefs
was encouraged to rejoin Imad-ool-Moolk, who in
conjunction with him moved to attack the royal
army. Ameer Bereed deeming himself unequal to
defend his camp left it standing, and fled with the
King to Ahmudabad Bidur. Adil Khan and Imad-
A. H. 916.
A. D. 1510.
In the year 916, Yoosoof Adil Khan
dying, Ameer Bereed marched to reduce
Beejapoor; but all his attempts proved
vain, and the family on that throne increased daily
A. H. 918.
A. D. 1512.