'Aínu-l Mulk was also called 'Aín Máhrú. * * * He was a wise, accomplished, excellent, clever man, full of sound judgment and intelligence, * * * but during the reign of Sultán Muham­mad bin Tughlik his brothers had been guilty of some improper and unworthy action, through which he had properly been sent into disgrace. * * * One day Muhammad Tughlik held a general Court, * * * when he perceived 'Aínu-l Mulk, and, pointing to him, said, that the misconduct of his brothers had deprived the State of his services, and the Sultán gave orders that he should be re-instated in his position at Court. 'Ainu-l Mulk was a clever and accomplished man of the highest ability. He wrote some excellent books in the reigns of Muhammad Tughlik and Fíroz Sháh. One of them is the 'Aínu-l Mulkí, a popular and ap­proved work. * * In the reign of Fíroz Sháh he was appointed to the office of Ashráful-l Mamálik, and entered actively upon his duties in the minister's office. But a dispute arose between him and the minister * * * which was carried to extremities. * * * The contention reached such a height that Khán-i Jahán often uttered most bitter personal remarks in the presence of 'Aínu-l Mulk, and the latter retorted in the same strain; there was no delicacy between them. * * * Khán-i Jahán told the Sultán that he could no longer stay in the country, and therefore he wished to make the pilgrimage to Mecca. * * * * At length the Sultán said to Khán-i Jahán, “I have given to you the office of Díwán-i wazárat, all officers are under you, dismiss whom you please and give the office of Ashráfu-l mamálik to another.” The wazír went home rejoiced, * * * and sent 'Aínu-l Mulk his dismissal. When 'Aínu-l Mulk received his discharge he did not go to the palace for three days, but on the third day he went and paid his respects to the sovereign. The Sultán called him near, and observed that the world is ruined by dissensions, * * * * and as a quarrel had arisen between Khán-i Jahán and him, there was granted to him the fiefs of Multán, Bhakkar, and Siwistán, whither he had better repair and look after their affairs. But 'Aínu-l Mulk replied, that if he managed these territories he would not render his accounts to the office of the wazír, but that he would submit them to the Sultán himself. The Sultán accordingly ordered that the fief of Multán should be removed from the jurisdiction of the minister, and told 'Aínu-l Mulk that he would himself receive his reports* and that his books would be sufficient. Upon these conditions 'Aínu-l Mulk accepted the fiefs. The writer has been informed that when 'Aínu-l Mulk was thus dismissed, the chief servants met to consider the matter, and they observed that he had been disgraced through the influence of the minister, and that the same might happen to them to-morrow. They therefore endeavoured to set the Sultán against Khán-i Jahán. * * * 'Aínu-l Mulk had started for Multán, and had proceeded about twenty-four kos, when he received an order from the Sultán directing him to leave all his train and return quickly. He did so with alacrity, and when he arrived in Dehlí, the Sultán gave him a private audience, when the officers who were present observed that it was not right to give such predominance to Khán-i Jahán, and that it would be well to beware of him. The Sultán looked towards 'Aínu-l Mulk who said that * * * Khán-i Jahán was a wise and experienced minister, and that his removal would be a calamity to the State. These sentiments greatly pleased the Sultán. He afterwards consulted with him and asked him what ought to be done. He replied that the * * * wazír should be sent for, and that all fear and apprehension should be removed from his mind. * * * The minister was accordingly summoned, and when the officers who were sent to call him informed him of what had passed he was greatly amazed. * * * When the Sultán saw he was disturbed in mind he reassured him, clothed him with a splendid robe and sent him away with many marks of favour. As the minister retired, radiant and happy, he embraced 'Aínu-l Mulk and said, “I had never thought that you were so friendly towards me. I have been wrong and ungracious to you.” 'Aínu-l Mulk replied that he hoped that all misgiving would be removed from the mind of the minister, he had spoken warmly for him, notwithstanding their old feud, and all that he had said had been for the good of the throne of Sultán Fíroz. Khán-i Jahán strongly wished to take 'Aínu-l Mulk home with him but he declined.

[Order of Precedence at Court]. Khán-i Jahán lived to a ripe old age, till he was more than eighty years old, and all his limbs had become very feeble. * * * He died in the year 770 H. (1368 A.D.), in the eighteenth year of the reign of Fíroz Sháh. When he died all Dehlí went into mourning, and crowded to the mosques and tombs. [Eulogy of the Khán.] The Sultán was greatly affected at his death, and wept bitterly; and he resolved in his mind that he would never more ride forth on any great enter­prize. * * *

When Khán-i Jahán held the fief of Multán, he had a son born to him. * * * He wrote to acquaint Sultán Muhammad Sháh of the fact, and that monarch directed that the child should be named Júnán Sháh. This was he who was afterwards known as Khán-i Jahán, son of Khán-i Jahán. * * * After the death of his father, the Sultán promoted him to the office of wazír, and bestowed on him this title. * * * He acted as minister under Fíroz Sháh for twenty years, * * * and the Sultán committed all the affairs of the kingdom to his charge. But towards the end of the reign of Fíroz Sháh, * * * enmity broke out between the minister and Prince Muhammad Khán, afterwards Sultán Muhammad Sháh. Their dissensions were the cause of great trouble and disaster to the country; old and young, small and great, suffered, and the country at length fell a prey to the inroads of the Mughals. The author has entered fully into the details of this quarrel in his memoir of Sultán Muhammad bin Fíroz.

Eighth Mukaddama.—Memoir of Malik Náib Bar-bak.

Ninth Mukaddama.—Memoir of Malik-i Mulúku-sh Sharf,
'Imádu-l Mulk, Bashír-i Sultání

* * * Some say that Sipáh-sálár Rajab, the father of Sultán Fíroz received 'Imádu-l Mulk as part of his wife's dower, others that he purchased him with the price of some of his wife's jewels, and others assert that when Sultán Fíroz, after his accession, married a daughter of Sultán Kutbu-d dín, this lady gave her slave 'Imádu-l Mulk to her husband. * * * * The great wealth of 'Imádu-l Mulk has already been spoken of; it amounted to krors. The author was told that on one occasion bags were required for containing the coin, and 2,500 tankas were expended in the purchase of the material, the cost of each bag being four jítals. * * * When the accounts were brought before 'Imádu-l Mulk he objected to this extravagant outlay for bags, and directed that pits should be dug in the ground and the money placed therein like as corn is stored.* * * There were many rich kháns and maliks in the time of Fíroz Sháh, but no one was so rich as he; indeed there never had been one so rich in any reign or in any kingdom. It is said that he amassed thirteen krors (of tankas) but he was avid in the acquisition of more. He held the fief of Ráprí and looked very vigilantly after it. The clerks of the Exchequer (díwán-i wazárat) were afraid of him, and they refrained from calling him to account, so that in the course of years a large balance was due by him. This fact became known to the Sultán.* * * When 'Imádu-l Mulk heard about the enquiry he drew up a statement of his wealth which he himself presented to the Sultán, who read it without making any observation and returned it. * * One day 'Imádu-l Mulk brought a kror (of tankas) in bags to Court, and when the Sultán cried out “Bashír, what is this?” he replied that it was a small contribu­tion (chíze 'alúfah) for the use of the servants of the court. The Sultán declined to take it, but 'Imádu-l Mulk urged its ac­ceptance. At length the Sultán said, “Bashír is my property, and so his property is mine. But this kror must not be placed in the public treasury, because that is the depository of the public revenue. Let it therefore be deposited with Makbúl the perfumer ('itr-dár). Whenever Khán-i Jahán required money for fitting out the equipage of the Sultán, he used to give notice to the Sultán, and this kror in the hands of Makbúl was drawn upon for the necessary expenses.* But as money was continually coming in from ('Imádu-l Mulk's) fief, which was handed over to Makbúl the perfumer, the kror (of tankas), so long as the Sultán lived, was not diminished. * * * When 'Imádu-l Mulk died the Sultán decided that the wealth did not belong to the deceased. There were twelve krors, of which the Sultán took nine, leaving three for Malik Is'hák.

Tenth Mukaddama.—Memoir of Malik Saiyidu-l Hujjáb.

Eleventh Mukaddama.—Memoir of Malik Shamsu-d dín Abúrjá,

Twelfth Mukaddama.—Memoir of Shamsu-d dín Dámaghání.

Thirteenth Mukaddama.—Destruction of a band of murderers by
Fíroz Sháh
Fourteenth Mukaddama.—Attention shown to three subjects by
Fíroz Sháh towards the end of his life, viz.

1. Liberation of prisoners. 2. Restoration of mosques. 3. Redressing the wrongs of the oppressed.

Fifteenth Mukaddama.—The last farewell of Saiyid Jalálu-d dín.*

Sixteenth Mukaddama.—Repentance of Fíroz Sháh.

Seventeenth Mukaddama.—Resignation (taslím kardan) of Fíroz
Sháh to Khán-i Jahán
Eighteenth Mukaddama.—Account of the charms (ahwál-i sihr)
performed for Fíroz Sháh